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Our panelists Speakers: Moderator:

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2 Our panelists Speakers: Moderator:
George Gulalo President MTT Technical Services Bill Sutton Electrical Engineer Kollmorgen Moderator: Chuck Murray Senior Technology Editor Design News 2

3 Table of Contents Introduction Defining Wet Environments
The Breadth of Applications Where Water and Liquids Pose a Threat to Motors and Drives Effect of Water Contamination: What happens when water contaminates the electric motor environment? What must we consider when faced with a wet environment? Protection from Water: Some Solutions Selected Application Examples: Challenges and Solutions Presentation Conclusions Extras: Major Contributors to the Presentation IP Ratings Table NEMA Enclosure Standards MTT Technical Services

4 Introduction MTT Technical Services

5 what should you get out of this presentation?
An appreciation of the system design challenges when placing motion systems in wet environments. An understanding of the design guidelines and the different degrees of protection from water provided by two standards organizations; the IEC and NEMA What makes motors and drives susceptible to water damage. What can you do to protect the motors and drives from the wide range of water challenged applications. MTT Technical Services

6 Defining wet environments
MTT Technical Services MTT Technical Services

7 Accepted Ingress Protection Ratings
Ratings defining protection from solids and liquids have been created by two well recognized organizations; the International Electro-Technical Commission (Worldwide) and NEMA (U.S.) The IEC was founded in 1906 as a not for profit, NGO with HQ in Switzerland. Member countries create national committees to participate. The U. S. is a full member. MTT Technical Services

8 IP Ratings MTT Technical Services MTT Technical Services

9 IP Rating System The Ingress Protection (IP) rating system, published by the International Electro-technical Commission (IEC), that relates to proven protection against environmental factors such as liquids and solids. The format of the rating is: IP XY The first number (X) refers to the amount of protection a device has against solid matter (such as dust particles), while the second number (Y) defines the level of protection against liquids. The larger each digit is, the greater the protection The next slide depicts all of the liquid related IP ratings using ‘clip arts’ in place of words. Two tables, more fully describing the ratings, appear in the ‘Extras’ section of this presentation. MTT Technical Services

10 MTT Technical Services

11 nema standards MTT Technical Services MTT Technical Services

12 NEMA Enclosure Standards
The National Electrical Manufacturing Association (NEMA) has also established standards for enclosures housing electrical equipment (< 1000 ac volts). A NEMA Type designation provides general guidelines for enclosures based on their ability to protect the enclosed electrical/electronic components from harmful effects of the ingress of certain solids and liquids. The next set of slides provides you my summary of the standards from NEMA in convenient table format. A more detailed version appears in the ‘Extras’ section of this presentation. MTT Technical Services

13 Offer a degree of protection against ingress of…
NEMA NEMA Enclosure Type Solids Liquids Other Purposes/ Conditions 1 (indoor) falling dirt No protection. Degree of protection to people against access to hazardous parts 2 (indoor) dripping and light splashing 3 (in/out) falling dirt and windblown dust rain, sleet, snow, ice on outside MTT Technical Services

14 Offer a degree of protection against ingress of…
NEMA NEMA Enclosure Type Solids Liquids Other Purposes/ Conditions 3R (in/out) falling dirt rain, sleet, snow, ice on outside Degree of protection to people against access to hazardous parts 3S (in/out) rain, sleet, snow, external mechanism operable when ice laden 3X (in/out) falling dirt and windblown dust rain, sleet, snow, resists corrosion from external ice formation. MTT Technical Services

15 Offer a degree of protection against ingress of…
NEMA NEMA Enclosure Type Solids Liquids Other Purposes/ Conditions 3RX (in/out) falling dirt rain, sleet, snow, undamaged by ice, resists corrosion from external ice formation. Degree of protection to people against access to hazardous parts 3SX (in/out) falling dirt and windblown dust rain, sleet, snow, external mechanism operable when ice laden, resists corrosion from external ice formation. 4 (in/out) rain, sleet, snow, splashing water and hose directed water, damage from external ice formation. MTT Technical Services

