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World War I and the 1920s (1914-1929) Lesson 1 America Enters World War I.

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1 World War I and the 1920s ( ) Lesson 1 America Enters World War I

2 Lesson 1 America Enters World War I
World War I and the 1920s ( ) Lesson 1 America Enters World War I Learning Objectives Identify the causes of World War I. Analyze the impact of technological innovations in weaponry that resulted in stalemate on the Western Front. Analyze reasons behind isolationism and neutrality in the United States before 1917. Explain why the United States entered the conflict on the side of the Allies.

3 Lesson 1 America Enters World War I
World War I and the 1920s ( ) Lesson 1 America Enters World War I Key Terms Alsace-Lorraine militarism Francis Ferdinand William II Western Front Casualties contraband U-boats Lusitania Zimmermann note

4 The Causes of World War I
In 1914, nationalism, militarism, imperialism, and entangling alliances combined with other factors to lead the nations of Europe into a brutal war. The war quickly spread around the globe. The United States remained neutral at first but ended up abandoning its long tradition of staying out of European conflicts.

5 The Causes of World War I
Nationalism Escalates Tension in Europe Militarism Increases Arms Production Alliances Between Nations Increase the Potential for War A Significant Assassination

6 The Causes of WWI Alsace-Lorraine – French territory lost to Germany in France wanted it back (intense nationalism) Nationalism increased – bad for minorities. Ethnic minorities wanted own country – Serbia Militarism – glorification of Military. Build up of Military (need to use it), military took over politics Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts Alliances – German and Austria; France, Russia, and UK Assassination – Archduke Francis Ferdinand (heir to Austria-Hungary) killed in Sarajevo Killed by Serb nationalists that thought Bosnia belonged to Serbia Very modern – Machine guns, mobile artillery, tanks, subs, and airplanes

7 The Causes of World War I
Analyze Maps Based on the map, what can you predict about where the major battles of World War I would be fought?

8 The Causes of World War I
With the rise of German manufacturers like Krupp Cannon, Germany was able to gain an advantage in the production of heavy arms prior to World War I.

9 The Causes of World War I
Analyze Charts Which nation had the largest navy at the beginning of World War I? Which had the most troops?

10 The Great War Begins Everything was in place for a great conflict—nationalist ambitions, large armies, stockpiles of weapons, alliances, and military plans. The nations of Europe were hurtling like giant trains toward a great collision. Archduke Francis Ferdinand’s assassination was the incident that triggered this conflict.

11 The Great War Begins Alliances Cause a Chain Reaction
Technological Innovations Lead to Stalemate The Reality of Trench Warfare

12 The Great War Begins Kaiser William II – German emperor
Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia Russia came to Serbia’s aid Germany (ally to Austria) attacked Russia France (ally to Russia) declared war on Germany Germany attacked Belgium to get to France UK ally to Belgium British mowed down at Marne, both sides build trenches Western Front – fighting in France in Trenches Used Civil War tactics – attackers butchered Stalemate Trench foot, lice, rats, poison gas No mans land – middle between trenches – wasteland Casualties – killed, wounded and missing French – 1 million casualties first 3 months Verdun and Somme – UK, Germany, and France 2 million casualties UK lost 60,000 in first day alone

13 The Great War Begins Analyze Charts Why was one alliance called 'The Central Powers'? (Consulting a map may help you answer.)

14 The Great War Begins Machine guns were only one type of advanced military technology used in World War I. Long-range artillery guns also caused devastating casualties.

15 The Great War Begins Analyze Maps What challenge did Germany’s location present to its pursuit of victory in the war?

16 The United States Remains Neutral
As the war spread in Europe, President Woodrow Wilson called for Americans to be “impartial in thought as well as action.” In a “melting pot” nation that tried to make Americans of peoples from diverse origins, Wilson did not want to see the war set Americans against one another. At first, most Americans viewed the conflict as a distant European quarrel for land and influence. Unless the nation’s interests were directly threatened, Americans wanted no part of it. They preferred to maintain what they viewed as traditional American isolation from European disputes. Still, many Americans felt the war’s effects and few were truly impartial in thought. Most held a preference for one or another combatant, and many businesses benefited from the increased demand by warring nations for American goods.

17 The United States Remains Neutral
Many Americans Choose Sides U.S. Opinion Solidifies

18 The United States Remains Neutral
US feared American would fight Americans (German and English immigrants) 1/3 foreign born in 1914 Midwest and East Cost favored Germany (German and Irish immigrants) History, language, culture, and trade favored UK and France US divided into three – isolationists, interventionists, internationalists

19 The United States Remains Neutral
Analyze Political Cartoons Based on the cartoon, what can you infer about President Wilson’s attitude toward the war?

20 Reasons for U.S. Entry into the War
An internationalist, President Wilson sincerely desired peace in his country and around the world. Between the start of the war in 1914 and America’s entry into it in 1917, Wilson attempted to use his influence to end the conflict among the warring countries. He failed in this great effort. Ultimately, he also failed to keep the United States out of the war.

21 Reasons for U.S. Entry into the War
Britain Blockades German Ports Passenger Ships Fall Victim to the War at Sea Preparations for War The United States Is Neutral No Longer

22 Reasons for US Entry into the War
Wilson tried to keep us out of war UK blockade Germany with its big navy Germany attempted to blockade UK with its U-boars US caught in middle Contraband – goods and weapons used to fight a war U-boats – unterseeboot - submarines Lusitania sunk of UK – 1200 dead Sussex US begins to prepare for war US still trading with UK and France Not trading with Germany Zimmermann note – German letter to Mexico asking them to declare war on the US. Get back Texas, New Mexico and Arizona US declared war on April 6th, 1917.

23 Reasons for U.S. Entry into the War
The British Navy was the strongest in the world. Draw Conclusions Why was naval superiority so important to Great Britain’s war effort?

24 Reasons for U.S. Entry into the War
German U-boats destroyed more than 11 million tons of Allied shipping and killed nearly 14,000 people.Analyze Maps Why were U-boat attacks clustered in particular areas?

25 Quiz: The Causes of World War I
Which philosophy emphasized the ideas of natural selection and “survival of the fittest”? A. militarism B. nationalism C. isolationism D. Social Darwinism

26 Quiz: The Great War Begins
Which event triggered the start of World War I? A. Germany's declaration of war B. economic competition between European nations C. the assassination of Francis Ferdinand D. the French reclamation of Alsace-Lorraine

27 Quiz: The United States Remains Neutral
Which event at the beginning of the war significantly swayed U.S. opinion against Germany? A. the British use of contraband B. the German invasion of Belgium C. the German alliance with the Ottoman Empire D. the establishment of the Sussex Pledge

28 Quiz: Reasons for U.S. Entry into the War
What did the Zimmermann note propose? A. a German attack against Mexico B. the application of Social Darwinism C. the establishment of the Western Front D. an alliance between Germany and Mexico

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