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Phenotypic, Hematological, Immunocompetence and Carcass Parameters Comparison between two Crosses From Sudani Duck (Egyptian Muscovy)

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2 Phenotypic, Hematological, Immunocompetence and Carcass Parameters Comparison between two Crosses From Sudani Duck (Egyptian Muscovy)

3 Authors

4 A. H. EL- Attar A. Galal A. MAKRAM




8 Choosing the Suitable Mating from two Commercial ducks With Sudani Duck

9 Evaluate Phenotypic, Carcass, immune response and Hematological Parameters of The tow Hybrids From Sudani Duck

10 Material & Methods



13 Mating Design

14 Female (S) Male(M) Cross (MS)

15 Female (S) Male(P) Cross (PS)

16 Phenotypic Parameters Comparison between two Crosses From Sudani Duck (Egyptian Muscovy)
A. H. EL- Attar A. Galal A. Makram

17 Measurements

18 Body Weight Gain Body Weight Bi Weekly Growth Rate

19 Feed Consumption Body Weight Gain Feed Conversion

20 Body Measurements Body Circumference Body length Keel Length
Shank Length


22 Female (S) Male(M) Cross (MS)

23 Muscovy (M) Cross (MS) Sudani (S)


25 Female (S) Male(P) Cross (PS)




29 Fig 1 : Body weight of MS and PS cross from0-5wks of age

30 Fig 2 : Body weight of MS and PS cross from 6-9 wks of age

31 Fig 3 : Body weight at marketing age of MS and PS cross

32 Fig 4 : Feed conversion from 2wk- marketing age of MS and PS cross

33 Fig 5: Shank Length of MS and PS cross

34 Fig 6: Keel Length of MS and PS cross

35 Fig 7: Body Circumference of MS and PS cross

36 Fig 8: Body Length of MS and PS cross

37 Fig 9: Growth rate of MS and PS from 0-9 wks of age

38 Hematological and Immunocompetence Parameters Comparison between two Crosses From Sudani Duck (Egyptian Muscovy) A. H. EL- Attar A. Galal A. Makram

39 Measurements

40 Blood Paramters

41 Blood Parameters HCT RBCs Thrombocytes HB

42 Immune Response

43 BLOOD PARAMETERS WBCs Heterophils Monocytes Lymphocytes H/L Ratio
Eosinophils H/L Ratio

44 PHA-P Injection

45 PHA-P Injection - - D1 D2 D3 - Before Injection 0 h 24 h
After Injection 48 h D3 72 h

46 Bursa

47 Spleen

48 Mortality & Defects

49 Neck defect Short Beak Wings defect

50 Main Results

51 Fig 10: Toe-web swelling (difference) of PS and MS cross

52 Fig 11: Bursa and spleen of PS and MS cross

53 Fig 12: Some blood parameters of PS and MS cross

54 Fig 13: Bursa and spleen of PS and MS cross

55 Mortality & Defects

56 Fig 14: Mortality and Defects of PS and MS cross

57 Hetrosis

58 Fig 15: Effect of heterosis on CMI response after PHA-P injection between two crosses

59 Fig 16: Effect of heterosis on bursa and spleen between two crosses

60 Fig 17: Effect of sex on heterosis of CMI response after PHA-P injection of MS cross

61 Fig 18: Effect of sex on heterosis of bursa, spleen, WBCs and H/L ratio of MS cross

62 A. H. EL- Attar Carcass Parameters Comparison between two Crosses From Sudani Duck (Egyptian Muscovy) A. Galal A. Makram

63 Measurements

64 Non-Edible Meat Parts Blood Weight Feather Weight Live Body Weight
Weight after Slaughter Weight after Feathering Non-Edible Meat Parts Head Weight Leg Weight

65 Edible Meat Parts Liver Weight Dressed Carcass Heart Weight
Gizzard Weight

66 Drumstick Weight Thigh & Drumstick Thigh Weight Minor Weight Major Weight

67 Skin Weight Neck Weight Wings Weight Abdominal Fat Weight
Gizzard Fat Weight

68 Main Results

69 Fig 19: Relative giblets of PS and MS cross

70 Fig 20: Relative edible meat parts of PS and MS cross

71 Fig 21: Relative breast muscles of of PS and MS cross

72 Fig 30 : Relative abdominal and gizzard fat of PS and MS cross

73 Hetrosis

74 Fig59: Effect of heterosis on edible- meat parts between two crosses

75 Fig 60: Effect of heterosis on carcass muscles between two crosses

76 Fig 61: Effect of heterosis on carcass fat between two crosses

77 Conclusion

78 The PS cross exhibited a higher figure in growth performance, immune response and some carcass traits, when compared to MS cross. So it can be used as a commercial hybrid.

79 On the other hand, the MS cross unsterile birds can be improved for several generations through crossing with their parents.


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