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Business Development Working Group Meeting

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1 Business Development Working Group Meeting
February 13, 2017

2 Feedback on Power Africa Off-Grid Accelerator Financing ideas
Agenda Feedback on Power Africa Off-Grid Accelerator Financing ideas Presentation from TCX: Sustainable energy access: Managing FX Risk in Climate Finance Update on local bank financing work Update on PAYGO KPI work GOGLA AGM update Sales data collection update AOB

3 Power Africa Off-Grid Accelerator
A set of ideas developed by McKinsey, for Power Africa, after a consultative process Implementation is not funded yet; the proposals serve as inputs for other funding mechanisms Set of 13 solutions

4 TCX: Managing FX risk in climate finance
Presentation TCX: Managing FX risk in climate finance

5 Local bank financing for off-grid in Kenya and beyond

6 Status update Key themes: Local bank financing – background
At the November Nairobi conference, there was a clear call from members and participants that accessing finance from local banks is a top priority Several different initiatives are already underway, especially in Kenya Working group was set up to keep abreast of these different workstreams – two calls have been held so far. If you have not been able to attend and want the notes from these calls, please let Laura know. First of a planned series of follow-up meetings will be held in Nairobi next week (Wednesday, February 22). If your company would like to attend and has not yet RSVP’d, please let Laura know Key themes: Differing views on role of guarantees and other support structures Need for specific information to provide to banks on the financial performance of our sector Need for documenting and showcasing of transactions that have already taken place

7 Update on KPI process The next consultation on the PAYGO KPIs will be at the end of this month Invitation and materials to follow Planned next steps include a soft launch among investors and donors; potentially piloting in Tanzania with WB funds (to be confirmed)


9 GOGLA Annual General Meeting
Dates confirmed: May 23 and May 24 in Paris, potential side events on May 22 Agenda is being shaped: Need for new or updated industry opinions? Plans for a ‘market insights’ afternoon on May 24. Let us know if you have specific themes that you want to have covered!

10 Sales and impact data collection update

11 Sales data status update
Platform officially closed on Feb 11, last-minute replies being accepted until tomorrow (Feb 14). Currently at 49 participants. Feedback on new platform will be solicited later this week. Suggestions welcome on how to make participation easier! On schedule to provide results on updated web platform in May.

12 5. Update: Sales and impact data collection
Webinar to introduce new platform 1/15/2017 Questionnaire open for answers 2/1/2017 Individual results and public report available Questionnaire closes 2/24/2017 5/15/2017 2016 Oct Nov Dec 2017 Feb Mar Apr May 2017 Today 10/15/ /31/2017 109 days Building the new platform 1/23/ /17/2017 26 days Questionnaire open 2/26/ /15/2017 Data processing & analysis; building the results platform 79 days

13 6. Any other business? Questions?

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