16 Offer a degree of protection against ingress of…
NEMA NEMA Enclosure Type Solids Liquids Other Purposes/ Conditions 4X (in/out) windblown dust rain, sleet, snow, splashing water and hose directed water, resists corrosion and will be undamaged from external ice formation. Degree of protection to people against access to hazardous parts 5(indoor) falling dirt and settling airborne dust, lint, fibers, and flyings dripping and light splashing 6 (in/out) falling dirt hose directed water and the entry of water during occasional temporary submersion at a limited depth and will be undamaged from external ice formation. MTT Technical Services

17 Offer a degree of protection against ingress of…
NEMA NEMA Enclosure Type Solids Liquids Other Purposes/ Conditions 6P (in/out) falling dirt hose directed water and the entry of water during prolonged submersion at a limited depth and resists corrosion and will be undamaged from external ice formation Degree of protection to people against access to hazardous parts 12 (indoor) falling dirt and circulating dust, lint, fibers, and flyings dripping and light splashing Enclosures constructed (without knockouts) offering a degree of protection to people against access to hazardous parts MTT Technical Services

18 Offer a degree of protection against ingress of…
NEMA NEMA Enclosure Type Solids Liquids Other Purposes/ Conditions 12K (indoor) falling dirt and circulating dust, lint, fibers, and flyings dripping and light splashing Enclosures constructed (with knockouts) offering a degree of protection to people against access to hazardous parts 13 (indoor) Dripping, light splashing and spraying, splashing, and seepage of oil and non-corrosive coolants. Degree of protection to people against access to hazardous parts

19 Comparing NEMA and IP enclosure ratings
There is no exact way to match IP Ratings with NEMA Enclosure types. NEMA has more criteria associated with their enclosure types than the IEC. In particular NEMA also takes in to account product features not addressed by IP codes such as: construction practices corrosion resistance protection for people impact of ice gasket aging MTT Technical Services MTT Technical Services

20 Comparing NEMA and IP enclosure ratings
This following comparison table is only approximate. Each application needs to be individually evaluated and it is recommended that the user verify the enclosure rating necessary. Source: MTT Technical Services MTT Technical Services

21 breadth of applications
With significant contributions from Rick Halstead, Empire Magnetics breadth of applications MTT Technical Services MTT Technical Services

22 Breadth of Applications: Introduction
The following slides list applications where protecting motors from water may be necessary. The number and breadth of applications is quite large. The list would be larger if we included all applications where water presents a potential danger to motors and drives. We will leave discussing applications later on in this presentation where we will focus on a few interesting examples. MTT Technical Services

23 Selected Water Challenged Applications Undersea Exploration and Military
Automated undersea lights and cameras Naval/military Robotic submarines Salvage robots Undersea oil and mining exploration Undersea oil and mining extraction MTT Technical Services

24 Selected Water Challenged Applications Sea Surface
Automated hydrophone arrays Aquaculture Floating seafood factories Hydrofoil air cushion controls Sonar arrays Wave power generation MTT Technical Services

25 Selected Water Challenged Applications On and Above Land, Large Scale Activities
Automated inspection: Water jets and ultrasound in water tanks, inspection of nuclear reactor components Flood control systems Mining Oil exploration and drilling Pipeline welding and pipeline x-ray equipment. Railroad track grinding equipment Toxic clean-up equipment Upper atmosphere wind study equipment MTT Technical Services

26 Selected Water Challenged Applications Food Production (Manufacturing)
Automated ice cream cup fillers Corn dog machines Food packaging, dispensing, vacuum sealing, inspecting and labeling Food processing cleaning, chopping, etc. Juice box filling and sealing machines Meat slicers Pineapple coring machines MTT Technical Services

27 Selected Water Challenged Applications Other Manufacturing
Automated machine tools: Mills, lathes, screw machines, grinding applications, cut-off tools Chemical manufacturing Drug manufacturing: Pill pack sealing, packing, labeling, gene splicing microscope stages, media plate filling Medical supply manufacturing: Artificial blood vessels, rubber gloves, sterile bandages Paper manufacturing MTT Technical Services

28 Selected Water Challenged Applications Communication Systems
Antenna and gun pointing systems Communications in Hostile Environments Systems for satellite tracking stations MTT Technical Services

