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Published byElwin Brooks Modified over 6 years ago
BMB8130 Glycobiology, 2015 Course Organizers: Lance Wells and Michael Tiemeyer
Course Content BCMB8130 Spring '15
Instructors: Mike Tiemeyer and Lance Wells Essentials of Glycobiology: Chapters Tuesday 1/13/14 Introduction to Glycobiology (Tiemeyer); Monosaccharides and the Glycosidic Bond (Wells) 1, 2, 3, 13, 14 Thursday 1/15/14 Structure and Synthesis: Glycochemistry (Boons)-? 2, 49, 50 1/20/14 Structure and Synthesis: Glycosyltranferases and Glycosidases (Wells) 5 1/22/14 Structure and Synthesis: Sugar Nucleotides (Bar-Peled)-confirmed 4 1/27/14 Structure and Synthesis: GAGS (Bergmann)-confirmed 15, 16 1/29/14 Structure and Synthesis: Non-GAG glycans in O-linkage to proteins (Wells) 9, 12 2/3/14 Structure and Synthesis: Glycans linked to lipids and lipid precursors (Tiemeyer) 10, 11 2/5/14 Structure and Synthesis: Glycans in N-linkage to proteins (Tiemeyer) 8 2/10/14 EXAM: Glyco-alphabet 2/12/14 Glycoanalytics: MS-based approaches (Wells) 47, 48 2/17/14 Glycoanalytics: NMR methodoligies (York)-confirmed 2/19/14 Cellular Function: Protein Folding, ER Processing, Quality Control (Moremen)-confirmed 36 2/24/14 Cellular Function: Membrane Trafficking through Golgi and endosomal compartments (Steet)-confirmed 3 2/26/14 Cellular Function: Nucleocytoplasmic Glycosylation (Wells) 17, 18 3/3/14 Cellular Function: GAG Functions (Wang)-confirmed 16, 35 3/5/14 WORLD CAFÉ #1 3/10/14 SPRING BREAK (NO CLASS) 3/12/14 3/17/14 Cellular Function: Glycan Binding Proteins (Tiemeyer) 26-35 3/19/14 Cellular Function: Plant Cell Walls (York)-flex 22 3/24/14 Glycans and Development: Fertilization to Gastrulation (Tiemeyer) 38 3/26/14 Glycans and Development: Adhesion, signaling, and differentiation (Tiemeyer) 3/31/14 WORLD CAFÉ #2 4/2/14 Glycan-based Pathophysiology: CDGs and Storage Disease (Steet)-confirmed 41, 42 4/7/14 Glycan-based Pathophysiology: Inflammation and Immunity (Avci)-confirmed 39, 40 4/9/14 WORLD CAFÉ #3 4/14/14 Glycan-based Pathophysiology: CMDs (Wells) 42 4/16/14 Glycan-based Pathophysiology: Cancer (Pierce)-confirmed 44 4/21/14 WORLD CAFÉ #4 4/23/14 Course Overview and Evaluation (Wells and Tiemeyer)
Administrative Details
BMB8130 Glycobiology, 2015 Administrative Details Grade 49% Attendance and Participation in Lectures 30% EXAM (Learning the Language) 20% World Glycobiology Café 1% Instructors’ Discretion World Glycobiology Café Sessions Interactive discussions of papers relevant to lecture content; topical papers of basic biochemical or translational biomedical interest Circulating discussion groups (speed-dating) Reporters summarize discussions in the context of the major ideas of the paper
Administrative Details (cont’d)
BMB8130 Glycobiology, 2013 Administrative Details (cont’d) World Glycobiology Café (cont’d) Between 1-3 papers assigned per Café session The Café will be held in the breakroom The Café opens with 3-4 tables, depending on the topic Each table has 1 person assigned to it as a “Reporter” Everybody will be a Reporter once during the course All other participants will distribute themselves evenly between the Café tables Each Café table will have an assigned topic or data figure to discuss Discussion will continue for 10 minutes At the end of the discussion period, everybody except the Reporter will move to another table
Administrative Details (cont’d)
BMB8130 Glycobiology, 2015 Administrative Details (cont’d) World Glycobiology Café (cont’d) After as many discussion periods have elapsed as there are Café tables, the reporters will have 10 minutes to work-up a summary report of the discussions that they heard at their table Each Reporter will present a brief report (no more than 5 minutes) to the whole group that summarizes the key discussion points raised during the speed-dating period Reporters will be graded based on their report Since everybody will be a reporter at some point, all participants should be motivated to help the Reporters develop well-structured ideas and keen observations to report to the whole group--everybody has a stake in the success of the process
