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Foundational Principles

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1 Foundational Principles
The Law of God

2 The Law of God Eternal Law Moral Law
The order that reflects God’s will and purpose Moral Law The rational expression of the eternal law established by God.

3 The Eternal Law The order that reflects God’s will and purpose
It is always true and immutable It is the basis of all other laws Other laws are true and just only if they reflect the eternal law It is the way it should be

4 Moral Law A rational expression of the Eternal Law, established by God that will lead us to the life He wants for us. Natural Moral Law Old Law (Old Covenant) New Law (New Covenant) Church Law Precepts of the Church Canon Law

5 Natural Moral Law God’s moral law that we understand by using our reason. The God given ability to understand what it means to be in right relationship with God, others, the world, and ourselves Since we are created in God’s image and likeness the basis for natural moral law is participation in God’s wisdom It is part of our human nature It does not change with time “Golden Rule”, Declaration of Independence

6 The Original Covenant Natural moral law is obscured or blurred from our vision as an effect of original sin. God reveals his laws through scripture and tradition The Ten Commandments, Decalogue, The Law of Moses A summary expression of the natural moral law Written down so that there is no question The original covenant made with the people through Moses Additional Jewish law found in the book of Leviticus Purity laws Priestly laws Justice laws

7 The New Covenant The Two Great Commandments The Beatitudes
The Law of the Gospel, The Law of Love Summarizes the 10 Commandments Completes the old Law and brings it to perfection The Beatitudes Sermon on the Mount- connects with Moses Jesus proclaims the values needed to live a moral life that will bring us to holiness “Be holy as the Father is holy”

8 Old Law – New Law “You have heard it said…”
Anger Lust Revenge and violence Love of enemy Hypocrisy Charity Trust in God New Law does not abolish the Old Law, instead it releases its full potential

9 Why? Discipleship You are the light of the world”
“You are the salt of the earth Why?

10 Moral Law & the Church Precepts of the Church Canon Law
Basic obligations for all Catholics that are dictated by the laws of the Church Canon Law The official body of laws that provide good order in the visible body of the Church

11 Precepts of the Church Keep holy the day of the Lord’s resurrection and the days designated as holy. Lead a sacramental life Prepare for and receive Confirmation in order to advance the cause of Christ Obey the marriage laws of the Church Strengthen and support the Church Do penance, specially abstaining from meat and fasting from food on the designated days Join in the missionary spirit and apostolic work of the Church

12 Days of Mass Obligation
All Sundays Immaculate Conception, December 8th Christmas Solemnity of Mary, January 1st Ascension Thursday, Forty days after Easter Assumption of Mary, August 15th All Saints’ Day, November 1st

13 Days of Fast and/or Abstinence
Fast (persons who are in good health) Ash Wednesday Lent Abstinence (over 14, in good health) Fridays in Lent

14 Sacramental Life Receive the Eucharist and celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation at least once a year, preferably during Easter time. Complete the sacraments of Initiation by Celebrating Confirmation Join in the missionary and apostolic work of the Church

15 Laws of Marriage Unity Indissolubility Openness to children One body
“Until death do you part” Openness to children Willingness to accept children as a gift from God Obey the Church’s rules regarding Natural Family Planning

16 Support the Church Give financial support as your means allow
Give of yourself whenever you can by participating in the many services the Church offers Religious instruction Eucharistic ministries Other Encourage religious vocations

17 Canon Law Concerned with the relationships among different members of the Church Concerned with matters that affect the Church’s mission Governs the celebration of the Sacraments and public worship Oversees Catholic education Administers Church property Supervises the rights and responsibilities of bishops, priests, deacons, consecrated religious and the laity Sets down the penalties that apply when certain canons are broken

18 Infallibility A gift of the Holy Spirit given to the whole Church by which the leaders of the Church- the Pope and the bishops in union with him- are protected from fundamental error when formulating a specific teaching on a matter of faith or morals Magisterium: The teaching office of the Church that includes the Pope and the bishops.

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