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Redefining the Casual Game

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Presentation on theme: "Redefining the Casual Game"— Presentation transcript:

1 Redefining the Casual Game
Filling the Void Arthur Humphrey, Last Day of Work The New Demographics Gabe Zicherman, rmbr Avoiding Hardcore’s Mistakes Eric Zimmerman, Gamelab MODERATOR Steve Meretzky Blue Fang February, 19th 2008 GDC: Casual Games Summit

2 WHAT DO PLAYERS WANT? Casual gamers can play an “in-between” game. Hardcore gamers can play an “in-betweeen” game. But is that what they want? And if it’s what they want, do they know they want it? February, 6th 2008

As even casual games aimed at the pinkest and grayest end of the market become more complex, are we in danger of losing those players back to Windows Solitaire or even back to soap operas? Have we already lost some? February, 6th 2008

Of the various characteristics we talked about during yesterday’s intro that define a casual game … accessibility, short play sessions, non-violent themes, etc. … which ones are most important to which of the potential demographics? February, 6th 2008

Is it best to try for the “all things to all people” game that will reach across demographics, but risk being lost in the noise … or is it better to find an under-served demographic and try to be king of that niche? February, 6th 2008

6 HOW TO INNOVATE Eric has talked about both the need to innovate and the fact that the current system discourages it. How can we best get new ideas produced? February, 6th 2008

7 IS THE WORST OVER? Are we going to enter a new period of stability in the industry, as in , or should we preparing ourselves for even bigger Future Shock? February, 6th 2008

8 Q & A February, 6th 2008

9 Redefining the Casual Game
Filling the Void Arthur Humphrey, Last Day of Work The New Demographics Gabe Zicherman, rmbr Avoiding Hardcore’s Mistakes Eric Zimmerman, Gamelab MODERATOR Steve Meretzky Blue Fang February, 19th 2008 GDC: Casual Games Summit

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