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The impact of housing quality on health

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1 The impact of housing quality on health
Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development


3 Strategic Framework What is Unhealthy Housing? What is the Extent of the Problem? Why Does Our Work Matter? What Does OLHCHH Do Now? What More Can We Do? What is the OLHCHH? The Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (OLHCHH) is an office within the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that protects children, families and vulnerable populations from environmental health and safety hazards in housing. The Office was established in 1991 as the Office of Lead-Based Paint Abatement and Poisoning Prevention. The Office began its Healthy Homes Initiative in FY 1999. The Office currently has 4 divisions, plus front office staff: Programs Division Grants Services Division Policy and Standards Division Program and Regulatory Support Division

4 HUD’s Mission and Strategic Goals
Strategic Framework What is Unhealthy Housing? What is the Extent of the Problem? Why Does Our Work Matter? What Does OLHCHH Do Now? What More Can We Do? HUD’s Mission and Strategic Goals Mission To create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. Strategic Goals Strengthen the Nation’s housing market Provide quality affordable rental homes Use Housing as a Platform to Improve Quality of Life Build Inclusive and Sustainable Communities Transform the way HUD does business (HUD, 2014, Strategic Plan )

5 OLHCHH’s Mission, Vision, and Goals
Strategic Framework What is Unhealthy Housing? What is the Extent of the Problem? Why Does Our Work Matter? What Does OLHCHH Do Now? What More Can We Do? OLHCHH’s Mission, Vision, and Goals Mission To help all Americans, but especially children and other vulnerable populations in low-income households, reach their full potential by making homes safe and healthy. Vision To guide the nation to a future where homes are both affordable, accessible and designed, constructed, rehabilitated, and maintained in a manner that supports the health and safety of occupants. Goals Building a National Framework Creating Healthy Housing through Key Research Mainstreaming the Healthy Homes Approach Enabling Communities to Create and Sustain Healthy Homes (OLHCHH, 2009, Healthy Homes Strategic Plan)

6 Strategic Framework What is Unhealthy Housing? What is the Extent of the Problem? Why Does Our Work Matter? What Does OLHCHH Do Now? What More Can We Do? Strategy for Action OLHCHH was the primary author of the federal document, Advancing Healthy Housing: A Strategy for Action (“Strategy for Action”), which outlines goals and priorities in healthy housing for the next three to five years. The Strategy for Action was developed by the federal Healthy Homes Work Group, an inter-agency body whose purpose is to coordinate and advance healthy housing issues at the federal level using collective expertise. 7 agencies helped develop the Strategy for Action: Dept. of Agriculture Dept. of Commerce Dept. of Energy Dept. of Health and Human Services Dept. of Housing and Urban Development Dept. of Labor Environmental Protection Agency (Federal Healthy Homes Working Group, 2013, Strategy for Action)

7 Strategic Framework What is Unhealthy Housing? What is the Extent of the Problem? Why Does Our Work Matter? What Does OLHCHH Do Now? What More Can We Do? Strategy for Action Vision To substantially reduce the number of American homes with residential health and safety hazards Goals Establish Healthy Homes Recommendations Encourage Adoption of Healthy Homes Recommendations Create and Support Training and Workforce Development to Address Health Hazards in Housing Educate the Public about Healthy Homes Support Research that Informs and Advances Healthy Housing in a Cost-Effective Manner (Federal Healthy Homes Working Group, 2013, Strategy for Action)

8 What is Unhealthy Housing?
Strategic Framework What is the Extent of the Problem? Why Does Our Work Matter? What Does OLHCHH Do Now? What More Can We Do? What is Unhealthy Housing? What is Unhealthy Housing? Hazards Health Effects Economic Impacts Lead Lead poisoning, which causes Health problems Hyperactivity Reduced IQ Behavioral Problems Learning Disabilities Costs to the Individual School absenteeism Academic failure Learning difficulties Lack of employment Life-long health problems Socialization problems Criminal record Reduces life-time earnings Pests CO Mold VOCs Noise Asthma Housing Problems Radiation Asbestos Cancer Costs to Society Healthcare Hospitalization Joblessness Special education Juvenile and criminal justice Deteriorated housing Less affordable housing Entry by Intruder Falls Electrical hazards Fire Flames etc. Collision & entrapment Explosions Ergonomics Unintentional Injuries Numerous Health Hazards Other Health Impacts (Based on: OLHCHH, 2014, Healthy Homes Rating System Operating Guidance; Loyola University 2015)

