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Warm-Up (11/09) On the piece of white paper from the back, answer the following question. Name Date Period Explain the importance of DNA replication.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up (11/09) On the piece of white paper from the back, answer the following question. Name Date Period Explain the importance of DNA replication."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up (11/09) On the piece of white paper from the back, answer the following question. Name Date Period Explain the importance of DNA replication.

2 The Cell Cycle Interphase Growth (G1) Synthesis of DNA (S)
Preparation for mitosis (G2)

3 Two identical “daughter” cells
Mitosis Two identical “daughter” cells original cell

4 Mitosis “2n” “4n” “2n” Two identical “daughter” cells
4 copies of every chromosome “4n” Chromosome: a long, tightly compacted strand of DNA original cell 2 copies of every chromosome “2n”

5 Mitosis “2n” “4n” “2n” Two identical “daughter” cells
4 copies of every chromosome “4n” Chromosome: a long, tightly compacted strand of DNA original cell 2 copies of every chromosome “2n” When cells specialize to perform a specific function, they often “arrest” or stop dividing.

6 Share and Discuss Discuss this question with your partner and write or represent it. I will call on three people to share their partners’ answers. What would a graph of DNA levels per cell look like over four generations?

7 Independent Practice Draw a graph of a cell dividing over four generations and label the growth, synthesis and preparation stages of interphase; mitosis; and cytokinesis Draw a graph of a cell dividing over time with an increased cell cycle rate or decreased cell cycle rate

8 Share and Discuss Discuss this question with your partner and write or represent it. I will call on three people to share their partners’ answers. What would a cell look like after 3 cycles through the cell cycle if it lost the ability to undergo cytokinesis?

9 Closure On the piece of white paper from the back, answer the following question: Name Date Period Epithelial skin cells are some of the fastest- dividing cells in the human body, which means that they complete and re-enter the cell cycle more quickly than most other cell types. What do you predict would happen if a person was scratched on the arm, killing approximately 10,000 cells from the surface of that person’s skin? Justify your answer. Scale 1 – 10

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