BMB8130 Glycobiology, 2015 Thematic Content Bootcamp
Glycan Structures and Synthesis (Learning the Language) EXAM, Tues., Feb. 10. Compelling Topics Glycan Structure and Synthesis Glycoanalytics Glycans and Cellular Function Glycan Macromolecules (Plant and Animal) Glycans and Development Glycan-based Pathophysiology
Course Content EXAM! BCMB8130 Spring '15
Instructors: Mike Tiemeyer and Lance Wells Essentials of Glycobiology: Chapters Tuesday 1/13/14 Introduction to Glycobiology (Tiemeyer); Monosaccharides and the Glycosidic Bond (Wells) 1, 2, 3, 13, 14 Thursday 1/15/14 Structure and Synthesis: Glycochemistry (Boons)-? 2, 49, 50 1/20/14 Structure and Synthesis: Glycosyltranferases and Glycosidases (Wells) 5 1/22/14 Structure and Synthesis: Sugar Nucleotides (Bar-Peled)-confirmed 4 1/27/14 Structure and Synthesis: GAGS (Bergmann)-confirmed 15, 16 1/29/14 Structure and Synthesis: Non-GAG glycans in O-linkage to proteins (Wells) 9, 12 2/3/14 Structure and Synthesis: Glycans linked to lipids and lipid precursors (Tiemeyer) 10, 11 2/5/14 Structure and Synthesis: Glycans in N-linkage to proteins (Tiemeyer) 8 2/10/14 EXAM: Glyco-alphabet 2/12/14 Glycoanalytics: MS-based approaches (Wells) 47, 48 2/17/14 Glycoanalytics: NMR methodoligies (York)-confirmed 2/19/14 Cellular Function: Protein Folding, ER Processing, Quality Control (Moremen)-confirmed 36 2/24/14 Cellular Function: Membrane Trafficking through Golgi and endosomal compartments (Steet)-confirmed 3 2/26/14 Cellular Function: Nucleocytoplasmic Glycosylation (Wells) 17, 18 3/3/14 Cellular Function: GAG Functions (Wang)-confirmed 16, 35 3/5/14 WORLD CAFÉ #1 3/10/14 SPRING BREAK (NO CLASS) 3/12/14 3/17/14 Cellular Function: Glycan Binding Proteins (Tiemeyer) 26-35 3/19/14 Cellular Function: Plant Cell Walls (York)-flex 22 3/24/14 Glycans and Development: Fertilization to Gastrulation (Tiemeyer) 38 3/26/14 Glycans and Development: Adhesion, signaling, and differentiation (Tiemeyer) 3/31/14 WORLD CAFÉ #2 4/2/14 Glycan-based Pathophysiology: CDGs and Storage Disease (Steet)-confirmed 41, 42 4/7/14 Glycan-based Pathophysiology: Inflammation and Immunity (Avci)-confirmed 39, 40 4/9/14 WORLD CAFÉ #3 4/14/14 Glycan-based Pathophysiology: CMDs (Wells) 42 4/16/14 Glycan-based Pathophysiology: Cancer (Pierce)-confirmed 44 4/21/14 WORLD CAFÉ #4 4/23/14 Course Overview and Evaluation (Wells and Tiemeyer) EXAM!
BMB8130 Glycobiology, 2015 Key Resources Course Website
Links to lecture slides, papers for World Glycobiology Cafés, Materials from previous years, other background information Essential Reference Essentials of Glycobiology, Varki, et al., eds. Second Edition The authoritative text in Glycobiology Fully open access
What is Glycobiology? A term frequently attributed to Raymond Dwek, et al (circa 1990) to encompass the body of research that contributes to understanding: The structure, biosynthesis, and biology of saccharides
Or, more explicitly stated (at least more explicit than could have been imagined 30 years ago)--Glycobiology is the human field of endeavor that strives to characterize and understand: The diversity of glycan structures The processes by which glycans are synthesized The determinants of glycan structure The mechanisms of glycan-protein interactions The impact of glycans on the structure and function of the molecules to which they are attached The contribution of glycans to normal cellular function and tissue development The participation of glycans in diverse pathologies
Thus, aspects of glycobiology impact a broad range of disciplines
To name a few-- organic synthetic chemistry neurobiology protein biochemistry reproductive medicine enzymology endocrinology analytic chemistry cell signaling structural biochemistry stem cell biology cell biology membrane biophysics developmental biology microbiology genetics cancer biology genomics immunology proteomics microbiology parasitology biotechnology And, in fact, glycobiology impacts life, itself, from conception (sperm-egg interactions) to death (apoptosis, multiple systemic pathologies)
How do glycans impact your work?
