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Welcome SPRITE “Supporting Postgraduate Research with Internships in industry and Training Excellence”

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome SPRITE “Supporting Postgraduate Research with Internships in industry and Training Excellence”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome SPRITE “Supporting Postgraduate Research with Internships in industry and Training Excellence”

2 This is SPRITE Monday 21st Jan 2013

3 Introductions

4 This is SPRITE Marie Curie Initial Training Network
Supporting Postgraduate Research with Internships in industry and Training Excellence Funding ~€3.5m 12 Partners, 7 Associated Partners 11 ESRs and 4 ERs Training NOT Research


6 This is SPRITE Tomorrow Rules & Implementation Recruitment Funding
Best Practice Boards – membership Consortium Agreement Gender Training courses IMPs and ELVEs Dissemination, Outreach and Impact Today Remind everyone about SPRITE Share best practice

7 SPRITE 4 “Research WPs” 4 other WPs


9 SPRITE WPs Work Package 1 New and Emerging fields in Bio-medicine: 3 ESRs, 1 ER (CNRS, UBW, CEA, SUR) Work Package 2 Exploring Novel Materials Systems: ESRs (KULeuven, UPMC, ITN) Work Package 3 Extending Analysis – High Resolution PIXE 2 ESRs, 2 ER (HZDR, JSI, IFG, ETHZ) Work Package 4 Extending Analysis – MeV SIMS ESRs, 1ER (SUR, RBI, IAEA)

10 SPRITE WPs Work Package 5 Network Wide Training Events and Personal Development (ALL) Work Package 6 Communication and Dissemination (ALL) Work Package 7 Demonstrating Impact (ALL) Work Package 8 ITN Management (ALL)

11 Training Network-wide training events (all attend)
Training at host institution Secondments (IMPs and ELVEs)

12 Network wide Training Provisional timetable in Annexe 1, some timings are fixed eg EU reviews We will discuss tomorrow

13 SPRITE Training

14 Training at host Use of Action Planner (mapped on to RDF) Web based
Identifies training needs Tailored to individual Can be taken at host institution

15 Secondments Internship Mobility Partnerships (IMPs)
European Laboratory Visit Exchanges (ELVEs) Up to 30% of time can be spent in these activities

16 Secondments

17 Implementation Milestones and Deliverables Meetings every 6 months
Management Structure Supervision Dissemination

18 Milestones and Deliverables
ESR and ER and WP specific General Discuss tomorrow

19 Advisory board (Industry, clinicians, public sector, meet annually)
Management WP5 WP6 WP7 WP8 Supervisory Board (Academic leads, IAEA and project coordinator– meet quarterly) Recruitment Training ELVEs, IMPs Research project monitoring, Budget IP Advisory board (Industry, clinicians, public sector, meet annually) Monitor strategic direction of SPRITE advice on research priorities/projects Partners Associated Partners, IMP providers ESR & ERs WP1 WP2 WP3 WP4

20 Management Meetings every 6 months Annual SPRITE conference
Research Outreach Monitoring Progress, Milestones and Deliverables

21 Supervision Regular meetings Reviews every 6 months More today

22 Dissemination Publications in high impact journals Joint publications
Presentations at international conferences Build Cohort Public engagement Outreach MC ambassadors

23 Outreach 3 day annual conference SPRITE annual report
1.5 days scientific discussions 1.5 days public engagement SPRITE annual report SPRITE Newsletters MC Ambassadors

24 Outreach Listening and Learning: targeted training courses. Researchers to become Marie Curie Ambassadors. Reward and Recognition: Outreach activities are deliverables for every researcher in SPRITE and every partner is expected to contribute to at least one PE activity per annum. Knowledge Management and coordination: Centralized recording PE activities in SPRITE. Assessing community need and interests: Nurture the involvement of parties external to SPRITE, Focus: Develop a shared understanding of PE across the SPRITE. Leadership: Introduce PE champions across the SPRITE, including at the higher levels. Communication: external communications from SPRITE, where relevant, should contain an element of PE. Joining it up: provide a coherent plan for PE with input from all in SPRITE.

25 Impact Bridge the “valley of death”
How to get research out of the laboratory and into the market TRL, RIL

26 Impact Advancing research up TRLs (to cross the “valley of death”)
Developing research impact

27 Impact RIL Connecting with end users
Developing appropriate partners and markets to exploitation Accelerating processes Managing risk Embedding Knowledge Exchange

28 SPRITE web site Thank you ……Prof R Webb

29 Thank you

30 Sharing Best Practice Monday 21st Jan

31 SPRITE Kick Off Meeting
Tuesday 22nd Jan 2013

32 SPRITE Rules & Implementation Recruitment Funding Best Practice
Boards – membership Consortium Agreement Gender Training courses IMPs and ELVEs Dissemination, Outreach and Impact

33 Recruitment Declaration of Conformity Z Cards …..????
file://localhost/Users/Karen/TomTom/Research proposals/SPRITE/SPRITE/2_ITN Recruitment Sep 2012_NEW.pdf Declaration of Conformity Z Cards …..????

