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Welcome to Fourth Grade!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Fourth Grade!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Fourth Grade!
Mr. Hare- Math, Explicit Comprehension, and Guided Reading Ms. McCollin- Social Studies/Science, Explicit Comprehension, and Guided Reading Mrs. Shaffer- Interactive Read Aloud, Writer’s Workshop, Explicit Comprehension, and Guided Reading

2 Language Arts Differentiated instruction for meeting individual needs (small group guided reading and whole group Explicit Comprehension lessons) Variety of genres and text types (Informational and literary texts) Analyzing multiple texts at once Responding to EBSR (Evidence based selected response and PCR (Prose constructed response) questions Close reading and text coding Multiple parts: Whole group reading, guided reading, interactive read aloud and Explicit Comprehension

3 Writing Spelling/Grammar Writing process- building stamina
Lucy Calkins Program- narrative, informational and opinion English language conventions-editing and proofreading Listening and Speaking (Key to Common Core ) Computer Skills- will type published pieces

4 Mathematics Investigate new ways to engage, learn, and achieve through 21st Century Skills! Theme 1: Communication Exploring Multiples and Factors (8 lessons) Applying Place Value Concepts in Whole Number Addition and Subtraction (10 lessons) Decomposing and Composing Fractions for Addition and Subtraction (8 lessons) Using Multiplication and Division Strategies with Larger Numbers (15 lessons) Theme 2: Collaboration Understanding Fraction Equivalence and Comparison (10 lessons) Introducing Measurement Conversions (10 lessons) Solving Problems Using Multiplicative Comparison (10 lessons) Solving Measurement Problems Using the Four Operations (10 lessons) Theme 3: Critical Thinking Solving Addition and Subtraction Problems Involving Fractions and Mixed Numbers (10 lessons) Angle Measurement (10 lessons) Multiplying Fractions by Whole Numbers (10 lessons) Comparing Decimal Fractions and Understanding Notation (10 lessons) Theme 4: Creativity Recognizing and Analyzing Attributes of 2-Dimensional Shapes (10 lessons); Hands-On Equations Level II (8 lessons) Problem Solving with Whole Numbers and Problem-Based Learning (20 days)

5 Science Inquiry is the natural extension of curiosity.
Students develop 21st-Century Skills through asking "why" and "how.“ Theme 1: Communication Unit 1: Structures for Survival Unit 2: Communicating through Codes Theme 2: Collaboration Unit 3: Outrageous Acts of Earth Unit 4: Our Changing Landscape Theme 3: Critical Thinking Unit 5: Energy on the Move  Theme 4: Creativity Unit 6: Fuel and the Environment Unit 7: Engineering and Design

6 Social Studies Units of Study Skills to be Learned
Regions of the United States Maryland's Evolution from a colony to a state Maryland Economics Skills to be Learned Problem solving and decision making Critical thinking Map skills and time lines Locating, analyzing, and evaluating data during research Organizational skills

7 Block Schedule Teacher Block One Block Two Block Three Hare
(Math) Mustangs Knights Eagles McCollin (Science/Social Studies) Shaffer (Interactive Read Aloud/ Writer’s Workshop

8 Homework Policy Take Home Folders
Spelling/grammar and Math HW every night (except Friday) There will be projects throughout the year in all subject areas We expect that 4th graders will read an average of at least 30 minutes a night Take Home Folders At least twice a month on Wednesdays students will be bringing home their graded work folders. We expect that they will share them with you and you will sign the attached sheet. The students will return the folder and the papers in them the next school day.

9 Agenda Books The DAILY use of the agenda book is key to communication between parent and teacher and fosters student responsibility. We ask that parents or a responsible guardian sign them every night.

10 Important Reminders Importance of on-time arrival (9:15-9:30am) and daily attendance (6 absences in a semester = excessive) BE A HERO!!! H: Here E: Everyday R: Ready to learn O: On time

11 4th Grade Field Trips and Activities
Arlington Echo- Extended day trip March 26, 2018 Additional trip TBD

12 Report Card information & awards criteria
Principal’s Honor Roll: A’s in all areas and only CD’s in cultural arts. No needs improvement. Honor Roll: Students must have all A’s and B’s but may receive one C as long as they have at least one A to counteract the C. No needs improvement in the behavior category. 100= A+ 99-90= A 89-80= B 79-70= C 69-60= D 59-50= E

13 AVID AVID – WICOR (group work/presentations) and STAR (2/3 column notes in Science and Social Studies). The whole reason why students are organized (binders and agendas) is so they can STUDY.

14 Questions ???

15 Thank you all for coming If you have specific questions for your child’s teacher please contact the teacher via your child’s agenda or teacher’s and we will see that your questions get answered. We look forward to a successful 4th grade year!

16 We encourage parents to:
-visit the cafeteria to put money in student lunch accounts, submit a Meal Benefit Application, and meet Ms. Dawn -Grades 3-5 may purchase agenda books

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