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James M. Kuterbach, MA July 27, 2006

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1 James M. Kuterbach, MA July 27, 2006
PY 101 General Psychology James M. Kuterbach, MA July 27, 2006

2 Overview Learning Memory Thinking

3 Learning Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning
Learning by Observation

4 Learning Learning – a relatively permanent change in an organism’s behavior die to experience

5 Classical Conditioning
Classical Conditioning – also called “Pavlovian Conditioning” Watson & Pavlov Basis behind “habits” and phobias Unconditioned and Conditioned Stimuli

6 Classical Conditioning
Learning by Association Associative Learning – learning that certain events occur together Learning is a passive participant

7 Classical Conditioning
Food Salivation Unconditioned Stimulus Unconditional Response

8 Classical Conditioning
Food Salivation Bell Unconditioned Stimulus Unconditional Response Conditioned Stimulus

9 Classical Conditioning
Bell Salivation Conditioned Stimulus Conditional Response

10 Classical Conditioning
Load Noise Startle Response & Fear Unconditioned Stimulus Unconditional Response

11 Classical Conditioning
Load Noise Startle Response & Fear Fuzzy Animal Unconditioned Stimulus Unconditional Response Conditioned Stimulus

12 Classical Conditioning
Fuzzy Animal Startle Response & Fear Conditioned Stimulus Conditional Response

13 Classical Conditioning
Extinction – the diminishing of a conditioned response Spontaneous Recovery – the reappearance of an extinguished response, after a rest period Generalization – tendency for similar stimuli to elicit a conditioned response

14 Operant Conditioning Thorndike & Skinner Based on the Law of Effect
Rewarded behavior is likely to recur Basis of most direct learning Learner must be an active participant

15 Operant Conditioning Reinforcements & Punishments
Reinforcements – Anything that increases the likelihood of a behavior reoccurring Punishment – Anything that decreases the likelihood of a behavior reoccurring

16 Operant Conditioning Positive Reinforcement – giving a desired stimulus to increase a behavior Negative Reinforcement – removing an adverse stimulus to increase a behavior

17 Operant Conditioning Reinforcement Schedules Fixed-ratio schedule
Variable-ratio schedule Fixed-interval schedule Variable-interval schedule

18 Operant Conditioning Punishments that work Time out Overcorrection
“Time out from positive reinforcement” Remove the person from whatever is reinforcing their behavior Overcorrection

19 Operant Conditioning Shaping – procedure that guides a subject to the eventual desired behavior by reinforcing successive approximations Chaining – creating a new behavior by putting together a series of known behaviors

20 Learning By Observation
Bandura – Social Learning Theory Also called Observational Learning May be responsible for most learning Learner is active in learning

21 Learning By Observation
Learning occurs by observing others being reinforced or punished Modeling The best models are those that are most like the learner

22 Memory Memory – the persistence of learning over time, through the storage and retrieval of information Information Processing System Encoding Storage Retrieval

23 Memory Short-term Memory Chunking Long-term Memory Mnemonics

24 Thinking Cognition – mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating Hueristic – simple thinking strategy that often allows us to make judgments and solve problems efficiently

25 Thinking Obstacles to Problem Solving Confirmation Bias Fixation
Mental Set Functional Fixedness Representative Heuristic Availability Heuristic

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