29 Selected Water Challenged Applications Other Segments
Processing of Metals and Films Large Scale Printing Water jet cutting in production settings Sterilization of motorized medical and dental instruments Submersible Entertainment Equipment MTT Technical Services

30 effect of water contamination
MTT Technical Services MTT Technical Services

31 introduction We can all imagine what damage can be caused by water in a motor (or a drive) but aren’t motor winding conductors, laminations and housings already coated to protect them from external contamination? Not always. Not completely. Not really. Let’s explore what makes motors and motor and drive housings vulnerable to water. MTT Technical Services

32 Motor Characteristics That Make Them Vulnerable to Wet Applications
Electrical Conduction Through Water in Insulation Flaws The magnet wire of the coils, a solid copper wire is coated with an enamel or varnish and covered by an insulation. However, small pin holes are almost always present. But pin holes rarely line up so shorts between coils is rare. But when a little water gets in to the windings, it can provide a conductive path between unaligned pin holes and insulation flaws. With voltage applied the current from the power supply can quickly destroy the motor windings. MTT Technical Services

33 Motor Characteristics That Make Them Vulnerable to Wet Applications
Electrical Conduction Through Water in Insulation Flaws And impregnation does provide better electrical insulation (and prevents vibration in the motor windings). Impregnation can also increase the thermal conductivity and reduce water absorption to reach a better environmental balance. Although quality insulation and impregnation can reduce if not prevent this problem, they add greatly to product cost. MTT Technical Services

34 Motor Characteristics That Make Them Vulnerable to Wet Applications
Rust in the Stator Laminations The magnetic iron in motors tends to corrode very easily when subjected to moisture. Mechanical tolerances between the rotating part of the motor and the stator iron are small to optimize motor torque. In some motors such as step motors, air gap tolerances are often held to about .002 in. When the motor is operating, these teeth get hot, and the temperature is typically high enough to turn any water in the motor into steam. Steam is corrosive, such that the magnetic iron in the teeth rusts faster than usual. MTT Technical Services

35 Motor Characteristics That Make Them Vulnerable to Wet Applications
Bearing degradation with iron rust. Accumulation of rust on the iron parts grows and in small air gaps, rotor and stator teeth can begin to rub. The rust particles combine with any water intruding in to the motor and form an abrasive slurry (sludge). This oxide slurry gets into the motor bearings, and bearing wear accelerates. Worn bearings cause the motor to wobble and additional rubbing occurs. The combination of oxide build-up on the magnetic teeth and the loss of bearing accuracy can cause a standard motor to fail in a period as short as two weeks when water gets inside. MTT Technical Services

36 Water Damage to Windshield Wiper Motor
A sludge of water, rust, and oil coated the water logged motor. Water finds pin-hole flaws shorting through the winding insulation causing excessive heating even burning. Source: wiper_motor_replacement.htm MTT Technical Services

37 Salt Water Damage to Tesla Model S Electronics
A low lying coastal area was inundated with sea water flooding up to seat level a Tesla Model S. Source: wiper_motor_replacement.htm MTT Technical Services

38 what must we consider when faced with a wet environment
MTT Technical Services

39 what to consider in a wet environment
When thinking of protecting a motor from threats from water and other liquids it is natural to think first of a suitable housing. But there is a lot more to assuring your motor or drive is safe from the surrounding wet environment. Here are some of the items you need to consider: Motor and Drive External Housing Wire/Cable entering and exiting the housing Connectors Shafts Motor winding insulation Internal Motor Volume- Potted? Liquid Filled? Pressure equalized? Temperature differences inside and outside the housing and temperature cycling. MTT Technical Services

40 what to consider: in a wet environment-more
And it is not unusual that the threat to the motor and drive is only from liquids. Many wet environment applications also include other challenging environmental characteristics: High heat High pressure Radiation Let’s not forget that applications such as food production themselves must be protected from motor liquids such as bearing greases and other lubrications. While we will focus on the impact of liquids keep in mind the environment in its totality must be considered. MTT Technical Services