Depends on who you are: Protein biochemist: Pesky modifications that impart heterogeneity to my otherwise pure protein. Structural biochemist: Nasty modifications that make it hard to crystallize some really interesting proteins. Synthetic chemist: You want to synthesize what? And you want how much? Geneticist: A family of regulated molecules whose expression is not simply related to the activity of a single gene. Painful pleiotropy. Molecular Biologist: What’s the big deal--I’ve been doing glycobiology for my whole career? They make a nice backbone structure.
How, then, does Glycobiology fit within the context of modern molecular, genetic, structural, and systems biology?
The Central Dogma, circa 1970
DNA RNA Protein Rather ignores a role for lipids and carbohydrates, especially at the cell surface Cell Organism After Varki, A
An expanded Dogma DNA RNA Protein Cell Organism enzymes Saccharides
and lipids glycoconjugates Modified transcription factors After Varki, A
Predominant cellular distribution of glycans implies role for carbohydrate in the societal interactions of cells in tissues Electron micrograph of a human lymphocyte (Ruthenium Red staining) After Varki, A
Carbohydrates - Basic Terms
Monosaccharide A carbohydrate that can not be broken down into smaller carbohydrates by treatment with acids- a simple sugar Oligosaccharide Approximately 4-12 mono units Polysaccharide Usually greater then 12 mono units Often a long linear repeating chain consiting of a single monosaccharide type or a repeating disaccharide with or without small side chains
Glycoconjugates Glycoproteins Glycolipids Proteoglycans
Protein + Carbohydrate Most proteins of biological and therapeutic significance e.g. TPA, EPO, LH, Immunoglobulins Glycolipids Lipid + Carbohydrate Important tissue and cell type markers e.g. blood group antigens, tumor associated antigens Proteoglycans Complex of a protein and one or more polysaccharides known as glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) Immense structural diversity, pleiotropic functions
Essentials of Glycobiology
The Building Blocks (in Essentials/CFG code) Essentials of Glycobiology Second Edition
Essentials of Glycobiology
Second Edition
Potential for high information content is inherent in glycan structure
Essentials of Glycobiology
Built into oligosaccharides or other polymers, post-synthetic modifications are common, increasing structural diversity Essentials of Glycobiology Second Edition
Carbohydrate Synthesis - Secondary gene products
Oligosaccharide structures are not encoded in the DNA Correct synthesis dependent on Glycosyltransferases Glycosidases Availability of monosaccharide and activated forms Organelle distribution and function Consequence Glycosylation is very sensitive to subtle shifts in the enviroment
Glycoconjugates- Basic Terms
Microheterogeneity The variation seen in glycosylation at a given glycosylation site. A site may be unoccupied or may be occupied by different sugars. This fact led early researchers to falsely conclude that carbohydrates were not important. Glycoforms A glycoconjugate may have different glycoforms. That is, the non-carbohydrate portion will remain the same, but variances in the carbohydrate portion will create different glycoforms of a glycoconjugate. Glycone vs. Aglycone Carbohydrates (glycones) should be considered in the context of what they are linked to (aglycones)
Is this the right scale?
Is this the right scale?
