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#lionspasstheplate Lions Pass the Plate FAQs for Social Pride Lions.

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Presentation on theme: "#lionspasstheplate Lions Pass the Plate FAQs for Social Pride Lions."— Presentation transcript:

1 #lionspasstheplate Lions Pass the Plate FAQs for Social Pride Lions

2 Welcome, Social Pride Lions!
Thank you for volunteering to enter and promote the Lions Pass The Plate 2017 photo contest. You’re already a top Lions influencer; please help us encourage healthy eating by promoting the contest on your social channels!

3 What is it? #lionspasstheplate
The Lions Pass the Plate 2017 is a photo contest. We are looking for original photos that promote our healthy eating. The winning image will be featured in a street art mural painted by Nerd that will become a permanent part of Chicago during our Centennial Convention. The types of photos we would love to see include: Lions and volunteers getting their hands dirty at a community garden or farm Food table spreads that show what healthy eating looks like in your corner of the world Action shots of cooking for and feeding the hungry  <your idea here!>

4 So, why participate? You care about improving your community and want others to do the same. You’ll promote nutritious eating and healthy living to other Lions and their communities through your social reach and influence. For participating, you may be featured in a Lions Clubs International “Social Media Spotlight,” and might even have your photo selected as a winner.

5 How do I get involved? #lionspasstheplate
Promote the contest through your social channels (Facebook, Twitter & Instagram) and encourage other members to submit their photos incorporating the healthy eating theme. Create your own posts or use ours — just make sure you include our contest hashtag, #lionspasstheplate #lionspasstheplate

6 Contest Dates April 27, 2017 – May 31, 2017 Social Posting Frequency
Instagram — 1x per week Facebook — 2x per week Twitter — 3x per week

7 Sample Facebook Posts Lions & Leos, please join me in helping Lions Clubs International raise awareness about the need for nutrition options and access to healthy food for every community. Tag your healthy eating photo with #lionspasstheplate for a chance to be featured in a brand new, permanent mural in Chicago by Nerd, a popular graffiti / street artist. serve/contests/mural-contest.php Hey fellow Lions! I’m helping Lions Clubs International raise awareness about the importance of healthy eating for every community. Want to help? Let’s flood Facebook with artwork promoting access to nutritious food for everyone. Tag yours with #lionspasstheplate for a chance to be featured in a brand new mural by Chicago street artist, Nerd! to-serve/contests/mural-contest.php

8 Sample Twitter Posts Join me & in promoting access to healthy food for all, no matter who you are. Info: #lionspasstheplate Everyone deserves to stay healthy - it starts with help me raise awareness: #lionspasstheplate Love Chicago street art? Now's your chance to be in it forever. @lionsclubs get involved: #lionspasstheplate

9 Sample Instagram Posts
Please join me in helping Lions Clubs International raise awareness about the need for nutrition options and access to healthy food for every community. Lions & Leos, tag your healthy eating photo with #lionspasstheplate for a chance to be featured in a brand new, permanent mural on the Chicago Skyline by Nerd, a popular graffiti / street artist. Hey Lions Clubs International members! We’re raising awareness about the importance of healthy eating for every community. Want to help? Let’s flood the gram with Lions photos promoting access to nutritious food for everyone. Tag yours with #lionspasstheplate for a chance to be featured in a permanent piece from one of Chicago’s most well- known street artists!

10 Ok, So I Posted, Now What? Well, this is a grand experiment, so can you please help us by sending the following to Select 3 screenshots of your social posts related to Pass The Plate. They can be all Facebook or one from each of the three channels – we just want to see how you promoted the contest! Tell us why you decided to enter Pass The Plate and help us raise awareness about healthy eating for everyone. Tell us about yourself and express why you volunteered. Submit your photos and answers to Jacqui MacKenzie, Lions social media lead. You can reach her at

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