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Clothing and fashion of all classes

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1 Clothing and fashion of all classes

2 General information Due to the huge gaps between all the social classes, there is a difference in all the clothing and fashion in each class. Clothing was very important during this era because the type of clothing you wore reflected the class you were in. Clothing in this era was designed for either work or for decoration. 

3 UPPER Class Women Men Waistcoats, coats, sweaters, and jackets were popular Wore different hats for different social events Wore neckties called cravats Women wore fine fabrics, grand dresses, bonnets, and petticoats. Women's clothing was designed to be more sexualized. Clothing exaggerated features to make the wearer seem more attractive and divide the wealthy from the working.  Umbrellas as an accessory showed your wealth

4 Middle Class Women Men Wore long skirts and sleeves throughout the year Showing shins was considered revealing Lighter material during warmer seasons and thick coats with many layers during fall and winter.  Wore clothing suited for work For formal events, men wore a shirt, some slacks, and a suit jacket with a top hat.

5 Lower class Women made all or most of their clothing
Women wore caps and bonnets to keep out dirt and headlice People in this class would visit second-hand shops for clothes Had to wear clothing designed for work During winter, men would wrap rags around their feet to walk to work

6 Connections with great expectations
Pip comes from a poor family that offers little to no nice clothing while Estella, adopted by a rich woman, is lavished with a lot of extravagant and ornate clothing. Mrs. Joe carries around an umbrella everywhere to impress others that she has "wealth". 

7 Questions?

8 Works cited "What did the Poor Wear". Durham University. . Accessed 23 January "How the Other Half Lived: Rich and Poor Women in Victorian Britain". History is Now Magazine,21 April 2014, other-half-lived-rich-and-poor-women-in-victorian-britain#.WILKFPkrKM8= . Accessed 23 January Rose, Tudor. "Victorian Clothes". Victorian England. . Accessed 23 January Kime, Savannah. "Clothing styles During the Victorian Era ( )". Prezi / . Accessed 23 January 2017.

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