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The Divine Serpent of Shakti Rises Through the Chakras!

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Presentation on theme: "The Divine Serpent of Shakti Rises Through the Chakras!"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Divine Serpent of Shakti Rises Through the Chakras!

2 The Concept of Kundalini:
The Divine Serpent of Shakti RisesThrough the Chakras! The Concept of Kundalini: An ancient Tantric tradition The sleeping serpent-the dormant Kundalini Shakti The serpent uncoils and raises its head higher and higher! One by one the 7 energy chakras awaken The unleashing of unimaginable energy Sahasrara “The Thousand Pedaled lotus”–the Crown Chakra

3 SOHYAA–School of Holistic Yoga and Ayurveda, Goa
The Divine Serpent of Shakti RisesThrough the Chakras! SOHYAA–School of Holistic Yoga and Ayurveda, Goa A premier Kundalini yoga institute The vision and mission of SOHYAA: Spreading the message of Yoga Kundalini Awakening and the message of the Cosmic energy within us The core team of SOHYAA Comprehensive modules The Ashram ambience

4 SOHYAA Kundalini Yoga TTC,India
The Divine Serpent of Shakti RisesThrough the Chakras! SOHYAA Kundalini Yoga TTC,India Kundalini yoga instructor training for the serious yoga enthusiast. Course Curriculum Tantra: Understanding Tantra Two paths of Tantra Understanding traditional Tantric Yoga philosophy Real life application

5 Concepts, Kundalini Physiology and the brain
The Divine Serpent of Shakti RisesThrough the Chakras! 2. Kundalini: Concepts, Kundalini Physiology and the brain Methods of Awakening, Preparing for the Awakening Diet, Risks and Precautions Kundalini and Madness Four Forms of Awakening The Descent of Kundalini

6 Introduction, Ida, Pingala & Shushumna Evolution through the Chakras
The Divine Serpent of Shakti RisesThrough the Chakras! Chakras and Nadis: Introduction, Ida, Pingala & Shushumna Evolution through the Chakras Ajna,Mooladhara,Swadhisthana,Manipura,Anahata,Vishuddhi Chakra BinduVisarga Sahasrara and Samadhi

7 Kundalini Yoga Practice: Rules and Preparation Pranyama and Meditation
The Divine Serpent of Shakti RisesThrough the Chakras! Kundalini Yoga Practice: Rules and Preparation Pranyama and Meditation Kundalini Yoga Asana Practice Chakra Sadhana Course Practices for Ajna Chakra, Mooladhara Chakra, Swadhisthana Chakra, Integrated Chakra Awareness Kundalini Kriyas of Kriya Yoga Kriya Yoga Practices and schedule

8 SOHYAA Module Design 200 hour kundalini yoga teacher training Training
The Divine Serpent of Shakti RisesThrough the Chakras! SOHYAA Module Design 200 hour kundalini yoga teacher training Training Practical and Theoretical Exam Relevant Case studies and practical assignments Yoga Alliance International (YAI) accredited course certification

9 Email:
Green Fields, Verla Canca, Bardez, North Goa , India Website: Contact No:

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