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BLA Biology (2016-17) June 5th 2017.

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1 BLA Biology ( ) June 5th 2017

Ch. 12. Gene Action Deadline to Turn in Ch.11 &12 related past work today!!!!! Ch. 11 & 12 Test, Wednesday Jun 7th 2017 Topic(s) – 1) DNA Replication (Wrap up) 2) The Central Dogma 3) Gene Expression: RNA, Transcription, Translation & Protein Synthesis (Day 1) Objective: SWBAT 1) Wrap up steps in DNA replication; 2) Learn about structure & function of RNA; 3) Get and introduction to the Central Dogma of Molecular Biology COPY HW, COPY& ANS.DO-NOW; COPY & ANS. EXIT TICKET ON PG. 65 HW: Organize your science journal, Unfinished CW/HW (if any), ET Work on Ch.11 &12 Study Guide Do Now: Take out Summary of DNA Replication Wksht. from Friday What does RNA stand for? Create a T-chart and write 5 differences between DNA and RNA CW: DNA Replication (Wrap up); RNA and introduction to the central dogma of Molecular Biology RNA & Transcription - Exit Ticket (Refer to Slip): 1) Create a T-chart and describe the S&F of the 3 types of RNA 2) Give a diagrammatic representation of the Central Dogma of Molecular Biology. Appropriately label and define transcription & translation in this diagram Body of Lesson: (DO NOT HAVE TO COPY) 1) DN & DN Debrief ) DNA Replication (Wrap up); RNA and introduction to the central dogma of Molecular Biology ) ET







9 Structure of RNA Like DNA, RNA is a polymer of nucleotides. In an RNA nucleotide, the sugar ribose is attached to a phosphate molecule and to a base, either G, U, A, or C. Notice that in RNA, the base uracil replaces thymine as one of the pyrimidine bases. RNA is single-stranded, whereas DNA is double-stranded.

10 Structural & Functional difference between DNA & RNA

11 Three Types of RNA . Messenger RNA (mRNA) copies DNA’s code & carries the genetic information to the ribosomes Ribosomal RNA (rRNA), along with protein, makes up the ribosomes Transfer RNA (tRNA) transfers amino acids to the ribosomes where proteins are synthesized


13 Messenger RNA Long Straight chain of Nucleotides Made in the Nucleus
Copies DNA & leaves through nuclear pores Contains the Nitrogen Bases A, G, C, U ( no T )

14 Messenger RNA (mRNA) Carries the information for a specific protein
Made up of 500 to 1000 nucleotides long Sequence of 3 bases called codon AUG – methionine or start codon UAA, UAG, or UGA – stop codons

15 Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) rRNA is a single strand 100 to 3000 nucleotides long Globular in shape Associates with proteins to form ribosomes Site of protein Synthesis

16 Transfer RNA (tRNA) Clover-leaf shape
Single stranded molecule with attachment site at one end for an amino acid Opposite end has three nucleotide bases called the anticodon amino acid attachment site U A C anticodon

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