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Data-driven serverless apps with Azure functions

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Presentation on theme: "Data-driven serverless apps with Azure functions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data-driven serverless apps with Azure functions
Anton Boyko Microsoft Azure MVP Solution Ciklum

2 Sponsors

3 Serverless?

4 Developer maturity level
How can I do it? Junior How can I do it more elegantly? Middle How can I NOT do it? Senior

5 Traditional server Fixed reserved CPU Fixed reserved RAM
Pay for reserved resourced

6 Serverless On-demand CPU (per second) On-demand RAM (per Mb)
Pay for number of executions and on- demand resources consumed

7 Abstraction of servers
Serverless Abstraction of servers Sub-second billing Event-driven scale Abstraction of servers, infrastructure and configuration of operating system Event-driven scale Sub-second billing Stateless

8 Reserved vs On-demand Job1 Job2 Job3 Jobs Instances Instance1
Queue Job1 Job2 Job3 Jobs Instances Instance1 Instance2 Instance3 Job1 Job2 Job3

9 Azure functions?

10 I have a “code” I have an “event data”

11 I have a “code” I have an “event data” BOOM!

12 Stateless Small Single unit of work C# F# HTTP(S) Java Timer NodeJS
Python PowerShell HTTP(S) Timer Queue Storage Azure Functions Stateless Small Single unit of work

13 Triggers Schedule HTTP Azure Blob Storage Azure Event Hub
Azure Queue Storage Azure Service Bus Queue Azure Service Bus Topics & Subscriptions

14 Bindings Input Output Azure Blob Storage Azure Table Storage
Azure Document DB SQL database via Azure Mobile Apps all mentioned above (except Schedule) Azure Notification Hub Twilio SendGrid

15 function.json

16 run.csx

17 Applications

18 Example: Timer based processing
Every 15 minutes Clean table Find and clean invalid data

19 Example: Azure service event processing
File added to Blob Storage Transform CSV to data rows CSV Power BI Chart

20 Example: Serverless Web Applications architectures
Loaded web page calls WebHook Completed page Create ad based on user profile

21 Example: Serverless Mobile back ends
Photo taken and WebHook called Stores in blob storage Produces scaled images

22 Example: Real-time bot messaging
? ... Cortana Analytics answers questions Message sent to Chatbot Chatbot sends response

23 Toolset

24 Azure Storage Emulator https://docs. microsoft
Azure Storage Emulator use-emulator Azure Storage Explorer Azure Functions CLI Azure Functions Tools for Visual Studio ual-studio-tools-for-azure-functions/ Azure Functions Tools for Visual Studio re-function-tools-for-visual-studio-2017/ Azure Functions Docs functions/functions-overview

25 Demo

26 Azure Functions Приступаем к работе с Azure Functions используя утилиты командной строки Разбор структуры проекта Azure Functions Queue Trigger Разбор структуры проекта Azure Functions Blob Trigger Запускаем Azure Functions локально используя эмулятор

27 Precompiled Azure Functions
Concept /16/publishing-a-net-class-library-as-a-function-app/ Demo

28 Questions? Anton Boyko Microsoft Azure MVP Solution Architect @ Ciklum

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