9 Strategic Framework What is the Extent of the Problem? Why Does Our Work Matter? What Does OLHCHH Do Now? What More Can We Do? What is Unhealthy Housing? Housing Problems These are some examples of housing problems surveyed in the American Housing Survey: Signs of rats Signs of mice Signs of cockroaches Holes in floors Open cracks or holes (interior) Broken plaster or peeling paint (interior) No electrical wiring Exposed wiring Room without electric outlets Flush toilet breakdowns Heating problems Electric fuses or breakers blown Water supply stoppage Water leaks Exterior building condition problems Sewage disposal breakdowns (HUD Office of Policy Development and Research & Census, 2013, American Housing Survey)

10 These are the EHS hazards examined by the Healthy Homes Rating System:
Strategic Framework What is the Extent of the Problem? Why Does Our Work Matter? What Does OLHCHH Do Now? What More Can We Do? What is Unhealthy Housing? Hazards These are the EHS hazards examined by the Healthy Homes Rating System: Damp & Mold Growth Cold Heat Asbestos and man-made fibers Biocides Carbon Monoxide, et al. Lead Radiation Uncombusted fuel Volatile organic compounds Crowding and Space Entry by Intruders Lighting Noise Domestic Hygiene, etc. Food Safety Personal Hygiene Water Supply Falls in baths etc. Falls on the level Falls on stairs etc. Falls from windows, etc. Electrical hazards Fire hazards Hot surfaces etc. Collision/ Entrapment Ergonomics Explosions Structural collapse (OLHCHH, 2014, Healthy Homes Rating System Operating Guidance)

11 Strategic Framework What is the Extent of the Problem? Why Does Our Work Matter? What Does OLHCHH Do Now? What More Can We Do? What is Unhealthy Housing? Health Impacts EHS hazards trigger, worsen, or cause a wide range of health effects. Here are some of the most prevalent housing-related health impacts: Asthma & allergies Cancer Lead poisoning Unintentional injuries Death Depression Anxiety Cardiovascular conditions Arthritis Respiratory conditions Genitourinary disease Unconsciousness Cognitive impairment Headaches Mental disorders Gastrointestinal illness Skin infections Neurological problems Mental retardation Behavioral problems (OLHCHH, 2014, Healthy Homes Rating System Operating Guidance)

12 l Multiple Impacts Legend
Strategic Framework What is the Extent of the Problem? Why Does Our Work Matter? What Does OLHCHH Do Now? What More Can We Do? What is Unhealthy Housing? Multiple Impacts Housing problems cause a ripple effect of impacts. Here is an example of how a single housing problem can lead to multiple health effects and economic impacts: Academic failure Life-long health problems Lack of employment Legend l Housing problem Hazard Health effect Costs to the Individual Costs to Society Asthma Allergies Criminal history Socialization problems Damp and mold growth Burns Physical injuries School absenteeism Electric shock Electrical hazards Water leaks Structural collapse Learning difficulties Learning disabilities Lead Juvenile and criminal justice Hyperactivity Special education Behavioral problems Reduced IQ Health Problems Hospitalization Joblessness Healthcare (Created by OLHCHH for Educational purposes only)

13 Housing Quality and Health: Asthma & Allergies
Strategic Framework Why Does Our Work Matter? What Does OLHCHH Do Now? What More Can We Do? What is Unhealthy Housing? What is the Extent of the Problem? Housing Quality and Health: Asthma & Allergies Related Hazards1 Extent of the Problem2 Economic Impact3 Domestic hygiene, pests, and refuse ~24 million homes have elevated levels of four or more allergens that have been associated with symptoms of allergic asthma among residents. Asthma affects million U.S. adults and million U.S. children. $3.5 billion per year for asthma due to dampness and mold in the home. Carbon monoxide and fuel combustion products Damp & mold growth VOCs Noise4 1. OLHCHH, 2014, Healthy Homes Rating System Operating Guidance 2. The number of homes was calculated by multiplying 18% (Salo et al., 2008) by 133 million (HUD & Census, 2013, American Housing Survey); CDC, 2012 3. Mudarri & Fisk, 2007 4. Children under combined exposure to traffic related noise and air pollution have been found to have higher relative risks of chronic bronchitis, asthma and skin allergies than can be explained by air pollution alone.

