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By: K. Marquez T. Chetti C. Haniff Block 3

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1 By: K. Marquez T. Chetti C. Haniff Block 3
The Carolinas By: K. Marquez T. Chetti C. Haniff Block 3

2 Key Terms Restoration colony Lord’s Proprietors Royal Colony
Trade-based Economy King Charles II Polytheism Anglicans Quakers

3 History Explored in 1524; Founded in 1663 Land south of Virginia
Lord’s Proprietors Restoration colony Split into two separate colonies Pictures added at home Map of the Carolinas

4 Population Major Native American language families Inhabitants
Iroquian Sionan Algonquian Inhabitants Cherokee, Catawba, Creek, Tuscarora tribes German Swiss English Scotch North Carolina: 270,133 South Carolina: 180,000 North Carolina Tribes South Carolina Tribes

5 Government King Charles II
Originally controlled by the Lords Proprietors ( Proprietary Colony) King Charles II After Division: South Carolina: Taken from Lord Proprietors in 1719 and became a Royal colony. North Carolina: Taken from Lord Proprietors in 1729 and became a Royal colony. King Charles II

6 Economy Trade-based economy Self Sufficient After Split:
North was less productive than South(Tobacco) South was very productive (Bigger use of slaves) Trans Atlantic Slave Trade Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

7 Culture Role of Women and Children
-Women and children’s roles were mainly at home How They Lived -Boys went to work with their fathers -Girls helped their mother at home Traditions -Candles in the window -Decorated town and homes

8 Religion Types of Religions Quakers Anglicans Polytheistic Practices
Church Festivals

9 Major Events/People Events People 1524- Land first explored
1590- “The Lost Colony” 1663- Colony founded 1670- Charlestown founded 1712- Territory divides into North and South Tuscarora War People Giovanni de Verrazano John White King Charles II Francis Nicholson

10 Short Video

11 Citations
royal-colonies.html introduction.htm

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