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Centennial journey – from classic light to quanta and back

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1 Centennial journey – from classic light to quanta and back
American Physical Society Racah Institute of Physics Workshop V International Year of Light 2015  Centennial journey – from classic light to quanta and back December 16, Danciger B Seminar room, Afternoon 16.00)

2 Program  16.00 – Prof. Miron Ya. Amusia Introductory remarks 16.10 – Prof. Gilad Marcus High energy, short pulse lasers – source for high field and ultrafast processes, 17.00 – Prof. Miron Amusia Theory of photoionization by low and high intensity photon beams. General discussion

3 PhD in Physics, Hebrew University, 2006
Prof. Gilad Marcus Was born in 1968. PhD in Physics, Hebrew University, 2006 Faculty member, Department of applied physics, HUJI, from 2012 Peter Brojde Scholar in 2012 Golda Meir Fellowship in 2012 Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship in 2007

4 Prof. Gilad Marcus “High energy, short pulse lasers – source for high field and ultrafast processes”
 Intense ultrashort light pulses comprising merely a few wave cycles became routinely available during the last decade. These lasers advances opened the door to real-time observation and time-domain control of atomic-scale electron dynamics. I will review the related strong field and “attosecond” physics and discuss aspects of classical and quantum physics.

5 Prof. Miron Amusia, Was born in 1934
Graduated Leningrad university in 1958, Doctor of Science 1972, Professor of Physics at HUJI since 1998, Principal scientist of the Ioffe Institute of RAS APS Fellow since 1995, International APS friend since 2010 1990 – A v Humboldt research prize 1992 ANL foreign fellow, 1995 Forchheimer visiting professor at HUJI Other awards and distinctions. About 500 research papers, 16 books, 25 PhD students, first paper on photoionization in 1968.

6 Prof. Miron Amusia “Theory of photoionization by low and high intensity photon beams”
  We will discuss the development of the theory from the classical picture that have contradicted experimental observations to the Einstein quantum formulation that for more than half a century satisfied researchers.

7   With invention of lasers and growth of the intensity of generated by them radiation, a whole variety of observed facts disclosed the limits of Einstein’s approach. We will discuss the so-called back-scattering mechanism that is able to describe the photoionization at high photon beam intensities and low frequencies and will mention some open problems at high frequencies. Main attention will be given to multi-electron atoms and endohedrals as objects of photoionization.

8 SOME COMMENTS on 0ur meetings 1
 W I. Crossing the domains within physics: fullerenes and endohedrals as an object, where atomic, molecular and condensed matter physics are getting together – W II. Friction in physics and society at W III. What physics can say about climate changes

9 SOME COMMENTS on 0ur meetings 2
 WIV. Quantum computing: achievable reality or unrealistic dream – WV. Centennial journey – from classic light to quanta and back Our Style of selection is clear. Proposals are welcome.

10 international Year of light and Light-based technologies I
IYL 2015 Proclaimed by United Nations Supported by APS from the start as a co-organizer 1000 years ago Ibn al-Haytham formulated the first theories on optics 200 years ago Augustin-Jean Fresnel applied the wave theory of light to optics 150 years ago James Clerk Maxwell developed the theory of electromagnetic waves

11 international Year of light and Light-based technologies II
100 years ago Einstein developed his theory of general relativity 50 years ago Penzias and Wilson discovered the cosmic microwave background radiation. “Because of those anniversaries, it’s a great reason to celebrate light and light technology” Note: 110 years of photoeffect theory

12 But is 2015 the year of “Science or Islamic Science. ” see M. Ya
But is 2015 the year of “Science or Islamic Science?” see M. Ya. Amusia, APS news, Letters to the Editor, v. 24, n. 5, The following bothers me however: “…IYL 2015 is celebrating 1000 years of Islamic optics, starting with the book of optics written by Ibn al-Haytham during the so-called golden age of Islamic science” (see Joseph Niemela, APS news, v. 24, n. 2, page 5.

13 What surprises me are the notions of Islamic optics or Islamic science
What surprises me are the notions of Islamic optics or Islamic science. Does it mean that there are also Christian optics, or e.g. Orthodox science, and so on? Are Einstein’s discoveries a piece of Judaic science? Has Abdus Salam, a person devoted to Islam, to be considered as a part of modern Islamic science?

14 Why Centennial journey – from classic light to quanta and back?
Classical approach to photoionization was developed more than a century ago It became an area of research in the 1880th Results was impossible to explain classically Correct = Quantum picture was developed in 1905 by Einstein. Dominated till the 1980th With lasers classics returned at higher level. Now a very big domain.

15 The podium is yours, Dear speakers
At first Gilad's and then Miron’s

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