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Sage ORS and Data Gateway

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Presentation on theme: "Sage ORS and Data Gateway"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sage ORS and Data Gateway
Tools and Decision Making

2 (new passwords required every year)

3 School Name * Please note that Retrieve Student Results will allow you to download the ISR in a PDF format where Score Reports is a viewing tool.

4 Select the necessary dropdowns to find your students information for the desired testing session.
Click on download. Check your Inbox for the student file. * Depending on your role, you will have access to LEA, school, teacher, or class level.

5 * These three files are for the same student in the three tested subjects.
The downloaded files are grade level and subject specific. If you set the original download to just a specific. This feature allows Assessment Directors and Principals to view larger files with their access.

6 Writing Rubric is the most informative piece for the teacher in making decisions.
The ISR is a visual representation of a student’s score. Parents can quickly see where on the thermometer their child is in proficiency and which reporting categories they tested on with a slide bar representation of what their score is compared to the proficiency line. The writing tool is also color coded for ease of reading where a student is succeeding or struggling.

7 School Name

8 Score Reports Scores for students who were mine as of July 30th (Last Year) Scores for my current (This Year) Scores who were mine at the time of testing (Last Year) Which subject do you want to view?

9 Click on either your name or select a class period to look at.
Subject: Reporting Category Standards Content Current Admin (this test) Trend (longitudinal 1-3 yrs.)

10 ELA scale score of 450 at the 7th grade level and is considered proficient or a 3.
Scale scores between a 405 and 449 are considered below proficient or a 2. Scale Score below a 404 at the 7th grade level is considered well below proficient or a 1. At this level: Identify a school level or district level area of concern.

11 ELA Cut Scores

12 ELA scale score of 514 at the 7th grade level is considered highly proficient or a 4.
ELA scale score of 450 at the 7th grade level and is considered proficient or a 3. Scale scores between a 405 and 449 are considered below proficient or a 2. Scale Score below a 404 at the 7th grade level is considered well below proficient or a 1. At this level: Teachers can look at their own classes and make comparisons to fellow teachers.

13 Principals Analysis Tool SAGE ORS

14 Principal Analysis Tool
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17 You will need to go back to the selection box and change from Reporting Categories to Content Standards.

18 Subgroups: Ethnicity, LEP, SPED

19 Utah Data Gateway

20 Data Gateway: Homepage

21 Public Data Gateway: Compare to Schools in Utah
Select school Select region Your School Select subject By changing the location from Utah to a one of the mileages (ex. 5 ml., 10 ml., 20 ml.) You can look at just the schools in your neighborhood, city, or geographic region. This will affect how similar those schools are to you though.

22 Comparing Scores: % Proficient and MGP (Median Growth Percentage
How does this school rank between the 20 schools that are similar based on the Gower’s score? How does our schools median growth score compare to those 20 schools? Out of the twenty similar schools selected for this comparison, the target school ranks second highest in proficiency. It then ranks first in ELA in regard to the median growth.

23 Compare to all schools within miles
Your school Compare to all schools within miles

24 Similarity Scale This shows that the most similar school to mine has a similar proficiency but made much more growth than my school. By clicking on the schools list you can go into their school summary page.

25 Homepage: SAGE Scores

26 Each Teacher can view student results for SAGE
Assessment directors can access by direct link under My Tools

27 Select Subject Select Class I can now have a snapshot of my entire class. This will tell me which reporting categories were below the State proficiency, how my students did in the previous 2 years and what their growth score is.

28 Sage Scores by Teacher Student Name, SSID, SAGE Scale Score, Proficiency Level, Prior year proficient?, SGP SAGE Scale Score for each Reporting Category

29 Sage Scores by Teacher

30 Sage Scores by Teacher Comparisons to School, LEA and State

31 Sage Scores by Teacher Shows how a student scored between two years and the SGP (Student Growth Percentile) Students who scored a 4 but also made growth in the 99th percentile. Student scored a 4 but did not meet the 40th percentile in growth. Student is at risk of not meeting a 4 next year.

32 Sage Scores by Teacher School Grading: Students who scored low in previous years but make growth <40 percentile will count twice on the report. Students have a higher likelihood of improving Proficiency for next year. Students with two years of Well Below Proficiency Students have a lower likelihood to improving their Proficiency score next year due to a lack of growth this year. Reporting Category scale scores below state average are highlighted in orange.

33 Student Growth Filters will allow you to look at subgroups as well.
Making good growth with high proficiency. Hasn’t made adequate growth as well as low proficiency. Filters will allow you to look at subgroups as well.

34 Student Growth Grouping by Test will show results by grade level in each subject. There are several other groupings that can be shown as well.

35 Proficiency Movement Shows the SAGE scores between two years but will indicate visually the number of students who have moved up or down. (Soon to come: Actually student linked reports)

36 Celebrate success stories!
Proficiency Movement Warning System Who went from a 3 to a 2? Who went from a 4 to a 2? Moved from a 1 to a 3! Celebrate success stories!

37 Proficiency Movement Shortly, the movement pie chart will link directly to this student report.

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