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LdV Project COMPEDA Alessandro PERRI Ufficio Scolastico Regionale

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1 LdV Project COMPEDA Alessandro PERRI Ufficio Scolastico Regionale
Kick-off Meeting_Alessandria_19 > 21_11_2008 Alessandro PERRI Ufficio Scolastico Regionale USR - Piemonte (Partner 7)

According to the work plan USR PIEMONTE acts as: Participant in all phases of the project Participant the activities of adaptation of instruments providing advice and assistance to working groups Member of ‘Scientific Advisory Comitee’ Disseminator of the project at regional level

3 Ufficio Scolastico Regionale (USR) Act n. 347 Nov
Ufficio Scolastico Regionale (USR) Act n.347 Nov.6 – 2000 modified by Act n.319 Aug.11 – 2002 It represent the Ministry of Instruction, University and Research (MIUR) at regional level It works in the main town of each region It has its administrative autonomy It carries out functions not transferred to schools, not carried out by the Central Administration and not conferred to the Local Authorities Residual functions: for example the determination of the number of schools’ staff, the recruitment and staff mobility….

4 USR as Regional Education Department
USR has to establish in each Region: - some advisory services - some supporting services to Education Establishments USR also acts, at provincial level, through Centers for administrative support to schools, named Uffici Scolastici Provinciali (USP)

5 USR in agreement with the National Education Department of MIUR
USR supervises the execution of the Education Regulations. Supervises the efficacy of the educational activities and the observance of the learning levels which have been planned. Promotes the monitoring of the educational needs

6 and also… It promotes the implementation of the educational offer in each region with the cooperation of the Region itself and with the Local Councils.

7 USR Tasks It provides the implementation of the national policy for students at regional level. It actives national educational policies in the Region by supporting the organizational flexibility, teaching and research in educational institutions. It draws up proposals to the Financial Department in order to assign funds and human resources. It keeps on relationship with the Regional and Local Councils about VET and Adult Education respecting the school self-government.

8 and also… It supervises the Establishments, the private education courses and the foreign schools in Italy. It ensures ,by means of the appropriate ways and tools ,the dissemination of the information.

9 Some figures for USR-PIEMONTE
2008_2009 512,871 students 678 schools ( Primary and Secondary Education) A Staff of teachers (Primary and Secondary Education) 31 CTP* - ‘Centri Territoriali Permanenti’ for adult education and training (Primary and Lower secondary – ISCED 1 and 2) 53 Evening courses* (General and Vocational upper secondary– ISCED 3) * Every CTP and Evening course currently depends on a school (Primary or Secondary). 9

10 The USR - Piemonte Team working at COMPEDA Project
Francesco de Sanctis The Director -General for Education in Piemonte Silvana Di Costanzo Administrative Manager Guido Mallamaci Administrative Collaborator Alessandro Perri Teacher - Contacts and project referent

11 Contacts Home page MIUR – USR Piemonte tel. +39 011 5163693
fax Via Pietro Micca, 20 10122 Torino - ITALY E_mail addresses


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