14 Housing Quality and Health: Lead Poisoning
Strategic Framework Why Does Our Work Matter? What Does OLHCHH Do Now? What More Can We Do? What is Unhealthy Housing? What is the Extent of the Problem? Housing Quality and Health: Lead Poisoning Related Hazards1 Extent of the Problem2 Economic Impact3 Lead hazards, from Chipping, peeling, flaking, chalking paint in houses built before 1978 Lead contaminated soil Lead containing household items or products 23.2 million homes have at least one lead-based paint hazard. Lead poisoning affects 535,000 U.S. children ages 1-5. $5.9 billion per year in medical costs and $50.9 billion per year in lost productivity due to cognitive impairment. 1. OLHCHH, 2014, Healthy Homes Rating System Operating Guidance 2. Dewalt et al. 2015; Jacobs et al. 2002 3. Trasande & Lui, 2011

15 Housing Quality and Health: Unintentional Injuries
Strategic Framework Why Does Our Work Matter? What Does OLHCHH Do Now? What More Can We Do? What is Unhealthy Housing? What is the Extent of the Problem? Housing Quality and Health: Unintentional Injuries Related Hazards1 Extent of the Problem2 Economic Impact3 Entry by Intruder Falls Electrical hazards Fire Flames, hot surfaces, etc. Collision & entrapment Explosions Ergonomics 18,000 deaths related to injuries occur annually in U.S. homes. 12 million nonfatal injuries occur annually in U.S. homes. > $200 billion annually in direct and indirect costs, with $90 billion due to falls alone. 1. OLHCHH, 2014, Healthy Homes Rating System Operating Guidance 2. Mack & Liller, 2012 3. Zaloshnja et al., 2005

16 Burden of Housing Costs
Strategic Framework Why Does Our Work Matter? What Does OLHCHH Do Now? What More Can We Do? What is Unhealthy Housing? What is the Extent of the Problem? Burden of Housing Costs No one, of any economic class, should have to choose between a home that is affordable and one that is healthy for his or her loved ones. However, according to the American Housing Survey, more people chose their current house for “financial reasons” than for any other reason (quality of construction, neighborhood, layout, design, etc.). Affordability Housing Quality (HUD & Census, 2013, American Housing Survey)

17 Housing Costs as a Percent of Income
Strategic Framework Why Does Our Work Matter? What Does OLHCHH Do Now? What More Can We Do? What is Unhealthy Housing? What is the Extent of the Problem? Housing Costs as a Percent of Income Rent or Mortgage Utility Costs Both owners and renters spend a high percent of their income on housing costs.* Costs of Unhealthy Housing Maintenance Costs (for Owners) All occupied units Owner-occupied Renter-occupied Median monthly housing cost1 $891 $929 $850 Median monthly housing cost as a % of income 23% 19% 33% The costs of living in unhealthy housing are a piece of the housing cost puzzle. * Housing costs include rent or mortgage payments, utility costs, property insurance, etc. (HUD & Census, 2013, American Housing Survey)

18 Housing Costs as a Percent of Income
Strategic Framework Why Does Our Work Matter? What Does OLHCHH Do Now? What More Can We Do? What is Unhealthy Housing? What is the Extent of the Problem? Housing Costs as a Percent of Income Low-income households are more likely to spend 50% or more of their income on housing costs. (HUD & Census, 2013, American Housing Survey)

19 Disparate Impact of Unhealthy Housing
Strategic Framework Why Does Our Work Matter? What Does OLHCHH Do Now? What More Can We Do? What is Unhealthy Housing? What is the Extent of the Problem? Disparate Impact of Unhealthy Housing Low-income Americans are particularly vulnerable to unhealthy housing. (HUD & Census, 2013, American Housing Survey)

20 Just What the Doctor Ordered
Healthy Homes

21 Lead Based Paint Hazard Control: Before and After
Strategic Framework Why Does Our Work Matter? What More Can We Do? What is Unhealthy Housing? What is the Extent of the Problem? What Does OLHCHH Do Now? Lead Based Paint Hazard Control: Before and After

22 Lead Based Paint Hazard Control: Before and After
Strategic Framework Why Does Our Work Matter? What More Can We Do? What is Unhealthy Housing? What is the Extent of the Problem? What Does OLHCHH Do Now? Lead Based Paint Hazard Control: Before and After

