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DO NOW: Which case do you want to work on tonight

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1 DO NOW: Which case do you want to work on tonight
DO NOW: Which case do you want to work on tonight? Please sign up on the board.

2 School Instructional leadership
April 6, 2016 Class 22: Communication & Entry Plan Process

3 Learning Targets I can explain the benefits of an effective entry plan and relate this to my work next year. I can communicate clearly in response to the needs of my school community.

4 Agenda Communication and Entry Plan Process Communication cases
Preview next week’s readings and Final Project Plus/Delta

5 Communication Silence speaks loudly Be proactive Repeat Repeat Repeat
Seek to understand dissenting voices Be transparent about assumptions, reveal your agenda Reinforce the values / behaviors you want to see

6 Entry Plan Process Design an Entry Plan Generate data systematically
Discuss, draft, test, revise, publish, confirm Generate data systematically Make sense of data Form action plan

7 Entry Plan Process Journal: Small Group:
How can you apply this to your work? Small Group: What are the potential benefits of this process? … pitfalls? How does identity (i.e. race, age, gender, experience, etc.) play into your entry plan and communication? How might you use this process going forward?

8 It’s October and…

9 The Practices of Adaptive Leadership. Heifetz, Grashow, Linsky 2009

10 The Practices of Adaptive Leadership. Heifetz, Grashow, Linsky 2009

11 SLP 2016 Norms We collaborate and build a community of respect.
We value vulnerability and truths over comfort. We trust each other and assume positive intentions. We expect and seek feedback.

12 Case Groups, F = longest first name
4th CS th CS FOR ROLE PLAY: Black in 214, Blue in 513, Red in 203

13 Prepare for Role Play Who is involved? What are the concerns/interests of all the different parties involved?  (consider the stakeholder map) What is your action plan going forward? (next week, next month, 3 months from now) To whom will you communicate and how? Fill out a SOCO worksheet for your communication.  Upload to Google Folder.

14 Role Play

15 Final Project Plan due April 13th
Goals of the Final Project: Consolidate learning Apply what you’ve learned to your next context Get/give peer feedback to strengthen your project Examples of projects: Entry plan Toolkit Design PD plan Plan a presentation/workshop

16 Preview Next Week Case for next week (CONFIDENTIAL)
PAL 3 Due April 15th All PAL docs combined into one document. Rubric with self-assessment Statement of submission to the state Courageous Conversation reflection due April 19th We urge you to discuss with a peer: In what ways have you had CC this year? Give one specific example. What led to it and what made it a CC? What will help you have more conversations going forward?

17 Plus Delta

18 Courageous Conversations reflection
Practice initiating & leading CCs about race with adults May include: sharing article at team meeting & leading discussion naming race in a team/committee mtg, following up with discussion planning & leading OLS about race naming & discussing race during PAL 3 work Reflection (same as in the fall: individual reflection submitted to fall partner, partner responds) Ungraded assignment – what/how do you want to learn?

19 Courageous Conversations
In what ways have you had CC this year? Give one specific example. What led to it and what made it a CC? What will help you have more conversations going forward?

20 Small groups + facilitators
Alley Brandon Nick Thaddeus Andy G Rachel H Madeline Tremain George Justin R Aleesha Chris Rachel B Michael C Katie Liz Karla Justin M Mike R Maria Andrew S Matt Maritza Sam Rachel A Jeanie Jim Kristie Lorena Jen Michael S Marques Ryon Mary

21 Retention “…being able to have input into the key decisions in the building that affect a teacher's job” … is “very highly correlated with the decision whether to stay or leave.” R. Ingersoll, NPR interview,

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