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WELCOME ! To Honors Chemistry with Mrs. Pross

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME ! To Honors Chemistry with Mrs. Pross"— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME ! To Honors Chemistry with Mrs. Pross

2 Classroom Needs Blue/black pen, #2 pencil, highlighter
Sheet protector with periodic table. Scientific calculator. (NOT GRAPHING) 3-ring binder with loose leaf paper for notes, quizzes, handouts, etc. Lab notebook (bound graph paper) Textbook

3 Grading Policy Tests/Quizzes 55% Homework 10% Lab 35%
*Periodic Notebook checks will count as quiz grades.

4 Homework Policy Chapter syllabus: textbook problems due the day before the chapter test. Additional assignments: checked daily You must show formulas, units, work and circled answers for full credit. Late assignments are generally not accepted.

5 Tests/Quizzes Test: after every unit. Dates announced.
AP-style midterm counts as two tests. Mock AP exam just prior to the real AP exam. Quizzes may or may not be announced. Stay current! Pop quizzes cannot be made up. You must contact me the day of a missed test to arrange a makeup time the day of your return.

6 Labs You must have a pre-lab completed in order to perform the lab.
You will be required to submit a completed lab report for each experiment. You and your partner must keep separate and unique lab books. Labs are due on the following lab day. Minus 10 one day late, 20 second day …. After the third day a zero will be given for the lab.


8 Be PROMPT Class Begins with the Bell
The bell ringing is a procedure to tell you that it is time to begin class. At the bell, you are to begin your take exercise. There should be no talking or moving about during take five assignment.

9 Be POLITE General Classroom Expectations
Respect others personal space including not touching others. Be respectful of everyone and everything. Allow others to finish speaking before you start speaking (including the teacher).

10 Prompts If I raise my hand, you are to stop talking, face me, and also raise your hand until everyone in the classroom has stopped talking and I lower my hand. NO EXCEPTIONS

11 CONTACT Mrs. Pross e-mail
phone ext.2128

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