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Compost Policy, CA 2016 Calla Rose Ostrander.

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Presentation on theme: "Compost Policy, CA 2016 Calla Rose Ostrander."— Presentation transcript:

1 Compost Policy, CA 2016 Calla Rose Ostrander

2 Reimagine organic waste as a natural resource
Transitive verb: to imagine again or anew; especially : to form a new conception of : re-create

3 Food Waste

4 Burn Piles in Orchards

5 Manure from Dairies

6 Dead Forests

7 Biosolids

8 We have too much “waste”
dairy manure ,000, MT vineyards and wood waste ,000, MT potentially compostable waste disposed of in landfill ,700, MT organic waste handled by compost facilities ,200, MT burned to produce energy ,325, MT anaerobically digested , MT classified as “other.” ,000.00MT chip and grind ,650,000.00MT biosolids , MT Total ,522,000.00

9 ...the role of policy in making markets
We need more compost ...the role of policy in making markets

10 Supply, Demand & Market Frameworks
Goal: create a framework that increases quality supply and incentivizes market demand, while improving water, air and quality of life

11 Who are the players? Producers of product/who makes the compost
Waste management companies Farmers Gardeners Consumers/ who uses the compost Agriculture (high value crops) Landscapers Community farms and individual gardens Ranchers

12 players...continued Producers of organic waste/ who has jurisdiction over production Cities & Counties Private Business, Agriculture and Industry Public Lands Individual and Community Gardeners Governing Bodies/ who makes the rules over how it can be used CalRecycle Air and Water Boards, Regional and State California Department of Food and Agriculture

13 This bill would, commencing April 1, 2016, require a business that generates a specified amount of organic waste per week to arrange for recycling services for that organic waste in a specified manner. The bill would decrease the amount of organic waste under which a business would be subject to those requirements from 8 cubic yards or more to 4 cubic yards or more on January 1, The bill would also require a business that generates 4 cubic yards or more of commercial solid waste per week, on and after January 1, 2019, to arrange for organic waste recycling services and, if the department makes a specified determination, would decrease that amount to 2 cubic yards, on or after January 1, 2020.





18 Next Steps Secure state funding for new facilities
Voice from cities and counties, local policies Continue to push for and support state agency coordination on biomass management and compost Identify and promote best practices for onsite agricultural composting New science on emissions creation during the compost process Continue work with RCD’s and counties to build out watershed scale agricultural composting facilities Amend SWRCB General Order? Nitrogen management planning from a carbon base Managing for the carbon cycle, stocks AND flows Research on composting effects on biodegradation of hormones, pharmaceuticals and compounds of emerging concern Industry innovation/ define quality compost Different products for different markets, composted biosolids, “chunky compost”

19 Thank you
Original Marin Carbon Project Field Trial Nicasio Native Grass Ranch, Nicasio Marin Thank you

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