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CS3075 People Soft Expense Training

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Presentation on theme: "CS3075 People Soft Expense Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 CS3075 People Soft Expense Training
People and Technology Creating a Better Environment Welcome to the Clean Harbors People Soft Expense Training This course is coded CS3075 and is a conducted as a one time module and refresher as needed.

2 Getting Started From the Employee Portal, Click on PeopleSoft Expense – NOTE: You must be logged in via VPN! You will then be brought to the PeopleSoft Login Screen. NOTE: Your user name and password must be in ALL CAPS Your PS User name and password will be provided to you * To get started using People soft expense, you should click on PEOPLESOFT EXPENSE from your employee portal. If you are logging in outside of the Clean Harbors network, you will need to be logged in via our VPN. You will then be brought to the Peoplesoft login. Your user name and password all need to be in capitolized letters in order to login correctly. Note that from the PS login screen, you can right click anywhere on the screen to create a shortcut to your desktop – avoiding having to log in via the portal each time you need to use this application. NOTE: From this screen, you can add to your favorites, or Right click on the screen and choose “create shortcut” to make Link to PS Expense from your desktop

3 Main Menu When you first login, you will see the main menu.
If you are entering expense reports, you need to login via Employee Self-Service If you are approving expense reports for your employees, you need to login via Manager Self-Service or Worklist NOTE: See Approving Expenses at the end of this document * When you log in, you will be brought to the Main Menu. If you are entering expense reports for yourself, you need to click on Employee Self Service. If you are approving expense reports, you will need to login via Manager self service or worklist. Please note that we will be covering approving expense reports later in this module.

4 Employee Self-Service
From Employee Self-Service, click on Travel and Expense Center. You can access from the main screen Or from the navigation bar * From Employee Self service, you want to go to the Travel and Expense center. You will note that you can get there from the main menu, or from the navigation bar

5 Travel and Expense Center
Once in the Travel and Expense Center, you can create, modify or print expense reports, review payments, create Expense “templates” and review your personal profile. ** Once youa re in the travel and expense center, you can create, modify or print expense reports, review payments, set up templates and use the “my wallet feature”.

6 Expense Reports Here you can Create, Modify, Print, Delete or Edit an Expense Report CREATING EXPENSE REPORTS: The first step is to choose what you want to “Start your Report With” – you can choose A Blank Report (straight entry, no templates used) A Template (to use a template you created) An Existing Report (to copy an expense report you already entered) Using My Wallet (to select the receipts from my wallet you want to create a report for) We will now move onto the expense report section of the Travel and Expense center. * Here you can create, modify, print, edit or delete an expense report. We will start with creating an expense report. You can create reports in many ways. Click create from the expense report menu The first step is to choose what you want to start your report with. When you click the drop down you have the option to start from a blank report, which means you would just begin entering from this screen. You can also choose to create using a template that you have, which would automatically complete the lines that you had entered into the template. You can enter using my wallet as well – you will have the option to select which receipts should be included. Finally, you can create from an existing report – this will copy the lines from a report you have already entered. You do not lose the original report because you are simply copying the appropriate lines.

7 Expense Reports If you choose “A BLANK REPORT” when creating, you then complete all the required information, and click “save”, or “submit” NOTE: This is the type you will most likely use the most! If you choose “FROM A TEMPLATE” you then see you template and choose the expense types you need to enter * If you chose to create from an existing report, you wuill see a list of submitted expense reports for you to choose from. You then rename the sheet and choose the lines you wish to copy. If you choose to create from a template, you will pick the template you want to use, and then select the lines that you want to appear.

8 Expense Reports If you choose “FROM MY WALLET” you can then select the expenses that apply to this sheet from your wallet If you choose “FROM AN EXISTING REPORT” you will then see a list of submitted expense sheets for you to choose from. You then rename the sheet and choose the lines you wish to copy. * If you chose to create an expense report from my wallet, you can select your expenses you want to include from your wallet. If you chose to create from a blank report – most likely the one you will use the most - you then can begin your entry by completing all fields with an asterix next to them