41 What are some of the solutions?
protection from water What are some of the solutions? MTT Technical Services

42 Water Proofing Motors/drives
Make externally exposed materials (housing, end bells, shafts) out of corrosive resistant metals. Standard motor and drive housings are made of painted cold rolled steel and/or aluminum, a waterproof motor's exterior is commonly made of stainless steel to resist corrosion. Different steel alloys are employed depending on the corrosive threat. Stainless steel alloys with varying nickel chromium content are used for underwater and in other environments where ordinary motors are unsuitable. Alloys ranging from 303 stainless for ordinary submerged applications, to 316 stainless for exposure to caustic or marine environments. MTT Technical Services

43 Water Proofing Motors/drives
More approaches to wet environments: Fit the motor to accept redundant shaft seals. Water proof motor’s shaft by design is provided with redundant shaft seals. Fit the motor to accept O rings. A waterproof motor is designed to accommodate O-ring seals, allowing the watertight sealing that is not practical in a standard motor MTT Technical Services

44 Water Proofing Motors/drives
More approaches to wet environments: Employ hermetic cable feed-throughs for motor and drive. The wiring that leads to the motor coils in a waterproof motor requires a hermetically-sealed feed-through device to prevent water from wicking into the motor via the cable conductors. Pressure equalization techniques bleeder tubes oil filled adjustable bladders MTT Technical Services

45 Water Proofing Motors/drives
Consider sealants for bolts, bolt holes, end bells and shaft outs Other Seals to Consider A threaded pipe plug at the rear of the motor is designed to allow the housing to be sealed after the motor connections have been made; this plug is also fitted with an O-ring seal. Modifications to components such as: brush cards for dc motors commutator and sensor circuitry for brushless motors MTT Technical Services

46 Water Proofing Motors/drives
Additional life-extending features include: double insulation potted laminations fittings for pressurization MTT Technical Services

47 water proofing summary
Protecting motors and drives from a wet environment must consider the complete environment around the motion components: Water pressure Water temperature Water corrosiveness salt water cleaning solutions other Temperature and pressure changes Other threats such as radiation And lets not forget protecting the environment from the motor; motor fluids and motor self generated particulate contaminants. MTT Technical Services

48 selected application examples
MTT Technical Services

49 Food production MTT Technical Services

50 Food Production Example: Motor and Gearbox Failure
Standard Servo Motors and Food Grade Motors fail in as little as 4 weeks in wash-down areas. Stainless Steel motors deemed wash-down in as little as 6 months Failure Modes Ingress of moisture and cleaning agents into bearings, windings, and feedback Cable jackets degrade due to chemical reaction and high pressure wash Connectors fail due to improper specification Example courtesy of Kollmorgen

51 Food Production Example: SOLUTION TO Motor and Gearbox Failure
316L Stainless Steel Durable cable Jacket (2-12pH, 1450 PSI) Vented Cable – Pressure Equalization One Cable No connectors or if needed IP69K Easier to clean – adds to durability 2 Year Warranty Against Ingress Drives are usually located in a cabinet remote from the washdown area and don’t require individual protection. Example courtesy of Kollmorgen MTT Technical Services

52 bill sutton of kollmorgen provided the food processing application example. Protecting the motor and drive from water contamination is just part of the challenge. Let’s have bill talk about the challenges of cleaning automated food production machinery MTT Technical Services

53 Food Processing Motors and Cleanability
Gearboxes Motors Pneumatic Components HMIs Sensors Belts Conveyors Hydraulic Q33: Rate each of these machine components on ease of cleaning 79% said motors are a problem to clean Q34: How concerned are you that these peripheral components listed in question 33 are possible sources of pathogenic contamination? 95% at least somewhat concerned Nook, crannies, external hardware, rough surfaces, cables, nameplates

54 Hygienic components Design purchased components to be “cleanable” just as important as functionality for overall hygienic machinery design

55 Engineering in Customer value
How did we get from this… AKM Servo …to this? AKMH Servo 100+ end user visits globally Durable enough to be cleaned – 2-12pH, 1450 psi spray Smooth 32µ surface finish, including nameplate No external hardware No metal to metal seams No nooks and crannies One cable rather than two

56 submerged cutting tool for nuclear fuel rods for US submarines
Application courtesy of Empire Magnetics submerged cutting tool for nuclear fuel rods for US submarines MTT Technical Services

