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The psychoanalytic approach – Ne0-Freudian

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1 The psychoanalytic approach – Ne0-Freudian
IAS1162 – Lecture #3 The psychoanalytic approach – Ne0-Freudian

2 Introduction Sigmund Freud ‘started’ the theories in psychology
Many other scholars became his followers Some had differences and broke away from Freud and carried on with their own theories Mostly just a ‘continuation’ of Freud’s theories These scholars are called “Neo-Freudians”

3 Disagreement with Freud’s theories
Rejection on ideas that adult personality stems from only the first 5-6 years of life Acknowledge that early childhood experience have a significant effect Argues that later experiences, particularly in in adolescence and early adulthood are also important in shaping personality

4 … cont’d … Challenge Freud’s emphasis on instinctual sources of personality Argued that Freud failed to recognize many of the important social and cultural forces that shape who we are Freud attributed many of the differences between men and women are just biological A neo-Freudian theorist argued that culture play a large role in creating these differences

5 … cont’d Negative tone of Freudian theory
The concentration on the dark side of human personality by Freud Presentation of a more positive view of humankind and human personality Constructive functions of the ego and emphasized the role of conscious rather than unconscious determinants of behavior Other theorists spoke of growth experience and satisfaction people obtain from reaching their potential

6 Alfred Adler The first member of the psychoanalytic group created by Freud to break away First had a good relationship with Freud but turned sour over a lot of disagreement Several member followed him when he left Formed a new society and created individual psychology

7 Striving for Superiority
Key difference between Freud and Adler was description of human motivation Freud depicted motivation in terms of sexual and aggressive themes Alder identified a single motivating force called striving for superiority Striving for superiority begins with feelings of inferiority Everybody starts with a profound sense of inferiority Expected from a weak and helpless child – dependent on larger and stronger adults Awareness on weakness drives one to overcome

8 … cont’d … Everything we do is designed to establish a sense of superiority over life’s obstacles Why do we work so hard to obtain good grades, to excel in athletics, to reach a position of power? Freud describes the motives driving a successful businessman in terms of sublimation Defeating business rivals satisfies an unconscious desire to compete Adler saw business success as an expression of superiority striving

9 … cont’d … Excessive feelings of inferiority has the opposite effect – inferiority complex Vastly inferior to everybody else Feelings of helplessness rather than upward drive to establish superiority People who develop this run away from challenges rather than work to overcome it

10 Your Job Read on I will ask you in the next online quiz
Adler’s “Parental Influence on Personality Development and Birth Order theories” The Psychoanalytic theories of Carl Jung – The Collective Unconscious & Archetypes Erik Erikson – Concept of the Ego Karen Horney –Neurosis & Feminine Psychology I will ask you in the next online quiz


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