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Lab Introduction Installing Python

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1 Lab Introduction Installing Python
Lab #1, CS 112 Lab Introduction Installing Python

2 Welcome to our lab! Purpose of this course is to learn basic programming principles We will do so by learning Python Here we demonstrate how to write code, and any topic you have trouble with

3 GTA: Georgios Georgakis
CS Ph.D Student Office hours Tuesday 10:30am – 12:30pm Wednesday 10:30am – 12:00pm Room: ENGR 4456 ?

4 UTA: Jason Thomas CS B.S Student me! No office hours…

5 Lab Work Exercises Quizzes Tasks
Coding exercises. Can submit them after the lab. Quizzes On paper questions. Usually 10 minutes at the end of the lab. Tasks Coding exercises. Need to be submitted during lab time. You need to attend the lab in order to get credit!

6 When projects come I can understand materials covered in lectures
I think I know how to code this project My code finally compiles and runs!!!! MILESTONE, no more, no less My program completes the required work correctly They said my program is well written THIS IS OUR GOAL

7 Difficulties for newbies
You are talking to a machine, not a human The tools/software are intended for technical users

8 What we have in lab? Setting up coding environment, today
Help you on anything you have trouble with Lab is most valuable for our interaction Other than the material itself, your questions and feedback will customize the lab!

9 Feel comfortable in lab
Interrupt me any time you have questions, or want me to repeat something There are no stupid questions! Any questions and suggestions are welcome, in lab, or office hours

10 Resources Course syllabus Piazza, online gathering place
Syllabus, Honor code, schedule available here Piazza, online gathering place Ask, Answer, Explore, Lab Material Blackboard ( view grades, project submission/feedback

11 How to find them? Sign up for Piazza here:

12 Use your laptop I will show you how to install Python 3 on this lab machine Then run some simple Python code Via command prompt(CMD)/terminal Via .py file

13 Installing Python 3

14 Download Python 3.x.x

15 Install Python 3

16 Run Python via CMD

17 Attention If you use lab machine, please use ‘python3’ instead of ‘python’ in CMD

18 Attention If you use Mac, you will use Terminal instead of CMD
Go to application folder>Utilities>Terminal

19 Run Python via .py file

20 Install a text editor

21 Do not use IDLE

22 Q&A Make sure you are ready to write code
Course pages, Piazza, Blackboard … Do make sure you have ran Python code via CMD and .py file before leaving lab. Have trouble? Ask TA or guys around you for help Come to office hour, post on Piazza

23 Lab 1 Exercise Go on Piazza and download the instructions under the resources tab Objective is to submit a .py file with code that prints “Hello World” and a screenshot depicting your command line doing that Submission is on Blackboard

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