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Turning your passion for Natural Solutions into a Residual Income

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Presentation on theme: "Turning your passion for Natural Solutions into a Residual Income"— Presentation transcript:

1 Turning your passion for Natural Solutions into a Residual Income
Work from home Turning your passion for Natural Solutions into a Residual Income

2 Table of Contents Chapter One: How I Found the Natural Solution
Chapter Two: Finding your “Why?” Chapter Three: Sharing YOUR Natural Solution Story Chapter Four: Making a Residual Income Chapter Five: Your Family’s Wellness Solution: Physical and Financial

3 How I found the natural solution…
At the time that I discovered the natural solution, I was not really even looking for it – it kind of found me! My husband was sick with a virus ~ scratchy throat, fever, achy, and in bed. I had already begun to look for more holistic treatments for myself and my family over the past few years, so when I mentioned to a friend of mine (while dropping my daughters off at ballet class) what was going on with him, she invited me to come by her house and pick up a salve that she would make using natural ingredients to try on his throat and to reduce his fever. I was definitely willing to try it…my husband was a little different. He is a nurse by trade, so his first reaction was, “What kind of Voodoo Love Medicine are you putting on me?” Well, within just a few hours, his tune had changed and he was asking if I could put some more of that Voodoo Love Medicine on his throat. The rest, I guess you could say, is history.

4 Finding Your “Why?” So, you may be like I was, and you KNOW that you’ve found “the solution,” but why is it so important to find your “Why”? Your Why is what is going to drive and motivate you when things get tough, and they will get tough. Your “Why” may be debt that you want to pay off. Your “Why” may be replacing a job that you really do not enjoy. Your why may be wanting to spend more time with your family instead of trading in hours for a paycheck every week at work. Whatever your “Why,” have it CONSTANTLY in front of you so that you don’t forget it. It will be your driving motivation at all the milestones in this journey you are about to undertake. So, how do you find your “Why,” you may ask. One of my favorite authors, John Maxwell, said in his book, “Intentional Living: Choosing a Life that Matters,” that to find your “Why” you should ask yourself three questions: 1) What makes you cry? 2) What makes you sing? 3) What one word could you use to describe yourself? When you know the answer to those three questions, then you have your “Why”. So stop right now, whatever you are doing, and think about these questions. It may take you a few minutes, a few days, or a few weeks, but when you have your answer, then you are ready to GET STARTED! GET STARTED TODAY!

5 Create a Vision Board What is a Vision Board, you may ask? Well, I had to look it up myself, when I was getting started on this journey. I like to describe your Vision Board as your “Visual WHY.” Get pictures of things that represent your “Why” and put them in a prominent location where you will be reminded of them DAILY! Then, you have your own personal motivation, regardless of what you may encounter.

6 Now that you have your “Why,” What Next?
Create your vision board Start making a list of people in your warm market WRITE OUT YOUR STORY Learn everything you can about the products Connect with your Enroller to learn about the business

7 What’s My Story Start your own brainstorming session today!
How did I discover the “natural solution”? How did it solve a problem that I had How is it now going to change my financial circumstances?

8 Balancing Work & Family Doesn’t Have to be Difficult Anymore…
It all starts by knowing your “Why,” knowing how you found the natural solution, knowing your story, and now, SHARING IT!!! You have probably heard the old saying, “Work smarter, not harder.” Well, that is the entire premise behind the information that I am sharing with you. YOU have a story that people want to hear. YOU have a solution to problems that people encounter EVERY DAY in their daily lives. If you DON’T share YOUR story, someone else will share theirs. So, what are you waiting for? Are you ready to find the PERFECT Work/Life Balance?

9 Don’t just sit there, DO SOMETHING!

10 Get Started Writing Your Story…
Get Started Writing Your Story…

11 Get Ready to Share Your Story
Brainstorm your story Write it down Get out a notebook, and start writing down your personal story. You will use this over and over as you begin to build your business. What steps led you to discover the business? What problem that you had did the products resolve for you? As you begin to write down your story, it will all begin to fall into place and make sense for you. The next step is SHARING IT WITH OTHERS. Call a family member or close friend and share your story with them. You may just have your first convert!

12 I Have My Story, Now What? Now that you have fallen in love with the products that your company promotes, you need to begin to learn everything you can about them. This will expand your story and will begin to transform YOU into the expert. BE A PRODUCT OF THE PRODUCT! That means you have to USE the product to be able to share it! Then, start making your list of those you plan to share with…this is where the fun begins! Join Me Today Make a list of people you know that you could begin to share with over the next month.

13 What Are You Waiting For?
Get Started Now

14 Residual Income: As easy as 1, 2, 3!
Your next step is just as simple as you sharing with others and teaching them to duplicate EXACTLY what you have done! You have a support system that will help you build your business! Join Me TODAY!

15 About the Author Kimberly is a teacher/Group Fitness instructor by trade and has been working in the Health/Wellness industry for over 10 years. She loves helping others find natural solutions for their families and teaching others who are looking for a business opportunity how they can take it to the next level. Her passion is her faith, family and financial freedom, and her business allows her to operate fully in each of those areas. Kimberly Bryan Phone Join Me Today

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