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What is Natural History?

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Presentation on theme: "What is Natural History?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Natural History?
BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land ? What is Natural History?

BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land READING ASSIGNMENT!!!! Assg. 2 (URL)

3 Characterized by dominant ____________… largely influenced by…
BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land Terrestrial Biomes Characterized by dominant ____________… largely influenced by… What explains geographic variation in climate? ? Earth’s… ? How does temperature AND day length vary here at NNU from season to season?

4 BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land

5 BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land

6 BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land

7 Climate diagrams help summarize important information about a site.
BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land Climate diagrams help summarize important information about a site. What variables are represented on each of the axes? ?

8 BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land

9 BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land

10 BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land

11 Where does soil come from?
BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land Soil is another very important factor that influences what type of vegetation is dominant at a site Where does soil come from? What are the component parts of soil? How do they differ from place to place? ? ? ?

12 Soil is the consequence of …
BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land Soil is the consequence of … Weathering…

13 ______ = 0.05 – 2mm ______ = 0.002 – 0.05mm ______ = <0.002mm
BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land Compare dirt samples! Parent material is the ______________________ material from which the soil is formed… Soils distinguished by their physical and chemical properties including: ______ = 0.05 – 2mm ______ = – 0.05mm ______ = <0.002mm

14 Ion exchange is important to soil _______________…
BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land Ion exchange is important to soil _______________…

15 BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land

16 BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land
Working in pairs, match the climate graphs and the biome distribution maps to the biome types listed below… Temperate Grasslands Mediterranean Woodlund/Shrubland/Scrub Tropical Dry Forest Tundra Temperate Forests Boreal Forests Tropical Rain Forest Tropical Savanna Desert

17 BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land

18 BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land

19 BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land

20 BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land

21 BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land

22 BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land

23 BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land

24 BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land

25 BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land

26 BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land

27 BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land

28 BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land

29 BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land

30 BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land

31 BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land

32 BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land

33 BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land

34 BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land

35 BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land
Fig. 2.35

36 BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land

37 BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land

38 BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land

39 BIOL 3240 Plant and Animal Ecology – Life on Land

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