9 Expense Reports When entering expense lines, you drop down the expense type, and enter the required fields. You can add additional lines by clicking Add New expense, or Copy Selected Expense You also need to click on “DETAIL” to enter the required fields for that line (I.e. attendees, or ticket number, etc) * Regardless of how you choose to start your expense report, you can always add additional lines and will need to add the detailed information for each line. When entering a new line, drop down the expense type and enter the required fields. * You can add new lines by clicking add new expense, copying an existing line, clicking the plus botton at the end of the line. All of these actions will add additional lines to your expense report. At the end of the expense line there is a “detail” link. If there is an asterix next to the word detail, then you must click the link to enter additional information. Don’t forget to add additional attendees when you are entering meals, if applicable. Note that PS times out after no activity detected for 20 minutes. Remember to click “Save for later” to save the report – Save and save often! When all your lines are entered, click FINISH AND SUBMIT. The system will check for errors and notify you of anyyou need to fix, and then will submit your expense report to your manager for approval. Once your entries are complete you can click either: or NOTE: PS times out with no activity for 20 minutes. Remember to SAVE and SAVE OFTEN!

10 Details Section Most lines of the expense report require you to click on the “detail” link to fill out additional information The detail screen is slightly different for US employees and Canadian employees * most of the lines of the expense report will require you to click on the detail link to fill out additional information The detail screens are slightly different for US and Canadian employees. The system will automatically bring you to the appropriate screen based on your location Lets review the detail screens now The system will automatically bring you to the appropriate screen based on your employee ID #

11 Details - US Fill in all fields with an asterix (*)
The fields vary based on the expense type chosen * You now see the detail section All fields with an asterix must be completed. Note that the fields required to complete will vary by expense type. For example, if you entered auto rental, it would ask for the number of days, airfare for the ticket number, etc. It is important to note that if you have a meal with someone other than yourself, you need to click on the additional atendees link You can then click on CHECK EXPENSE FOR ERRORS to see if you made any mistakes or forgot to fill out a field Or click return to expense report To get to the main screen again NOTE: If you have a meal with more than one person – you need to add “additional attendees” by clicking this link You can check the expense for errors by clicking here You can click on this link to return to your expense report

12 Details - US If you check expense for error, it will tell you what you need to complete to clear any errors. The system will also highlight the field that needs to be completed/fixed Anything that is over the allotted amount will be forwarded to the appropriate Senior Vice President for approval automatically if it is approved by your Manager. * When you check expense for errors (or if you do it at the end of all your entries) the system will flag you to fix any missing or incorrect information. The error will appear at the top of the screen in red, and the missing information field will be highlighted. In this case, the amount entered is over the limitation for the day. This requires either the amount to be adjusted, or a comment to be entered if you had approval to go over the limit.

13 Details - Canada Fill in all fields with an asterix (*)
Note that PROVINCE is always required. This is the Province in which you INCURRED the expense – UNLESS MILEAGE – then is the the Province in which you RESIDE The fields vary based on the expense type chosen For each receipt, you need to enter the VAT amount (GST and HST) or chose No VAT receipt. If it is not required (i.e. for mileage) it will be grayed out

14 Details - Canada NOTE: If you have a meal with more than one person – you need to add “additional attendees” by clicking this link * It is important to note that if you have a meal with someone other than yourself, you need to click on the additional atendees link You can then click on CHECK EXPENSE FOR ERRORS to see if you made any mistakes or forgot to fill out a field Or click return to expense report to get back to the main page You can check the expense for errors by clicking here You can click on this link to return to your expense report

15 Details - Canada If you check expense for error, it will tell you what you need to complete to clear any errors. The system will also highlight the field that needs to be completed/fixed. Anything that is over the allotted amount will be forwarded to the appropriate Senior Vice President for approval automatically if it is approved by your Manager. * When you check expense for errors (or if you do it at the end of all your entries) the system will flag you to fix any missing or incorrect information. The error will appear at the top of the screen in red, and the missing information field will be highlighted. In this case, the amount entered is over the limitation for the day. This requires either the amount to be adjusted, or a comment to be entered if you had approval to go over the limit.

