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Oman Quality Network IN Higher Education

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1 Oman Quality Network IN Higher Education
SP Consultation Workshop 29 December 2016

2 Members of OQNHE EC Philip Barber - Secretary to OQNHE Executive committee and Member of the Strategic Planning and Conference Organizing committees Dr. Said Kashoob - Chair of OQNHE Executive committee Dr. Rima Al Zadjali - Member of the Strategic Planning committee and the Conference Academic committee Dr. Alma - Member of the Strategic Planning committee and the Conference Organizing committee Dr. Samya Al Shanfari - Member of the Strategic Planning committee and the Conference Organizing committee Prof Mani - Chair of the Conference Academic committee

3 Members of OQNHE EC Dr Nasser Al Hinai - OAAA - representative and Member of the Conference Academic committee Dr. Yasmeen Al Balushi - Chair of the Conference Organizing committee D.r Taki Abduwani - Member of the Conference Academic committee Dr. Sharifa Al Balushi - MoHE representative and Member of the Conference Organizing committee Dr. Yaseen Al Lawati - Treasurer of OQNHE Executive Committee and Member of the Conference Organizing committee Zubaida Al Nadhairi- OQNHE Administrator

4 Why this event? To give a brief overview of OQNHE and an update of recent developments. To engage the stakeholders in setting OQNHE’s purpose and direction by providing feedback on the draft Strategic Plan ( ). To align with OQNHE values of transparency and collaboration. To offer the sector a training opportunity in the field of strategic management (Strategic Theme: Capacity Building).

5 Oman quality network in higher education
Time Session Responsible Registration Overview of OQNHE Dr. Said Kashoob Feedback and group discussion Themes 1-4 Dr. Rima Al Zadjali Dr. Samya Al Shanfari Mr. Philip Barber Break How to Lead your Institution’s Strategic Management Process Successfully Dr. Hilal Al Shidhani Closing remarks 2.00 Lunch

6 OQNHE: Overview Collegiate network that is unique and a model in the Arab region OQNHE was established in 2006 It is under the Patronage of Her Excellency the Minister for Higher education Aims to raise awareness of quality management practices, share knowledge, conduct short training and conferences, help prepare for quality audits. Members nominated by their HEIs and election is held every 2 years

7 OQNHE Contribution Workshops Conferences EC Meetings
~ 3 workshops per year ~ 60 attendees per workshop ~ 6 hours per workshop ~ 10,800 work hour Conferences 3 Conferences 200 attendees per conference 2 full days ( ~ 14 hours) ~ 8,400 work hour EC Meetings ~ 6 meetings per year ~ 8 members ~ 3 hours per meeting ~ 1,440 work hour Total: 20,640 work hour

8 Smart Metrics for Institutional effectiveness, 2016
examples of events 1st Conference 2008 2nd Conference 2012 3rd Conference 2015 Learning by Sharing 2009, 2010, 2014 Quantum Teaching 2013 Strategic Planning 2014, 2016 Benchmarking 2015 Risk Management, 2015 Smart Metrics for Institutional effectiveness, 2016

9 OQNHE Evaluation In March, 2010, the Network was subjected to evaluation by external consultants (British Council) Desk research, document review, questionnaires, focus groups and interviews (total 137 individuals) Purpose: evaluate the impact of OQNHE on the HE sector to increase its effectiveness Report was circulated to HEIs and their representatives in 2010

10 Key issues facing OQNHE
Legal status Role in HE sector(support QA or QE?) Funding (subscription fee insufficient) Flow of information across different regions in Oman Staff recruitment , current members are volunteers Training and development for the OQNHE members

11 Recent developments Appointing a member from MoHE as a coopted member in the OQNHE OQNHE is preparing for the 4th conference in March 2017 Celebrating the OQNHE 10th anniversary in January 16th 2017 OQNHE addresses for the EC members Creating a secretariat post in one HEI as part of the admin support to the OQNHE

12 Development of this document
OQN FORMED Ist Strategic Plan produced – 2011 Renamed OQNHE – 2012 OQNHE’s current SP sub committee formed – June 2016 SP sub committee presents draft SP to OQNHE EC late Oct OQNHE’s Final Draft circulated to OQNHE members late Nov Redrafted version following OQNHE members feedback circulated and presented to sector late Dec. 2016

13 OQNHE Mission Previous Mission Current Mission To enhance quality in higher education in the Sultanate of Oman through the sharing of ideas, strategies, research, and practices. To act as a facilitator in enhancing quality within higher education in the Sultanate of Oman, through the sharing of ideas, research, and good practice.

14 OQNHE Vision Previous Vision Current Vision To be recognized as the leading independent network for quality enhancement in higher education in the region, beyond Sultanate of Oman. To be recognized as the leading independent network for quality enhancement in higher education in the MENA region.

15 OQNHE Values

16 Feedback session Please examine the document distributed to you in the file containing : themes 1,2,3 and (goals, objectives, initiatives) 2. Kindly take the next 20 minutes to answer the following 4 questions in your group: 3. Use the flip chart sheet to write your answers (answer each question separately) 4. Chose 1 person to briefly report your answers to each question (5 minutes per group).

17 Guiding Questions If you were to suggest another theme, what would it be? What is the most difficult challenge you anticipate for each theme? If you were to add a strategic goal, what would it be? What initiatives would you like to see (please specify the goals your initiative is contributing to)

18 Reminder: OQNHE conference (call for reviewers)
Closing remarks Reminder: OQNHE conference (call for reviewers) Thank you for your continuous support

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