34 Funding file://localhost/Users/Karen/TomTom/Research proposals/SPRITE/SPRITE/3_ITN Finances and Budget Sep 2012) final.pdf

35 Best practice file://localhost/Users/Karen/TomTom/Research proposals/SPRITE/SPRITE/6_ITN_best_practice Sep 2012) final.pdf

36 Advisory board (Industry, clinicians, public sector, meet annually)
Boards WP5 WP6 WP7 WP8 Supervisory Board (Academic leads, IAEA and project coordinator– meet quarterly) Recruitment Training ELVEs, IMPs Research project monitoring, Budget IP Advisory board (Industry, clinicians, public sector, meet annually) Monitor strategic direction of SPRITE advice on research priorities/projects Industry and Academic Liaison Board (Industry,public and private sector partners – meet biannually) KE, IMPs. ELVEs, Insures integration of SPRITE with public and private sector partners Partners Associated Partners, IMP providers ESR & ERs WP1 WP2 WP3 WP4

37 Advisory board (Industry, clinicians, public sector, meet annually)
Boards WP5 WP6 WP7 WP8 Supervisory Board (Academic leads, IAEA and project coordinator– meet quarterly) Recruitment Training ELVEs, IMPs Research project monitoring, Budget IP Advisory board (Industry, clinicians, public sector, meet annually) Monitor strategic direction of SPRITE advice on research priorities/projects Partners Associated Partners, IMP providers ESR & ERs WP1 WP2 WP3 WP4

38 Boards Members of supervisory Board WP Coordinators Supervisory Board
(Academic leads, IAEA and project coordinator– meet quarterly) Recruitment Training ELVEs, IMPs Research project monitoring, Budget IP WP1 WP2 WP3 WP4 WP5 WP6 WP7 WP8 Associated Partners, IMP providers Partners ESR & ERs

39 Advisory board (Industry, clinicians, public sector, meet annually)
Boards Nominations for members of Advisory Board WP5 WP6 WP7 WP8 Supervisory Board (Academic leads, IAEA and project coordinator– meet quarterly) Recruitment Training ELVEs, IMPs Research project monitoring, Budget IP Advisory board (Industry, clinicians, public sector, meet annually) Monitor strategic direction of SPRITE advice on research priorities/projects Partners Associated Partners, IMP providers ESR & ERs WP1 WP2 WP3 WP4

40 Consortium agreement Almost Complete

41 SPRITE WPs Work Package 1 New and Emerging fields in Bio-medicine: 3 ESRs, 1 ER (CNRS, UBW, CEA, SUR) Work Package 2 Exploring Novel Materials Systems: ESRs (KULeuven, UPMC, ITN) Work Package 3 Extending Analysis – High Resolution PIXE 2 ESRs, 2 ER (HZDR, JSI, IFG, ETHZ) Work Package 4 Extending Analysis – MeV SIMS ESRs, 1ER (SUR, RBI, IAEA)

42 Workpackages file://localhost/Users/Karen/TomTom/Research proposals/SPRITE/ITN 2012 SPRITE- Annex I.pdf

43 Gender Survey the needs of women staff
Design and implement a gender action plan, this will be modified from the version successfully used in SPIRIT Promote womens participation in all research activities Promote womens participation in the projects committees and working groups Ensure a gender balance in decision making positions Family friendly working conditions to address work/life balance and positive actions aimed at scientists re-entering professional life after parental leave Mentoring of all ESRs and ERs but with particular emphasis on mentoring female researchers being aware of the specific issues and difficulties they encounter.

44 SPRITE Training

45 IMPs and ELVEs

46 Dissemination Publications in high impact journals Joint publications
Presentations at international conferences Build Cohort Public engagement Outreach MC ambassadors

47 Outreach 3 day annual conference SPRITE annual report
1.5 days scientific discussions 1.5 days public engagement SPRITE annual report SPRITE Newsletters MC Ambassadors

48 Outreach Listening and Learning: targeted training courses. Researchers to become Marie Curie Ambassadors. Reward and Recognition: Outreach activities are deliverables for every researcher in SPRITE and every partner is expected to contribute to at least one PE activity per annum. Knowledge Management and coordination: Centralized recording PE activities in SPRITE. Assessing community need and interests: Nurture the involvement of parties external to SPRITE, Focus: Develop a shared understanding of PE across the SPRITE. Leadership: Introduce PE champions across the SPRITE, including at the higher levels. Communication: external communications from SPRITE, where relevant, should contain an element of PE. Joining it up: provide a coherent plan for PE with input from all in SPRITE.

49 Milestones & Deliverables
file://localhost/Users/Karen/TomTom/Research proposals/SPRITE/sprite1/SPRITE/FP7-PEOPLE-2012-ITN-PartBtemplateSPRITE11Jan2012.docx

50 Rules & Implementation
file://localhost/Users/Karen/TomTom/Research proposals/SPRITE/SPRITE/1_ITN - Contractual rules and GA implementation Sep 2012).pdf

51 Impact Bridge the “valley of death”
How to get research out of the laboratory and into the market TRL, RIL

52 Impact Advancing research up TRLs (to cross the “valley of death”)
Developing research impact

53 Impact RIL Connecting with end users
Developing appropriate partners and markets to exploitation Accelerating processes Managing risk Embedding Knowledge Exchange

54 Information Slides Annexe 1 GFPs

55 Thank you

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