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Evesham Fire-Rescue Training Section

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1 Evesham Fire-Rescue Training Section


3 Play first 12 minutes

4 Mayday & R.I.C. Mayday & RIC go in hand in hand
Every member from the new firefighter to the chief officer should be very familiar with both procedures

5 Mayday, Mayday, Mayday!!! Evesham has adopted the Burlington County Mayday policy (EFD SOP ) Key terms: Mayday Urgent LUNAR

6 Mayday Term originally utilized by aircraft
Fire Service gained permission to utilize Used anytime a firefighter is trapped, lost, or otherwise in distress which has the potential to or is life threatening to the firefighter or a member of the crew.

7 Urgent A message that indicates an important message with a degree of time sensitivity. Examples of “Urgent” messages Responder injury requiring medical assistance outside of the IDLH Structural or utility hazard that could or is having a negative affect on operations or personnel Immediate need for resources (ladders to perform rescue) Loss of water supply or attack line pressure Notable change indicating increased hazard or rapidly deteriorating conditions

8 L.U.N.A.R. Location Unit Notable Event Assignment Resources
Acronym used when calling a Mayday or when appropriate Urgent message Location Unit Notable Event Assignment Resources

9 What to do when you need to call a MAYDAY
Push your emergency button on your portable radio (if possible) Say “MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY” Wait for acknowledgement Give your LUNAR report Upon acknowledgement of your LUNAR report activate your PASS device

10 Other things to do If you are trapped Continue to try to free yourself
If your partner is trapped, try to assist Stay calm and try to conserve your air If you can isolate yourself from the fire or hazard Maintain communication with command

11 Other things to do If you are lost
Try to stay in one place (if possible) Conserve your air If you can isolate yourself from the fire or hazard Maintain communication with command

12 Other things to do If your partner is down
Help the RIC team by preparing your partner for removal (SCBA harness, clear entanglements, move furniture or debris) Conserve your air If you can isolate yourself from the fire or hazard Maintain communication with command

13 What to do when you need to call an URGENT
Do not activate your emergency button or PASS device State “Urgent, Urgent Command from ####” Await response from command State Command from #### Urgent, give message” Await report from command

14 Command Responsibilities
Upon receipt of a MAYDAY message Clear the radio channel of all other traffic Answer MAYDAY call and determine what resources will be needed Deploy the RIC Team Request an additional alarm Move all personnel besides the MAYDAY & the RIC to a separate radio channel Perform a PAR

15 Command Responsibilities
Upon receipt of an URGENT message Clear the radio channel of all other traffic Retransmit the information from the URGENT message along with any necessary instructions Assign or request additional resources as appropriate

16 Good Practices When a MAYDAY situation arises Incident Commanders should try to get additional assistance at the CP, at the very least someone to handle the radio traffic for the MAYDAY or the other channels in use for the incident



19 Report to bays, full turnouts & SCBA for practical skills stations.

20 Evesham Fire-Rescue Training Section

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