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Slack Street & Grand Avenue Housing Public-private Partnership

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Presentation on theme: "Slack Street & Grand Avenue Housing Public-private Partnership"— Presentation transcript:

1 Slack Street & Grand Avenue Housing Public-private Partnership
Pre-Proposal Conference July 13, 2016

2 Slack Street & Grand Avenue Housing public-private partnership
Welcome and Introductions Revised Schedule Solicitation Review Q&A Closing Resources

3 Welcome Cynthia Vizcaino Villa
Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance Dru Zachmeyer Assistant Vice President, Strategic Business Services Greg Gotthardt Alvarez & Marsal

4 Introductions

5 INTRODUCTIONS CAL POLY TEAM Jessica Darin Associate Vice President and Chief of Staff (Office of the President) Juanita Holler Associate Vice President for Facilities Management and Development Joel Neel Director of Facilities Planning and Capital Projects Cody VanDorn Executive Director, Strategic Business Services


7 REVISED SCHEDULE DEADLINE Deadline for Written RFP Questions
DEADLINE Deadline for Written RFP Questions August 19, 2016 – 3:00pm PST University Responses to Written Questions July 29, (1st round) Aug. 26, 2016 (2nd round) Proposal Due Date September 9, 2016 – 3:00pm PST Oral Interviews (optional) Week of September 19, 2016 Developer Selection September 2016

8 Solicitation Review


10 SOLICITATION REVIEW Site Characteristics – Usable Area About 21.8 gross acres Usable area impacted by: Slope, increasing towards eastern boundary Blue-line stream and riparian area Cal Poly expects respondents to use their development expertise to determine the optimal development plan representing the highest and best use No known environmental or soils issues but the site has not been subject to detailed studies Environmental studies and approvals will be the responsibility of the developer Cal Poly will accept no liability for any environmental conditions

11 SOLICITATION REVIEW Site Characteristics – Utilities Access Utilities are available near the site Cal Poly preliminary estimate is about $950,000 to bring all utility connections to the site You should assume that utilities will be provided at market rates based on the City of SLO and PG&E rate structures Cal Poly may provide some or all of the utilities directly – this will be determined during exclusive negotiations Any project cost avoidance from Cal Poly-provided utilities (such as impact, tap, connection fees) will accrue to the benefit of Cal Poly in the form of increased lease payment

12 SOLICITATION REVIEW Land Use and Project Approvals The CSU is the lead agency for compliance with CEQA This project is being incorporated into the overall Master Plan Update CEQA process, which is expected to facilitate approval CEQA approval of the Master Plan update is currently anticipated in spring/summer 2017 Developer is responsible for the costs of preparing CEQA documentation related specifically to the project Developer will be responsible for off-site transportation infrastructure costs specifically related to this project – the amount of which is determined through analysis in the CEQA document

13 SOLICITATION REVIEW Land Use and Project Approvals (continued) Developer will work with the university to obtain approval of CEQA documentation, the master plan update, schematic approval, final construction documents approval (including State Fire Marshal, DSA-for disabled access), construction documents plan check, building permits, and certificate of occupancy CSU Board of Trustees approves the final development plan for the public- private partnership

14 SOLICITATION REVIEW Development Objective and Standards Maximize development potential at the Site within the context of site constraints, and to ensure that the facility is well maintained and adequately funded throughout the life of the partnership Selected Developer is expected to build a high-quality project. Development standards include, but are not limited to: High-quality construction for all improvements Energy efficient and environmentally friendly design that qualifies for LEED Gold certification. Attractive building exterior whose design promotes compatibility of activities and design within and surrounding area Compatible with the university campus A maximum of 4 stories Efficient vehicular and pedestrian ingress and egress

15 SOLICITATION REVIEW Transaction Documents Access and Option Agreement – provides for an exclusivity period to complete due diligence, development planning and entitlements, construction documents, financing, final negotiation of ground lease terms Ground Lease – governing long-term agreement Document templates are expected to be ready for distribution before the end of July Exceptions to transaction documents are a required portion of the submittal Full mark-up not required Can be submitted in the form of an exceptions list but should be as complete as possible

16 SOLICITATION REVIEW Proposal Evaluation Factors Evaluation factors are listed in descending order of importance with the first having the most weight and each of the following evaluation factors having equal or lesser weight than the one preceding it. Weightings and their application to each Respondent’s Proposal will be at the University’s sole discretion and shall not be subject to disclosure

17 SOLICITATION REVIEW The Selected Developer will be chosen by the University, as advised by a committee of experts established by the University. The process for engaging with the Selected Developer is as follows (with some steps occurring concurrently): Review Proposals and determine Selected Developer Negotiate an Access and Option Agreement for presentation/approval of Cal Poly’s Executive Committee, the CSU Office of the Chancellor, and the CSU Board of Trustees Selected Developer completes Due Diligence, including collaboratively defining a Development Plan including multi-year financial plan, at the Selected Developer’s sole expense Obtain Board approval of Development Plan, financial plan, and legal documents Conclude Master Plan Revision, Schematic Design and CEQA approval Negotiate and execute Ground Lease The targeted timeframe to complete the process is summer/fall 2017

18 Q&A

19 Q&A DISCLAIMER Verbal statements made during site tours and this pre- proposal conference constitute informal guidance and are not intended to alter or amend the terms of the RFQ/RFP. Official responses to your written questions will be transmitted to you electronically.

20 Topics for Q&A Discussion
Planning and Approvals Site Conditions Project Design and Scope Contract Requirements Housing Demand Financial Structure Procurement Process

21 Closing

22 Resources


Cal Poly Campus Secondary Site ≈ 5 Net Acres Slack Street & Grand Avenue ≈ 21.8 Acre Site Student Housing South Development Primary Site ≈ 10 Net Acres Off-Campus Residential Neighborhoods Note: Site boundaries are approximate.


26 SLO County One of Least Affordable (Fiscal Times, March 24, 2016)

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