Essentials of Glycobiology
Glycoconjugates of the real world Thy-1 Glycoprotein Predicted polypeptide MW = 14 kD Observed MW by SDS-PAGE = kD Glycan accounts for almost 50% of total glycoprotein mass. FIGURE 1.3. Schematic representation of the Thy-1 glycoprotein including the three N-glycans (blue) and a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI-glycan, green) lipid anchor whose acyl chains (yellow) would normally be embedded in the membrane bilayer. Note that the polypeptide (purple) represents only a relatively small portion of the total mass of the protein. (Original art courtesy of Mark Wormald and Raymond Dwek, Oxford Glycobiology Institute.) Essentials of Glycobiology Second Edition
Thy-1 Microheterogeneity
Dwek, R.A., et al. (1993) Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences 342, 43-50
The great classes of animal glycans
Reasonably well-supported and accepted functions for glycans
Structural support for cells (extracellular matrix, plant cell wall) Signaling molecules (currently only characterized in plants) Determinants of protein folding, stability, and half-life Mediators of cellular interactions with: Other cells in developing tissues Specific cell types in mature tissues, especially related to immune response and tissue stability Viral, bacterial, parasitic pathogens and associated toxins Modulators of signaling activities that drive cellular differentiation
The thrill and the agony of Glycobiology:
Glycobiology Apr;3(2): Biological roles of oligosaccharides: all of the theories are correct. Varki A. Glycobiology Program, UCSD Cancer Center. Many different theories have been advanced concerning the biological roles of the oligosaccharide units of individual classes of glycoconjugates. Analysis of the evidence indicates that while all of these theories are correct, exceptions to each can also be found. The biological roles of oligosaccharides appear to span the spectrum from those that are trivial, to those that are crucial for the development, growth, function or survival of an organism. Some general principles emerge. And this is where we begin!
Carbohydrate Structure and the Glycosidic Bond
Lance Wells
Carbohydrates - Definition and Language
Carbohydrates = “Hydrates” of carbon. Hexose, e.g.: C6H12O6 = [C(H2O)]6. Need to develop a system for talking about and/or representing carbohydrates. Monosaccharides: single sugars; clear language and numerous pictorial forms. Oligosaccharides (typically 4-10 sugars): need a more complex language, only one of previous pictorial forms remains tractable. Polysaccharides: systematic language is accurate but cumbersome, new pictorial representation more useful. Carbonyl containing compounds: Aldehydes RCHO and Ketones RCOR’
Glyceraldehyde and “Fischer Projections”
Glyceraldehyde (aldotriose), a 3 carbon aldehyde sugar or “aldotriose,” exists as 2 mirror image isomers. d-glyceraldehyde l-glyceraldehyde The origin of D vs. L nomenclature for sugars - does stereocenter farthest from the aldehyde terminus have the configuration of D- or L-glyceraldehyde? Dihydroxyacetone (ketotriose): No chiral carbon. All monosaccharides with one exception have at least one chiral carbon with the total number (k) being equal to the number of internal (CHOH) groups; that is n-2 for Aldoses and n-3 for Ketoses with n=number of carbon atoms in the monosaccharide. Possible Stereoisomers = 2 raised to the power of k (how many for hexose?)
D-”Aldoses” with 4 Carbons
Two possible isomers at each new carbon center. Mentally insert new carbon center between aldehyde terminus (C1) and what was previously C2. Note that D configuration is retained. Two sugars that differ only in the configuration around a single chiral carbon are called EPIMERS
D-”Aldoses” with 5 Carbons
Xyl Rib Which 5 carbon sugars are epimers of D-ribose?
D-”Aldoses” with 6 Carbons
** special attention to Gal, Man, and Glc abbreviations Man Glc Gal 6 carbon ketose: fructose fru
A Few of the Common non-(CH20)n Building Blocks of Oligosaccharides
Products of esterification, oxidation, reduction, acetylation, etc. deoxy lactones Fuc N-acetyl Amino GlcA GlcNAc & GalNAc sialic acids Sia
Common monosaccharides found in vertebrates Essentials of Glycobiology
Chapter 2, Figure 4 Essentials of Glycobiology Second Edition FIGURE 2.4. Common monosaccharides found in vertebrates. N-Acetylneuraminic acid is the most common form of sialic acid.
Glc, Gal, Man, Fuc, GlcNAc, GalNAc, Neu5Ac(Gc), Xyl, GlcA, IdoA Ones to Remember (in a mammalian central view of the world)!
