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Sailing the “Cs” to Vision 2020

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Presentation on theme: "Sailing the “Cs” to Vision 2020"— Presentation transcript:


2 Sailing the “Cs” to Vision 2020
Agenda Review & Desired Outcomes

3 Continuing our Journey…..Staying On Course
Core Curriculum Core Instruction Collaborative Teams Core Assessment/Evaluation

4 Core Instruction ETF Community MTSS 4 “Cs”
Research based, high leverage instructional practices/strategies Attacking “mediocre teaching” Bringing in resources like: 17,000 Classroom Visits Can’t Be Wrong The Skillful Leader/The Skillful Teacher CITW 2nd edition The Core Six Learning in the Fast Lane

5 4 Cs Critical Thinking Communication Collaboration Creativity

6 Expert Group Review reading highlights and notes
Classroom Instruction that Works, 2nd edition Chapter 1 17,000 Classoom Visists Can’t Be Wrong Chapter 4 5-7 minutes

7 Expert Group Reflective Questions
Discuss what the effective use of this strategy looks like in the classroom. (Teaching and Learning) How is this connected to building a culture of the 4Cs in your schools? What currently exists in your schools’ culture, conditions and competencies that supports the effective use of this strategy? 15 minutes

8 Mixed Group Reflective Questions
Discuss what the effective use of this strategy looks like in the classroom. (Teaching and Learning) How is this connected to building a culture of the 4Cs in your schools? What currently exists in your schools’ culture, conditions and competencies that supports the effective use of this strategy? 15 minutes

9 Mixed Expert Group 3CR3 Activity Guiding Question: What would need to be reinvented, repurposed and/or redesigned in the arenas of culture, conditions and competencies to see this strategy effectively used? 15-20 to complete activity… for share out…


11 Collaborative Teams Our work with our “crews” in our schools.
Adaptive Schools Training-the how of professional communities Western Area PLTs/PLNs Focus on the common threads Hybrid of a PLT/PLN Common problem of practice Learning from each other here… through school visits….participating in learning rounds and/or walkthroughs ect…

12 Learning From Another Crew of Officers
Southern Area Middle School PLT Greg Butler-NGMS Elena Ashburn-EGMS Ken Proulx-HGMS Will Chavis-FVMS Emily Mountford-HRMS

13 The Journey of a Principal PLT
Greg Butler, Emily Mountford, Elna Ashburn, Ken Proulx, Will Chavis

14 Crew Collaboration -Review Norms -PLT Work from October Meeting
-Revisit Norm of Collaboration -Discuss and Debrief what was shared -Decide on School for PLT Walk -Create Protocol for Walk -Create Process for Day of Walk – before , during, after -PLT Work from October Meeting -Work and Next Steps captured on PLT doc

15 Even Better If…..

16 LUNCH-On Your Own 11:45-1:15 ENJOY!

17 The wind and the waves are always on the side of the best navigator

18 Underneath it all is our “KEEL”
Our School Improvement Plan and work keeps our “ship” moving forward in a strategic and purposeful direction towards our final “port” or goal!

19 Keeping our Keel off the Rocks!

20 Predicted Effects of School & Teacher on Student Achievement
5th Grade Math Standardized Test Percentile Entering Percentile Leaving Average school Average teacher 50th Highly ineffective school Highly ineffective teacher 3rd Highly effective school 37th Highly effective teacher 63rd 96th 78th Handout(s) and Activities: Talking Points: Review Consider how this information impacts implementation and monitoring of your school improvement plan Robert Marzono “New Era of School Reform” presentation, NSDC, Denver 2001

21 Pitfalls and Best Practices for Implementation
Master Plan Design Targeted Research-Based Strategies 3. Professional Development 4. Professional Development Implementation 5. Parental Engagement Blaming the Kids Blaming the Program Casual Selection of Strategies Fragmentation

22 Monitoring and Midcourse Corrections
Act on the best evidence possible, and learn from your mistakes Robert Sutton Chapt 5 SING

23 How We Monitor Data monitoring sheet Roles & Responsibilities Calendar
Monthly Calendar Strong Master Plan

24 Connecting the WORK Strategy Teacher PLT SIP

25 Connecting the Work Classroom Assessment Data Common Grade Assessment Data in PLTs School Assessment Data in Committees SIT reviews school data and when applicable compares to county and area Drop in at any point on the diagram and note what that team or individual would be monitoring, using the previously identified strategy.

26 Monitoring and Midcourse Corrections
1. Read assigned COLOR section on the Monitoring and Midcourse Corrections Quotes Handout (Chapter 5 SING) 2. Select ONE quote that resonated with you. 3. Discuss the importance of your quote to the section you read and the continuous improvement process.

27 Monitoring and Midcourse Corrections
Read Final Thoughts and Key Questions for Team Study on handout page 99 silently.

28 Monitoring and Midcourse Corrections
What Culture, Conditions, and Competencies currently exists that supports the effective monitoring and midcourse corrections of your School Improvement Plan?

29 Monitoring and Midcourse Corrections
What do you need to Reinvent, Repurpose, and Redesign to ensure effective and timely monitoring to drive any needed course shifts as you implement your School Improvement Plan?

30 WCPSS Updates and Information

31 Crew Collaboration -Principal Talk -Wrap up from morning collaboration -Open Discussion around Data Monitoring Tool

32 Checking our Gear…Coming Back to Dock…
Reminders AP Spring Cohort for Adaptive Schools December 8 Area Meeting

33 Watching the Sunset…. R3 SIP Reflection ? Even Better If…….

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