16 Note on Mileage Entries
MILEAGE, LIKE ALL EXPENSES, MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH ONE WEEK ON EACH REPORT Mileage (US & Canada) All submitted mileage MUST have an electronic mileage log completed with PeopleSoft Expense. Mileage rates are automatically calculated Employees on car plans will have their car plan rate automatically populated Non car plan employees will have the current Clean Harbors established rate populated Mileage (Canada) When on the details section of an expense report, the Canadian Province is where you RESIDE, not where you TRAVELED. A few notes on mileage entries. In both the US and Canada, all submitted mileage must be accompanyed by a completed CH mileage log. Mileage rates are automatically calculated either by the current CH mileage reimbursement rate, or by the established Runz rates for those on a car plan. In Canada, when in the details section of the expense report, the field Canadian Provicne should be the province in which you reside, not where you traveled

17 Business Mileage Log YOU SHOULD COMPLETE THE FIELDS IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER: Choose expense type Mileage Reimbursement Enter expense date (last date driven) Click on details Enter miles Enter description (see mileage log) Enter business mileage log If an expense type of Mileage Reimbursement is entered, the user will now be required to enter business miles. This log will appear whenever the mileage expense type is selected.

18 Completing A Mileage Log
1. Enter period Start and End dates 3.Enter FROM City & State/Province 5.Enter TO City & State/Province 6.Enter detailed Trip Purpose 7. Enter Distance 2. Enter travel date or use calendar to select 4.You can use the looking glass to search

19 Notes about Using the Mileage Log
If you enter for example, Des Plaines as your starting point, and Chicago as your ending point, in the “trip purpose” area you can enter multiple customers that you saw AS LONG AS THEY are in the same CITY If your mileage is over 30 days old, you will need Sr. Vice President approval to accompany your expense report or the mileage will be denied.

20 Sample Blank Mileage Log

21 Sample Completed Mileage Log

22 Invalid State or Province Entry
If an invalid State or Province is entered the user will get the following error and be required to correct before continuing.

23 Mileage Log Tie Out Please note: the distance reported in the expense report must tie out with the mileage log total. If not the user will receive an error flag and be required to correct prior to completion of the expense.

24 Mileage Log Tie Out If the distance reported and the mileage log do not match, when you check the expense report for errors the Business Mileage Log will be RED

25 Approving Managers Must Review Mileage Logs
Please note: Managers approving expense reports with mileage must review the mileage log prior to approval. If the mileage log isn’t reviewed, an error message will appear prompting the user to review.

26 Late Reason Required for Expenses over 30 Days Old
Late Reason Flag All expenses must be submitted within thirty (30) days of the date of the expense. If a late expense is submitted, the user must insert a late reason before they can continue. Enter Late Reason – NOTE: All Expenses over 30 days will be forwarded to the appropriate Senior Vice President for approval by the system automatically.

27 Pre-Approvals in writing
If you stay at a non-CLC hotel you will need an with that approval from a Senior Vice President or Executive Staff and it should be included with your expense report in order to be paid. If you book travel outside of FCM (our travel company) you will need approval from your Travel Manager which will need to be submitted with your expenses. The T&E expense reimbursement policy can be found in the Policy and Procedures document as well as on the Employee Portal under Forms/Travel and Living - Business Travel Required Information & Rate Sheet (Form TV-5.0-BTRI)

28 Non-compliant Car Plan
If the user is on a car plan and the vehicle is out of compliance this message will appear. The user is required to submit the miles/kilometers, but will be reimbursed at a zero rate. See policy TV 7.0.

29 Non-compliant Car Plan
The user is required to submit the miles/kilometers, but will be reimbursed at a zero rate. See policy TV 7.0.

30 Print Reports Here you can print any of your expense reports.
NOTE: YOU MUST PRINT YOUR REPORT AND SUBMIT WITH YOUR RECEIPTS! YOUR RECEIPTS SHOULD BE TAPED TO A PIECE OF PAPER, AND THEN STAPLED (not clipped) TO THE PRINTED REPORT! * Once you submit an expense report for approval, your next step is to print out the expense report. Note that you MUST print the report in the correct format in order to not delay your expense report. It is also important that you properly attach your receipts to your report. Your receipts should be taped to a blank sheet of paper, and then the paper should be stapled to your report. All receipts should be sent directly to Corporate, and not to your manager. From the print expense menu, you just need to hit “search” * no criteria is required to execute the search. You can enter a report ID, or click “search” to see all your expense reports

