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New Normals 21st Century Educators

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Presentation on theme: "New Normals 21st Century Educators"— Presentation transcript:

1 New Normals 21st Century Educators
Discover the accomplished 21st Century educator within that is culturally aware and responsive to differences where the focus is strengths' based to aid scholars in reaching their academic goals. Gain tools on how to empower students with ownership as they activate personal choice to demonstrate their understanding and retention of the information learned according to their own unique learning style, interest, and level of readiness. You will also learn something new about yourself in this interactive workshop that will enhance your already valuable contribution to the educational system. Hometown Career path: how I came to be a presenter Future aspirations My reason for being a speaker is to encourage others to accept their peculiarity and its okay to stand out and be set apart bc you are being formed for greatness… so find your gifts, talents, and abilities then sharpen them to use to improve the lives of others and to live a life on purpose and full of passion because you confidently believe that no one can do what you do like you do!!!

2 Engage [Closure]: Focus: Differentiation

3 Engage & Explore: Complete the Multiple Intelligences test
Read the results WHAT DID YOU CONCLUDE ABOUT YOUR LEARNING STYLE? [Explore] Quick share: How would this have helped you in school or not?

4 Explain: Your role requires small group teaching. These tools will engage any and every student that you are assigned. Knowing that we all learn differently and at different rates these can be challenges in an inclusive classroom. Different levels or groupings in a classroom could be: Exceptional Children, English Second Language learners, below level/remedial groups, grade level achievers, and gifted students or with mastery of standard (s) that need extension activities.

5 Let me show you how We alter the content (lower grade standards or a lower reading level passage), the process: (partner, cloze reading), or the product: based on level of readiness and interest (multiple intelligences) to ensure academic growth Today’s focus Process and product differentiation: what: graphic organizer for Who: below grade level, EC and ESL used when: those struggling with comprehension or a new idea is being introduced Why: it turns the text into a visual representation of info. It includes tactile [writing] and visual with the g.o. and audio if read aloud How: draw it, copy off line, or foldables; where: whole class or small groups You read with them and fill in as a group for MI and details.

6 I do/we do/you do: Refer to “Gym Jam” or alternative easier text… point out NF/Informational text features-reference organizer for main idea and details one of the hardest concept because general to specific Read 1st paragraph aloud and reference 1st part of completed organizer We do: ask for readers for 2nd subheading & fill in organizer together. You do: [Product differentiation] a summary with main idea and 3 details as an advertisement i.e. a billboard/outside, a jingle, a commercial with script, a print ad or a paragraph. extend to early finishers to choose a side and tell why they agree or not Most will choose paragraph because of traditional teaching and learning and not student centered

7 RESOURCES ***Refer to depth & complexity tools on differentiation academy workshop link for “gifted” students. Gifted is used lightly because their mastery can change from content subject to content subject and even standard to standard because it is not based solely on standardized test! Math performance task offers great extension and corrective teaching resource: Google: any math topic interactive or tutorial: Khan Academy and study jams are awesome! Task cards, graphic organizers, leveled reader’s response bingo for readiness, SIOP strategies for ESL especially, foldables and links from the CMS Differentiation Academy to get you going with differentiating your small groups to demonstrate your Accomplished and Distinguished Educator status

8 Extension: “If” poem empowering collective bulletin board for students (add words or images) about traits like character study As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. Marianne Williamson “oh the places you’ll go” and goal setting… lessons for living/theme with evidence and comparisons to real life stories

9 Notes:

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