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Body composition and Practical Nutritional Assessment

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1 Body composition and Practical Nutritional Assessment
Khursheed Jeejeebhoy

2 Determinants of Nutritional Status
Nutritional health a state of equilibrium nutrient intake and requirements balance. Malnutrition net nutrient intakes < requirements. change in body and blood composition changes in body and blood composition have traditionally used to assess nutritional status.

3 Nutritional Assessment: Veterinary approach
Cā€“ P--

4 Objective of Nutritional Assessment
Veterinary Objective: Mass of muscle, fat and viscera in the carcass. Clinical Objective: To improve patient outcome. Can measurement of muscle, fat and viscera predict outcome?

5 Levels of Body Components
Tissue-Organs Cellular Molecular Atomic Adipose tissue Adipocyte Lipid Hydrogen Water Skeletal Muscle Cells Carbon Visceral Organs Oxygen ECF Protein Skeleton ECS Mineral N, Ca,P,K,Na,Cl

6 Nutritional Assessment: Tissue-Organs
Body Weight and Weight Loss BMI = Wt/Ht2 < 15 is associated with mortality Unintentional weight loss is associated with mortality Weight is difficult to assess due to: Dehydration Edema Dialysate Weight loss estimate has errors of recall

7 Nutritional Assessment: Tissue-Organs
1. How much muscle and fat: Anthropometry Arm muscle circumference Skin Fold thickness 2. How much circulating protein: Visceral Protein Albumin Prealbumin Transferrin 3. Errors of Antropometry Errors due to Baseline values Variability of measurement What is abnormal? Errors due to edema 4. Errors of Visceral Protein Altered by hydration status Altered by Protein loss (GI and renal) Altered by Infection

8 Nutritional Assessment: Tissue-Organs DUAL-ENERGY XRAY ABSORPTIOMETRY (DEXA)
Two low level energy xrays to differentiate tissues of different densities. The only method for assessing the skeleton. Differentiates body composition into: Fat Muscle Bone No data to predict outcome

9 Levels of Body Components
Tissue-Organs Cellular Molecular Atomic Adipose tissue Adipocyte Lipid Hydrogen Water Skeletal Muscle Cells Carbon Visceral Organs Oxygen ECF Protein Skeleton ECS Mineral N, Ca,P,K,Na,Cl

10 Nutritional Assessment: Cellular
Cell mass = Total body potassium / 150 X 1/80 Potassium content of cells = 150 mmol/L Solid to fluid in cells = 1:4 Intracellular potassium is very sensitive to malnutrition and refeeding

11 Nutritional Assessment: Cellular Am J Clin Nutr 1982;35(suppl) 1117-1127
Patients with anorexia Nervosa Weeks of feeding TBN TBK K/TBN kg mM

12 Levels of Body Components
Tissue-Organs Cellular Molecular Atomic Adipose tissue Adipocyte Lipid Hydrogen Water Skeletal Muscle Cells Carbon Visceral Organs Oxygen ECF Protein Skeleton ECS Mineral N, Ca,P,K,Na,Cl

13 Nutritional Assessment: Molecular
Body Weight = Fat mass (FM) + Fat Free Mass (FFM) Hydration of FFM = 73% FFM= Total Body Water/0.73 Total Body Water can be assessed by: Isotope dilution Bioelectric Impedance

14 Nutritional Assessment: Molecular
Isotope dilution Total body water Extracellular water No correlation with outcome Bioimpedance Analysis Easy to perform Measures body water DEXA Measures FM Muscle mass from which FFM can be derived Bone mass

15 Levels of Body Components
Tissue-Organs Cellular Molecular Atomic Adipose tissue Adipocyte Lipid Hydrogen Water Skeletal Muscle Cells Carbon Visceral Organs Oxygen ECF Protein Skeleton ECS Mineral N and Ca

16 Nutritional Assessment: Atomic
Measured By: Hydrogen Neutron Activation Carbon Inelastic Neutron scattering Nitrogen Prompt Gamma Emission Calcium Neutron Activation



19 Subjective Global Assessment




















39 Predictive value of a test

40 Predictive ability of SGA

41 SGA assessment and record of other risk factors influencing prognosis
Nutritional Prognosis in Hospital Patients Perman et al. Am J Clin Nutr 2002;75:426S 448 Hospital Patients SGA assessment and record of other risk factors influencing prognosis Logistic regression to evaluate independent risk of malnutriton by SGA on complications and mortality

42 Nutritional Prognosis in Hospital Patients Perman et al
Nutritional Prognosis in Hospital Patients Perman et al. Am J Clin Nutr 2002;75:426S * only odds ratio of BC not different from A *





47 Mohandas IJG 2005;24:

48 Subjective Global Assessment and Cancer
Thoresen et al. Palliat Med ;16:33-42. Sensitivity 96% and specificity 83% Persson et al. Clin Nutr 1999; 18:71-77 Survival Lower in SGA B+C vs A (P<0.001)

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