23 Return on Healthy Homes Investments
Strategic Framework What Does OLHCHH Do Now? What More Can We Do? What is Unhealthy Housing? What is the Extent of the Problem? Why Does Our Work Matter? Return on Healthy Homes Investments Inputs Return on Investment (ROI) Outcomes For every $1 spent on asthma reduction programs1 …there is a return of between $5.30 and $14.00. Reduced healthcare costs Increased school attendance Increased employment attendance Increased lifetime earnings Fewer hospitalizations Fewer ED visits Fewer paramedic runs For every $1 spent on lead hazard control programs2 …there is a return of between $17 and $221. For every $1 spent on radon mitigation programs3 …there is a return of $4.95. 1. Nurmagambetov et al., 2011 2. Gould, 2009 3. Healthy Housing Solutions, 2014

24 Strategic Framework Why Does Our Work Matter? What More Can We Do? What is Unhealthy Housing? What is the Extent of the Problem? What Does OLHCHH Do Now? What Does OLHCHH Do? OLHCHH provides and monitors funding to states and local governments to produce lead-safe and healthy low-income privately-owned housing units Grants for Producing Lead-Safe and Healthy Housing Units OLHCHH provides and monitors funding to grantees to research methods, costs, and health benefits of making homes safe and healthy Technical Studies Grants (a.k.a. Research Grants) OLHCHH enforces the Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Rule and works with HUD program offices on compliance with the Lead Safe Housing Rule Enforcement OLHCHH develops and promotes development of healthy homes guidance and green building performance criteria Guidance and Performance Criteria OLHCHH provides education and resource materials to homeowners, tenants, and stakeholders on how to make homes safe and healthy Outreach Tech Studies - 39 active lead and healthy homes technical studies grantees in 17 states Amount of current funding awarded: > $20 million The studies address such key issues as: Cost effectiveness of home asthma interventions Potential health benefits of green construction/rehab Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approaches to controlling bedbugs and cockroaches in low income multifamily housing The impact of energy upgrades on indoor environmental quality

25 Strategic Framework Why Does Our Work Matter? What More Can We Do? What is Unhealthy Housing? What is the Extent of the Problem? What Does OLHCHH Do Now? What Does OLHCHH Do? A technical manual for lead hazard evaluation and control in federally-assisted housing; cited by EPA in its lead rules as a “documented methodology.” HUD Guidelines for Evaluation & Control of LBP Hazards Provides practical guidance for successfully developing and implementing local healthy homes programs. The Healthy Homes Guidance Manual A risk assessment system that identifies the likelihood and impact on resident health of housing-related health hazards The Healthy Homes Rating System Works with FEMA, EPA, HHS, OSHA, other offices within HUD, nonfederal partners and disaster recovery workers to integrate healthy homes principles into disaster recovery and rebuilding of flooded housing Disaster Recovery OLHCHH provides assistance to FBOs, NGOs, tenants, homeowners, consumers and stakeholders on how to make homes safe, healthy, green and energy efficient Technical Assistance

26 Cross-Cutting Initiatives
Strategic Framework Why Does Our Work Matter? What More Can We Do? What is Unhealthy Housing? What is the Extent of the Problem? What Does OLHCHH Do Now? Cross-Cutting Initiatives Reimbursements for Home-Based Asthma Assessments OLHCHH is partnering with other agencies, practitioners, and insurance payers to expand Medicaid services and private insurance to cover healthcare financing housing-based asthma services. OLHCHH has conducted 8 local asthma summits to promote insurance reimbursements for asthma home assessments and interventions. OLHCHH chairs the Steering Committee of the Federal Action Plan to Reduce Asthma Disparities

27 Strategic Framework Why Does Our Work Matter? What is Unhealthy Housing? What is the Extent of the Problem? What Does OLHCHH Do Now? What More Can We Do? What’s Next? Increase our involvement in Green Building science and the integration into HUD programs Create a bridge between housing & health agencies Improve our evidence-based platform Coalition building Assist grantees & stakeholders in identifying potential philanthropic partners Share data and identify “gaps” in our data and information Reduce hospital utilization Create Healthier Indoor Environments for Child Care Your Ideas??

28 Thank You! Edward Thomas, Healthy Homes Representative
HUD’s Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes ,

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