31 X Print Reports To print, click print from your browser
* When you click on the expense report you want to click, it will open a printable version. Note that it has the sheet ID in bold at the top. When it opens, you use your browser’s print feature to print out the report. You will notice at the bttom of the print out is an area for you and your manager to sign. This is not required! This is a system default and you can ignore this section. NOTE: At bottom of printed report you will see a section for Employee and Mgr signature. THESE ARE NOT REQUIRED. SUBMIT WITHOUT SIGNATURES. Also, make sure your receipts are STAPLED to this form when submitting! X

32 Review Payments Here you can review your Expense History or review your Expense Payments to date Reviewing your Expense history allows you to view all of your expenses, or narrow by date or transaction type You can click on any of the expense sheets to view the detail * The last section we will explore is reviewing payments. Reviewing your expense history allows you to view all of yoru expenses, or use the available filter sto narrow down by date or transaction type. You can then click on any of the expense sheets to view the detail and payment status.

33 Rejected Expense? Expense lines can be rejected for many reasons:
No receipt or proper documentation Expense is out of policy Expense denied by Manager or Auditor You can view why a line was denied by going into the Travel & Expense Center and clicking on VIEW under Expense Report

34 Rejected Expense? Expense lines can be rejected for many reasons:
No receipt or proper documentation More than 1 week of expenses are on the report Expense is out of policy Expense denied by Manager or Auditor You can view why a line was denied by going into the Travel & Expense Center and clicking on VIEW under Expense Report

35 Expense Notification When your expense report is audited, approved and ready to be paid, you will receive notification Be sure to note the TOTAL AMOUNT and AMOUNT DUE EMPLOYEE If these totals are the same, all lines were approved

36 Expense Notification Be sure to note the DENIED LINE ITEMS if applicable. This shows which lines are not being paid. If you have denied lines, check the denied reasons and resubmit if possible. If you do have denied lines, the total amount and amount due employee will also be different

37 Rejected Expense? You can view why a line was denied by going into the Travel & Expense Center and clicking on VIEW under Expense Report

38 Rejected Expense? When you access the report, you will see a note before the lines that were rejected You can see the reason the expense was rejected by the Auditor when you click “view all”

39 Rejected Expense? After you click VIEW ALL, you will see the reason the lines were rejected

40 Rejected Expense? If you have a line rejected and have resolved the issue, you can resubmit the expense on a new expense report with the proper documentation Please reference the original expense report number the line was denied from

41 Other Expense Functions
In Other Expense Functions, you can Create/Update User Templates, or go to “My Wallet” CREATE/UPDATE USER TEMPLATE This feature allows you to create a “template” expense report Convenient for those who have similar expense sheets submitted each time Expense lines will auto populate for you You can create several templates if you wish MY WALLET This feature allows you to enter expense amounts throughout a time period without submitting Convenient for those who submit one expense report per month You can then create an expense report from here by simply choosing the expenses you wish to include * We will start with the “other expense function” area. In this section, you can create or update user templates, or go to my wallet. Templates is a feature that allows you to create a “canned” expense report. This is a convenient feature for those who submit similar expense sheets on a regular basis. When you use a template to create a report the expense lines you have chosen will auto populate for you, saving entry time. My wallet is a feature that allows you to enter expense amounts throughout a time period without submitting an actual expense reports. It is convenient for those who submit one expense report per month or who travel or extended amounts of time. You can create an expense report by using the entries in your wallet, again saving you time on entry.

42 User Templates To create a new template, click on “add a new value”
To edit an existing template, you can click on “SEARCH” here and a list of the templates you have created will appear. (note: if only 1 template exists, you will be automatically brought to the edit screen of that template). From here you can change your template and “save”. When you click on user templates, you can either search for an existing template you have already set up, or create a new template. You can have as many templates in place as you wish. * To search for or edit an existing template, you do not need to complete any information, simply click the search key and all of your saved templates will appear on the screen. To create a new emplate, click on the “add a new value tab”

43 User Templates Name your template in “document template”.
Drop down “template type” and choose “expense report” When done, click “add” Now you can customize this template. First you want to add a “description” (I.e. “company meetings”) Next, you want to drop down and choose your “expense type” (I.e “airfare” or “mileage”) Click the “+” icon to add more lines. When complete click “save” * When creating a new template * , you need to first name the template * Then drop down template type and choose “expense report” When complete, click ADD This will bring you to the template you have created. Add a description of your template, for example “weekly expenses” Next drown down the first expense type, for example “lunch with customer” You can then click the add line icon to add as many more lines as you need. When complete, click save.