57 Submerged nuclear fuel rod saw
MTT Technical Services

58 Submerged nuclear fuel rod saw
Motor and gearbox submerged in 30 feet of water for life. Stainless Steel 316 Placed in de-ionized water and became toxically contaminated with radiation and could never be handled by people or removed from the water. Oil filled and pressure compensated. Special radiation resistant oil. Seals had to be water proof and radiation hardened. Special cables. It took the Navy 4 years to qualify the motor. Perhaps one of the most expensive motor/gearbox devices ever built. MTT Technical Services

59 Submerged nuclear fuel rod saw
Handles for Robotic Lifters Stainless Steel 316 Motor Gearbox Special Seals Special Cables MTT Technical Services

60 Significant contribution by Rick Halstead of Empire Magnetics
deep sea challenges MTT Technical Services

61 Deep Sea challenges Deep sea is a forbidding place in which to launch a motion control application. Very cold temperatures, the corrosive effects of sea water and extremely high pressures (as much as 5,000 p.s.i. at 11,600 feet below the surface) combine to create an environment in which off-the-shelf components will quickly fail. You must prevent water entry to the motor and at significant depths the best way is to create a pressure inside the motor slightly higher (a few psi at most) than the outside to prevent water coming in. Filling the motor with hydraulic fluid, a fluid that cannot be compressed and whose thermal properties assure it is still a liquid at high pressures and low temperatures. MTT Technical Services

62 Deep Sea Challenges You must assure that motor materials are resistant to corrosion You must make allowances for material shrinkage (O- rings and other elastomeric m1aterials compress in the depths) You also have to prevent water entry into electrical cables And if the undersea vehicle or instrument is controlled by a floating control ship, you must account for power losses that occur over the. umbilical cable from the ship that could be thousands of feet long. MTT Technical Services

63 Application Example: Deep Sea exploration submarine
Kollmorgen Application Example Application Example: Deep Sea exploration submarine MTT Technical Services

64 deep sea exploration submarine
A customer of Kollmorgen’s has developed a deep diving submarine to explore both the geological features and living organisms deep in the oceans. Depths of over 15000’ can be attained. The submarine is controlled by vertical thrusters and horizontal propellers, propelled by Kollmorgen Motors. Natl Geo Artist Rendering of Generic Exploration Submarine

65 deep sea exploration submarine
While the electromagnetic components inside the motor are standard to Kollmorgen’s standard Gold Line servo motors, significant changes to all external and interface components have to be made to accommodate intense pressures and very low temperatures deep in the ocean. Because the sub is manned, standard servo drives are used and located within the cabin. Unmanned underwater vehicles, AUVs, often employ specially designed motor controls to save on space and are protected inside a 1 atmosphere controlled container. MTT Technical Services

66 Kollmorgen submersible servo motors: deep sea protection
Special Seacon Connectors (Material Choices: Titanium, 17-4 PH, Nitronic 50, Inconel®) Pressure Compensated. Connective joints are minimized- special tubing, oil filled?. Pressure Compensated Oil Filled Interior Magnets on Rotor are Buried to Reduce Viscous Drag in Oil Filled Interior Stainless Steel 316 Housing Special Double Ceramic Seals Option to eliminate connectors often the weak link in water challenged devices. MTT Technical Services

67 presentation conclusions
MTT Technical Services

68 presentation conclusions
Water, electric motors and drive electronics just don’t mix. Successfully implementing a motion solution in a challenging wet environment requires a full review of all aspects of the application. Standard protection ratings are available but only as a guideline. Each application needs to be carefully understood with solutions that match conditions. Truly water proofed motors and drives most likely will require some custom aspect to the system.


70 100 Years of Enabling Innovators to Make the World a Better Place
Carnegie Mellon CHIMP Abiomed Mechanical Heart Segway Human Transporter KUKA Robotics Jason Jr….Titanic Discovery

71 World’s leading provider of high-precision drives and systems.
Robust DC Motor Designs for Extreme Operating Conditions ▪ High performance ▪ Long service life ▪ Compact ▪ Unsurpassed reliability ▪ Plus Electronics Call on us to assist in selecting the right drive for your application.

72 Thank you! Please be sure to complete the feedback survey
Thank you for attending today’s Design News Editorial Event: Overcoming the Challenges of Motors and Drives Operating in Demanding Wet Environments 72

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