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The 22nd of January Friday
19-21= «5» 15-18= «4» 10-14= «3» меньше 10= «2»
Marking Name of a poster Постер атауы /Название постера/ The table of contents corresponds to the theme Мағынасының тақырыпқа сәйкестігі /Содержание соответствует теме/ Interesting Қызықты /Интересно/ Creative approach Шығармашылық көзқарас /Творческий подход/ Expressiveness at a story Әңгіме кезінде айқындылығы /Выразительность при рассказе/ Designing Ресімдеуі /Оформление/ Evaluation Қорытынды баға /Итоговая оценка/ (0-5 баллов) (0-3 баллов) 19-21= «5» = «4» = «3» меньше 10= «2»
The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Self-evaluation card / Өзін-өзі бағалау парағы
Name: Form: Date: HT Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Evaluation Қорытынды баға Green I worked well. / мен жақсы орындадым. Excellent «5» Good «4» Yellow I worked half, but I am yet necessary to work. мен жартылай орындадым, бірақ тағы жұмыс істеуім керек. Fair «3» Red I need help. / маған көмек керек.
Work with the new words secular legal public concord stability
[ˈsekjulə] зайырлы legal ['ligəl] құқықты public concord [ˈpʌblɪk ˈkɔŋkɔːd ] қоғамдық татулық stability [ stæˈbɪlɪtɪ ] тұрақтылық for the benefit [ ˈbenɪfɪt ] игілік, жақсылық үшін unitary state [ ˈjuːnɪtəri ] унитарлы, біртұтас appropriation of power [ ə'prəupriˈeɪʃən ] өкіметті /билікті иелену be persecuted [ ˈpəːsekjuːtid ] заң б/ша қудалану unify [ 'ju:nifai ] біріктіру diversity [ dai'və:siti ] әр алуандық illegal interference ['ligal intə'fiərəns] заңсыз түрде қол сұғу affair [ ə'fɛə ] іс be permitted [pə'mitid ] жол беріледі, рұқсат етіледі anthem [ 'ænθəm ] әнұран sovereignty [ 'sɔvrənti ] тәуелсіздік пен дербестік articlе [ 'a:tikl ] бап state symbols [ steɪt ˈsɪmbəls ] мемлекеттік рәміздер
The Constitution Adopted in August 30, 1995 republican referendum. Came into effect on September 5, 1995. The amendments and additions made by Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 7, 1998, Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 21, 2007, Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 2, In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 6, 1995 №2454 «Of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan » the original of the text of Constitution is kept by President of the Republic.
We, the people of Kazakhstan, united by a common historic fate, creating a state on the indigenous Kazakh land, considering ourselves a peace-loving and civil society, dedicated to the ideals of freedom, equality and concord, wishing to take a worthy place in the world community realizing our high responsibility before the present and future generations, proceeding from our sovereign right, accept this Constitution. Бiз, ортақ тарихи тағдыр бiрiктiрген Қазақстан халқы, байырғы қазақ жерiнде мемлекеттiлiк құра отырып, өзiмiздi еркiндiк, теңдiк және татулық мұраттарына берiлген бейбiтшiл азаматтық қоғам деп ұғына отырып, дүниежүзiлiк қоғамдастықта лайықты орын алуды тiлей отырып, қазiргi және болашақ ұрпақтар алдындағы жоғары жауапкершiлiгiмiздi сезiне отырып, өзiмiздiң егемендiк құқығымызды негiзге ала отырып осы Конституцияны қабылдаймыз.
A constitution consists of 9 divisions, 98 articles:
Section I. General Provisions (articles 1-9) Section II. The Individual and Citizen (articles 10-39) Section III. The President (articles 40-48) Section IV. The Parliament (articles 49-63) Section V. The Government (articles 64-70) Section VI. The Constitutional Council (articles 71-74) Section VII. Court and justice (articles 75-84) Section VIII. Local public administration and self-administration (articles 85-89) Section IX. Concluding and transitional provisions (articles 90-98)
Igor Rogov Chairman of the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Қазақстан Республикасы Конституциялық Кеңесінің Төрағасы)
GENERAL PROVISIONS Article The Republic of Kazakhstan proclaims itself a democratic, secular, legal and social state whose highest values are an individual, his life, rights and freedoms. 2. The fundamental principles of the activity of the Republic are public concord and political stability; economic development for the benefit of the nation. Article The Republic of Kazakhstan is a state with a presidential form of government. 2. The sovereignty of the Republic extends to its entire territory. 3. The administrative and territorial division of the Republic of Kazakhstan, location and states of its capital are determined by law. 4. The names “Republic of Kazakhstan” and “Kazakhstan” have the same meaning.
GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 3 1.The people shall be the only source of the state power. 2.The state power in the Republic of Kazakhstan is unified and executed on the basic of the Constitution and laws in accordance with the principle of its division into the legislative, executive and judicial branches and a system of checks and balances that governs their interaction. Article The Republic of Kazakhstan shall have its state symbol - the flag, emblem and anthem. Their description and order of official use shall be established by the Constitutional Law.
Task #3 Please read and say if these facts about Kazakhstan true or false: 1. The main law of the state is the Constitution. 2. Kazakhstan is a unitary state with the presidential form of government. 3. The President is elected for a four-year term by voting. 4. The parliament is the highest representative body in Kazakhstan. 5. The voting age is twenty. 6. The head of the government, the Prime Minister, is often given responsibility over the economy. 7. The constitutional Council is elected for a period of five years. 8. The Republic of Kazakhstan proclaims itself a democratic, secular, legal and social state. 9. Public concord and political stability and economic development for the benefit of the nation are the fundamental principles. 10. The names “Republic of Kazakhstan” and “Kazakhstan” do not have the same meaning. 11. The people shall not be the only source of state power. 12. The sovereignty of the Republic extends to its part of territory.
Keys: 1-T T F 4-T F T 7-F T T 10-F F F
Task #4 Match the words with their definitions:
1. Constitution a. is the leader of the republic. 2. Council b. is the place where legal trials take place and where crimes are judged. 3. President c. is a member of the law-making senate. 4. A senator d. is a group of people who are elected to govern a country or a city. 5. The Supreme Court e. is an occasion when all the people of the country can vote on an important issue (question). 6. Referendum f. is the main law of the country.
Keys: 1-f d a 4-c b e
Who makes laws in Kazakhstan? What is written in Constitution?
Task #5 Interview Who makes laws in Kazakhstan? What is written in Constitution? What political parties of Kazakhstan do you know? What independent offices of the state you know? How much years the president elected by direct universal suffrage? When the first president of the Republic of Kazakhstan was elected? Who is a head of the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan?
Task #6 Cinquain 1. a general word 2. two adjectives on the topic, 3. three verbs 4. one sentence 5. a synonym of the general word.
Read articles, answer the questions
Marking Home work: Ex.6 p.131 Read articles, answer the questions
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