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Unit 2 Medical Terminology.

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1 Unit 2 Medical Terminology

2 Adrenaline and Epinephrine
Adrenaline is a hormone secreted by the Adrenal gland Epinephrine is a medication made in a lab that simulates Adrenaline Adrenal Gland sits on top of the Kidney Epi- refers to above or on top of Nephr- refers to the kidney (nephron)

Hippocrates was a Greek physician and is known as the “father of medicine.” 75% of medical terms are based on either Greek or Latin words. What’s in a word? The answer is a lot if it is a medical term. Each medical term has a basic word root or stem that usually comes from the Greek or Latin language. In fact 75% percent of medical terms are based on either Greek or Latin words.(Click) The Greeks were the founders of modern medicine, although Latin has become the universal source of medical language. Hippocrates was a Greek physician who lived from 460 to 377 B.C. and whose vital role in medicine is still recognized today. He is called the “Father of Medicine” and is credited with establishing early ethical standards for physicians. Defining medical terms is a lot like a puzzle. Most medical terms are a combination of two or more word parts or elements. The identification of a word involves a search for the meaning of each of its parts. When they are translated separately and combined into a word, the parts give the essential meaning of the entire word. (Give example- Tonsilitis, Hysterectomy` Osteoarthritis, Cardiomegaly.)

4 ROOT WORDS cardi - root for heart hepat- root for liver
A root is the foundation or basic meaning of a word. May appear with a prefix or suffix, or between a prefix or suffix. cardi - root for heart hepat- root for liver neur - root for nerve nephr - root for kidney cyt- root for cell The fundamental method of building a medical vocabulary consists of breaking down a word and identifying its elements: prefix, suffix, root or roots, and combining form. Root (Click) A root is the foundation, or basic meaning of a word (click) and may appear with a prefix, or a suffix, or between a prefix and suffix. Prefixes and suffixes can never stand alone; they must always be attached to a root. (click) The word root for heart is cardi. However, the term cardi is not normally used by itself. It is commonly combined with another root word, prefix, or suffix to from a complete medical word. (Look at list of root words)

5 PREFIX The prefix is a part of the word that precedes the root word and changes its meaning. Often indicates location, time, or number. pre - prefix means before peri- prefix means around hemi - prefix means half micro - prefix means small neo- prefix means new (Click) A prefix is a part of a word that precedes the word root and changes its meaning.(click) Prefixes usually, but not always, indicate location, time, or number.

6 SUFFIX -itis - suffix means inflammation
-ology - suffix means the study of - ectomy- suffix means surgical removal -plast- suffix means surgical repair A suffix is the word ending that follows the word root and changes its meaning. Often indicates the procedure, condition, disorder, or disease. (Click) A suffix is the word ending that follows the word root and changes its meaning. (Click) Suffixes usually, but not always, indicate the procedure, condition, disorder, or disease, (click) Tonsil - root word means tonsil. -itis - suffix means inflammation. Tonsilitis - means inflammation of the tonsils. (Click through others and give examples)

7 Example: Nephritis Nephr - root words means kidney
-itis suffix means inflammation Nephritis means inflammation of the kidney

8 Example: Cardiology Cardi - root means heart.
-ology - suffix means the study of. Cardiology - the study of the heart. (Click)Cardi -root word means heart (Click) -ology - suffix means the study of (Click) Cardiology - the study of the heart Natal - root word means birth -ology - suffix means study of Natalogy - the study of birth.

9 Practice: Break down and define the following medical terms.
Pericarditis Leukocyte Neuroplasty

10 Pericarditis

11 Leukocyte leuko- prefix means white cyte - root word means cell
leukocyte means white cell (white blood cell)

12 Hepatitis hepat- root word means liver
-itis - suffix means inflammation hepatitis - means inflammation of the liver

13 Neuroplasty neuro - root word means nerve or nerves
-plasty - suffix means surgical repair neuroplasty means surgical repair of the nerve

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