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The West Chapter 7.

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1 The West Chapter 7

2 *Push-Pull Factors *Events and conditions that either force (push) people to move elsewhere or strongly attract (pull) them to do so.

3 *PULL(choice) FACTORS*
*PUSH(force) FACTORS Pacific Railways Act-land grants to the railroads who sold some to individuals Morrill Land-Grant Act-states could sell and raise money for the creation of agriculture and mechanical colleges Homestead Act-160 acres to anyone who would live on or work the land 5 years Civil War displaced farmers, former slaves, & other workers. Increasing cost of farm land

4 Thumbs up for PUSH; Thumbs down for PULL.
1. Freedmen moved West to own land & raise their family. 2. Confederate Civil War veterans went West. 3. Gold was discovered in California. 4. Carpetbaggers moved South & ran for office. 5. Land in the North became very expensive so families moved West. 6. Railroads sold cheap land to settlers in the West. 7. Buffalo were slaughtered & Indians moved to reservations. 1. Push 2. push 3. pull 4. pull 5. push 6. pull 7. push

5 Thumbs up for PUSH; Thumbs down for PULL.
1. Freedmen moved West to own land & raise their family. PUSH 2. Confederate Civil War veterans went West. 3. Gold was discovered in California. 4. Carpetbaggers moved South & ran for office. 5. Land in the North became very expensive so families moved West. 6. Railroads sold cheap land to settlers in the West. 7. Buffalo were slaughtered & Indians moved to reservations. 1. Push 2. push 3. pull 4. pull 5. push 6. pull 7. push

6 Thumbs up for PUSH; Thumbs down for PULL.
1. Freedmen moved West to own land & raise their family. PUSH 2. Confederate Civil War veterans went West. PUSH 3. Gold was discovered in California. 4. Carpetbaggers moved South & ran for office. 5. Land in the North became very expensive so families moved West. 6. Railroads sold cheap land to settlers in the West. 7. Buffalo were slaughtered & Indians moved to reservations. 1. Push 2. push 3. pull 4. pull 5. push 6. pull 7. push

7 Thumbs up for PUSH; Thumbs down for PULL.
1. Freedmen moved West to own land & raise their family. PUSH 2. Confederate Civil War veterans went West. PUSH 3. Gold was discovered in California. PULL 4. Carpetbaggers moved South & ran for office. 5. Land in the North became very expensive so families moved West. 6. Railroads sold cheap land to settlers in the West. 7. Buffalo were slaughtered & Indians moved to reservations. 1. Push 2. push 3. pull 4. pull 5. push 6. pull 7. push

8 Thumbs up for PUSH; Thumbs down for PULL.
1. Freedmen moved West to own land & raise their family. PUSH 2. Confederate Civil War veterans went West. PUSH 3. Gold was discovered in California. PULL 4. Carpetbaggers moved South & ran for office. PULL 5. Land in the North became very expensive so families moved West. 6. Railroads sold cheap land to settlers in the West. 7. Buffalo were slaughtered & Indians moved to reservations. 1. Push 2. push 3. pull 4. pull 5. push 6. pull 7. push

9 Thumbs up for PUSH; Thumbs down for PULL.
1. Freedmen moved West to own land & raise their family. PUSH 2. Confederate Civil War veterans went West. PUSH 3. Gold was discovered in California. PULL 4. Carpetbaggers moved South & ran for office. PULL 5. Land in the North became very expensive so families moved West. PUSH 6. Railroads sold cheap land to settlers in the West. 7. Buffalo were slaughtered & Indians moved to reservations. 1. Push 2. push 3. pull 4. pull 5. push 6. pull 7. push

10 Thumbs up for PUSH; Thumbs down for PULL.
1. Freedmen moved West to own land & raise their family. PUSH 2. Confederate Civil War veterans went West. PUSH 3. Gold was discovered in California. PULL 4. Carpetbaggers moved South & ran for office. PULL 5. Land in the North became very expensive so families moved West. PUSH 6. Railroads sold cheap land to settlers in the West. PULL 7. Buffalo were slaughtered & Indians moved to reservations. 1. Push 2. push 3. pull 4. pull 5. push 6. pull 7. push

11 Thumbs up for PUSH; Thumbs down for PULL.
1. Freedmen moved West to own land & raise their family. PUSH 2. Confederate Civil War veterans went West. PUSH 3. Gold was discovered in California. PULL 4. Carpetbaggers moved South & ran for office. PULL 5. Land in the North became very expensive so families moved West. PUSH 6. Railroads sold cheap land to settlers in the West. PULL 7. Buffalo were slaughtered & Indians moved to reservations. PUSH 1. Push 2. push 3. pull 4. pull 5. push 6. pull 7. push

12 Turner Thesis The frontier played a key role in forming the American character we have today: Socially mobile Adventurous Self Reliant Independent Committed to democracy

13 Peak Periods of Western Migration
After the American Revolution After the War of 1812 During the Era of Manifest Destiny -Homestead Act -Railroads -Miners 4. After the Civil War

14 Era of Manifest Destiny

15 What do you see in this picture?

16 With your elbow partner, define Manifest Destiny
With your elbow partner, define Manifest Destiny. Be able to discuss your answer. was the 19th and 20th century American belief that the United States was destined to expand across the North American continent.

17 What was the difference?
Hitler living space for Germans. TR more colonies for economic & security purposes. What was the difference?

18 *Louisiana Purchase, 1803 Acquired from France, $15 million, 3 cents an acre *Lewis and Clark were sent to explore the Louisiana Purchase.

19 Mining 1848-California Gold Rush,49er 1859-Colorado Gold Rush, Pikes Peak

20 MINING Largest find Types of mining
Comstock Lode = $400m in silver & some gold Types of mining Shallow pan & streambed Placer mining Drills, Hydraulic Pumps, and Dynamite! Gold nugget = 4300 grams



23 $400 million in silver found in Nevada
Comstock Lode, 1859 $400 million in silver found in Nevada

24 Mining Towns

25 *Klondike Gold Rush, 1896 100,000 started out for the Klondike region (Canada & Alaska) looking for gold, *Only 30,000 made it b/c very rough country Early prospectors got very rich *People altered the physical environment



28 End of the Mining Era Towns turned into ghost towns for 2 main reasons: Easily mined minerals were depleted. Gold was not found in large quantities.

29 What brought the mining era to an end?
True/False Nickel was found at Comstock Lode. Easily mined minerals were depleted.


31 *Election of 1896* William McKinley (Republican) v. William Jennings Bryan (Democratic And Populist nominee) Cross of Gold Speech was delivered by William Jennings Bryan “You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns. You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold!”


33 1. The “Cross of Gold” speech focused on?
a. increasing the supply of diamonds to back the U.S. dollar. b. the use of ‘bimetalism’, silver & gold to back the US dollar. c. using copper as currency 2. What group of people would support the ‘Cross of Gold Speech?’ a. Native Americans b. business owners c. farmers

34 How does the cartoon portray William Jennings Bryan?
What party supports him?

35 Presidential Election of 1896
Who won the Election of 1896?

36 Populism’s Legacy U.S. returned to the gold standard after
numerous discoveries of gold throughout the world. 2. Populist reforms were absorbed by other political parties, especially the Progressives.

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