Fischer Structures Does Not Take Into Account that
5 and 6 Carbon Sugars Tend to Cyclize: RING CONFIRMATION
Cyclization Can Produce Multiple Isomers
Fischer Projection is NOT good enough
For Hexoses Alpha=anti (anomeric hydroxyl to C6); Beta=beside
From Fischer to Haworth to abbreviated Haworth diagrams. Looking down the carbon spine from C1 down of the Fischer projection, noting whether hydroxyl groups are to the right (down) or left (up). Now imagine around the periphery of a flat hexagon. “A new asymetric carbon” is formed so we need more language (great!) New asymetric carbon is termed the anomeric carbon and a is used to denote the anomer where the absolute stereochemistry of the anomeric position and the most remote sterocenter in the sugar chain are the same, b opposite For Hexoses Alpha=anti (anomeric hydroxyl to C6); Beta=beside Where did this pyranose (p) term come from?
Pyranose (p) and Furanose (f) both 5 and 6 membered rings are stable so:
What about ketoses Repeating the exercise for a 6 carbon ketose:
A Last Bit of Nomenclature for Chair Structures (the most accurate way of drawing the sugars) Haworth suggests that sugars are flat but neither furanose or pyranose rings are actually flat in their lowest energy confirmations Although D-glucose has a strong preference for one chair conformation, this is not true for all sugars.
Mutatrotation In solution anomers can introconvert
% Distribution at 20C Pyranose Furanose a b a b D-Glc D-Gal D-Man D-Fru
The Glycosidic Bond How do we describe molecules containing sugars that are attached to one another? (We’ll limit our discussion to cases where the anomeric center of one sugar is attached to an oxygen atom of another sugar - that is, we’ll discus only “glycosides.”) There are basically 2 things we need to keep track of: 1) the anomeric configuration of the “glycosidic linkage,” and 2) the identity of the carbon on the next sugar that shares the bridging oxygen.
Naming of Oligosaccharides
Here’s a simple example: maltose, or D-Glc-a(1-4)-D-Glc. How did we come up with that name, how do we know which sugar to name 1st? We always begin naming with the sugar furthest from the “reducing terminus” of the oligosaccharide. The “reducing sugar” is the sugar that still contains a free anomeric carbon. Branches are put in parenthesis. Notice the a or b is now no longer “free” but is fixed in one orientation. Many “common name” disacharrides (sucrose, lactose, etc.)-see Ess. Glycobiol. Note: we even keep this nomenclature when the oligosaccharide is attached to an aglycone
Example of Naming a Branched Oligosaccharide
Monosaccharide symbol set Essentials of Glycobiology
Chapter 1, Figure 5 Monosaccharide symbol set a b c Essentials of Glycobiology Second Edition FIGURE 1.5. Recommended symbols and conventions for drawing glycan structures. (a) The monosaccharide symbol set from the first edition of Essentials of Glycobiology is modified to avoid using the same shape or color, but with different orientation to represent different sugars. Each monosaccharide class (e.g., hexose) now has the same shape, and isomers are differentiated by color. The same shading/color is used for different monosaccharides of the same stereochemical designation (e.g., Gal, GalNAc, and GalA). To minimize variations, sialic acids and uronic acids are in the same shape, and only the major uronic and sialic acid types are represented. When the type of sialic acid is uncertain, the abbreviation Sia can be used instead. Only common monosaccharides in vertebrate systems are assigned specific symbols. All other monosaccharides are represented by an open hexagon or defined in the figure legend. If there is more than one type of undesignated monosaccharide in a figure, a letter designation can be included to differentiate between them. Unless otherwise indicated, all of these vertebrate monosaccharides are assumed to be in the d configuration (except for fucose and iduronic acid, which are in the l configuration), all glycosidically linked monosaccharides are assumed to be in the pyranose form, and all glycosidic linkages are assumed to originate from the 1-position (except for the sialic acids, which are linked from the 2-position). Anomeric notation and destination linkages can be indicated without spacing/dashes. Although color is useful, these representations will survive black-and-white printing. Modifications of monosaccharides are indicated by lowercase letters, with numbers indicating linkage positions, if known (e.g., 9Ac for the 9-O-acetyl group, 3S for the 3-O-sulfate group, 6P for a 6-O-phosphate group, 8Me for the 8-O-methyl group, 9Acy for the 9-O- acyl group, and 9Lt for the 9-O-lactyl group). Esters and ethers are shown attached to the symbol with a number. For N-substituted groups, it is assumed that only one amino group is on the monosaccharide with an already known position (e.g., NS for an N-sulfate group on glucosamine, assumed to be at the 2-position). (b) Typical branched “biantennary” N-glycan with two types of outer termini, depicted at different levels of structural details. (c) Some typical glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chains.
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