44 User Templates You will get a confirmation that the save was successful Once saved, you can then modify the template as needed You will get a confirmation that the save was successful. * Once saved, you can then modify the template as needed, and create a new expense report with your template.

45 My Wallet My Wallet allows you to enter receipts without creating a new expense report. You can then create an expense report later by selecting which expense to include. Receipts entered * My wallet is another feature of Peoplesoft expense that can help to save you entry time in the system. You can enter reciepts without creating an expense report. Then when it is convenient, you can pull the desired logged information into a new expense report. You add new receipts by dropping down expense type and choosing the type of expense you want to enter. Then click ADD The receipts you have entered will then appear in the list above Add a new receipt by dropping down the expense type and clicking “add”

46 My Wallet After you click “add” to add a new expense, you need to fill in the details as required You can continue to enter receipts by dropping down “expense type” and clicking “add” * After you click “ADD” to add a new line * , you will be brought to the detail area to complete any required fields. You can continue to add additional receipts by dropping down expense type and clicking “add” When you are done, click SAVE When done, click “save”

47 CS3075 People Soft Expense Training APPROVALS
People and Technology Creating a Better Environment We will now review approving expense reports. If you have direct reports who enter expenses, this section is very important to understand. If you are not an approver of expense reports, you can fast forward through the next 5 slides if you wish, and go directly to the exam portion.

48 PS Expense Via E-Mail Notification
You will receive an via Outlook indicating that there is an expense for you to approve In the body of the is a link to the approval screens in PeopleSoft Expense * When one of your employees submits an expense report, you will receive an in outlook indicating that there is an expense report awaiting your approval. In the body of the is a link to the approval screens in Peoplesoft Expense Click on the link to be launched to the peoplesoft login screen.

49 Approving Expense Reports
You will then be brought to the PeopleSoft Login Screen. NOTE: Your user name and password must be in ALL CAPS Your PS User name and password will be provided to you * Login as you would if you were entering your own expense report.

50 Approving Expense Reports
When you first login, you will see the main menu. If you are approving expense reports for your employees, you need to login to Worklist * When you log in, you will be brought to the Main Menu. CLICK ON WORKLIST TO BE BROUGHT TO THE APPROVALS SECTION

51 Approvals Via Worklist
The Worklist offers the approver a central location to view and work with all the submitted Expense Reports Drop down the Work List Filter and choose “EXPENSE REPORT APPROVAL” * The worklist offers you, the approver a central location to view and work with all the submitted expense reports Once you are in the worklist search, you need to drop down work list filter and choose “expense report approval”

52 Approval in Worklist You will then see the expense reports you need to view. Click on “WORK ITEM” to access the expense report * With the filter completed, the list of expense reports you need to approve will appear You then click on WORK ITEM to access the reports

53 Approval via Worklist APPROVAL ACTIONS: Approve Report
Deny Report – Approver MUST enter a comment on all denied expense reports. Denied expense reports are “dead” and can not be modified and/or resubmitted Save and Hold – Report will have a status of “On Hold, With Approver” Send Back for Revision – Expense report will be sent back to the User and can be modified and resubmitted When you click on work item, a copy of the expense report will appear * You can review and then choose one of the submission buttons below You can approve a report which will trigger it to the final stage of auditing, deny a report which will dead file the report and it will then have to be completely reentered, save and hold a report – giving you more time to review and letting the user know you are holding it for some reason, or send back for revision – which allows the user to make the modifications you are requesting and resubmit.

54 Approving Managers Must Review Mileage Logs
Please note: Managers approving expense reports with mileage must review the mileage log prior to approval. If the mileage log isn’t reviewed, an error message will appear prompting the user to review.

55 Approval via Worklist After each action there will be a series of confirmations. Click OK to proceed. From here you can work the next item, the previous item, or view all items in the worklist. * After each action there will be a series of confirmations. Click OK to proceed From here you can click “next in worklist” to go to the next item for approval. This concludes the training portion of this module. The audio will now end and you will be asked to take a 10 question quiz. Follow the instructions on the next screen to get started. Thank you and good luck on the exam.

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