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Highlights of 2016 and the outlook for 2017

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1 Highlights of 2016 and the outlook for 2017
Virginija Langbakk, Director of EIGE EESC/ SOC June 13, 2017

2 Highlights of 2016 EIGE studies Data and Tools
Economic Benefits of Gender Equality Poverty, gender and intersecting inequalities Gender, skills and precarious work Terminology and indicators for data collection on rape, femicide and intimate partner violence EIGE studies Gender Equality Index in Serbia Gender Statistics Database Gender Equality in Academia and Research: GEAR Tool Data and Tools

3 Income inequality: difference between 20% richest and 20% poorest in the EU

4 Employment by gender and number of children
Mothers leaving labour market: lost income & rights with life-long impacts Only 55% of women with 3 or more children are employed (2015): Employment by gender and number of children

5 More women than men are inactive during all ages
Inactivity by gender and age

6 Share of the low-qualified population by age and gender (EU-28, 2015)
Source: Eurostat, LFS (edat_lfse_03). Note: Low-qualified people have completed primary education, lower secondary education or less.

7 Low qualifications and detachment from labour market
Employed more than 10 years ago or never employed by gender and level of education

8 Precarious job: more prevalent among women

9 Economic benefits of Gender equality: pathways

10 Gender equality boosts GDP

11 Gender equality creates jobs

12 Countries that increase gender equality will reap bigger benefits
Group 1: up to 4% GDP Group 2: up to 4% GDP Group 3: up to 3% GDP In 2050 Group 1: up to 12% GDP Group 2: up to 14% GDP Group 3: up to 7% GDP

13 Closing gender gaps in STEM education creates more jobs
1.2 million jobs

14 Impact on GDP by MS in 2030 Group 1 includes: SK, HR, IT, CZ, PL, LT, EL, BG, PT, BE; Group 2 includes: ES, HU, MT, FR, RO, EE, DE, LV, LU; Group 3 includes: SI, IE, AT, NL, UK, FI, CY, DK, SE.

15 Impact on GDP by MS in 2050 Group 1 includes: SK, HR, IT, CZ, PL, LT, EL, BG, PT, BE; Group 2 includes: ES, HU, MT, FR, RO, EE, DE, LV, LU; Group 3 includes: SI, IE, AT, NL, UK, FI, CY, DK, SE.

16 Outlook for 2017

17 Beijing Platform for Action
2017 Estonian PRES: gender segregation in education, training and the labour market

18 Measuring violence Harmonising administrative data on violence against women in the area of police and judicial systems

19 Gender mainstreaming ONGOING: Gender mainstreaming platform – tools, methods and technical assistance for gender mainstreaming In FOCUS: Gender and education Gender budgeting: ESF and ERDF

20 Gender Equality Index 1 Framework for measuring violence against women 2 Satellite domain on intersecting inequalities 3 Revised domains on Health and Power 2017 October 2017 November

21 Priorities for 2017 1 2 3 Gender Statistics Database
Becoming a knowledge centre for gender statistics in the EU Wider outreach to the key stakeholders Cooperating with the main statistical providers 1 2 3

22 Gender Statistics Database
Latest data on women and men in decision-making The statistics reflect the average of the 28 Member States of the EU

23 Follow our news

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