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Utah Division of Radiation Control

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Presentation on theme: "Utah Division of Radiation Control"— Presentation transcript:

1 Utah Division of Radiation Control
Low-Level Radioactive Waste Forum Fall 2014 Meeting – Denver, CO October 31, 2014 Utah Activities Update Rusty Lundberg Utah Division of Radiation Control

2 Utah Activities Update
Overall Agency Priorities Legislation – 2014 General Session DRC Activities EnergySolutions Activities National Activities

3 Overall Agency Priorities
Assure that LLW management within Utah is protective of public health and safety and the environment Foster and work within a regulatory framework that is transparent and predictable Institute agency/program efficiencies Build public and regulated community confidence Enhance information sharing Assure that adequate planning and resources are in place for long-term stewardship of the Clive site

4 Assure Planning and Resources for Long-Term Stewardship
Unique – private ownership of Clive facility Long-term stewardship fund for perpetual care Potential Agreement with DOE for 11e.(2) & federal waste Long-term role of state Next 5-year update due in 2016

5 Utah Legislation – 2014 General Session
S.B. 124 – Radon Awareness Campaign Requires the Department of Health, in consultation with the Division of Radiation Control, to develop a statewide electronic awareness campaign Educate the public regarding radon gas, including health risks, testing options, and remediation

6 DRC Activities Radiation Control Board
Rulemaking actions Categorize and set time frames for LLW licensing and permitting actions Implementation of AEA requirements for public participation in 11e.(2) byproduct material licensing actions Generator site access requirements revisions Incorporation of 10 CFR Part 37 requirements

7 Primary Services PRIMARY SERVICES FACILITIES Licensing / Permitting
Low-level radioactive waste management facilities EnergySolutions – Clive Facility (Tooele County) Uranium mill operations – tailings management and disposal EnergySolutions – Clive Facility (Tooele County) Energy Fuels, Inc. (San Juan County), Uranium One (Garfield County), Rio Algom (San Juan County) Generator Site Access Program Approx. 140 (all out of state) Radioactive materials (industrial, medical, institutional, and commercial uses) 185 Specific Licenses for 180 licensees 59 Facilities with General Licenses Registration X-Ray equipment 2,748 facilities, including hospitals, dental, chiropractic, veterinary, industrial, etc. Inspection / Compliance Monitoring EnergySolutions – Clive Facility Inspections at EnergySolutions and waste generators Uranium mill tailings operations Energy Fuels, Inc., Uranium One, Rio Algom General Licensees: 59 Other Licensees: 180 Approx. 9,000 X-ray tubes at 2,748 facilities. In FY 2014, there were 3,221 X-ray tubes inspected. Inspection frequencies range from 1 to 5 years. Public outreach and education Indoor radon program – public and private partnerships and networking, exposure mitigation, radon survey tools, and technical and educational assistance  Residential, public, and commercial buildings

8 Additional Services/Activities
Increased transparency, accessibility and availability of information DEQ rebranding

9 Availability of Information

10 Availability of Information
DRC Low-level waste Uranium recovery

11 Accessibility of Information

12 Accessibility of Information

13 EnergySolutions – Clive Facility Tooele County

14 EnergySolutions – Clive Facility

15 EnergySolutions Activities
LLRW Sealed Source Variance Expiration extended to December 31, 2014 Radioactive Materials License Renewal New cover design License & Ground Water Permit renewals GWP Renewal Approved –October 2014 Environmental Monitoring Plan Revision Approved – October 2014

16 EnergySolutions Activities
LLRW Evaluation of Performance Assessments Erwin ResinSolutions (SempraSafe) evaluation Depleted Uranium Web site Annual financial surety update

17 EnergySolutions Activities
11e.(2) Byproduct Material License renewal Implementation of additional public participation procedures DOE long-term stewardship

18 National - Current and Future Issues
Part 61 Rulemaking Waste classification – Utah’s ban on Class B & C waste Compliance Period / Intruder Assessment Analysis / Protective Assurance Analysis (long vs. short lived nuclides) Branch Technical Position on Concentration Averaging & Encapsulation LLW Forum Disused Sources Working Group NUREG/BR-0204 Instructions for Completing NRC’s Uniform Low-Level Radioactive Waste Manifest Part 20 ANPR

19 Contact Information Rusty Lundberg Utah Division of Radiation Control Utah Department of Environmental Quality (801)

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