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Columbus – Myths and Realities

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1 Columbus – Myths and Realities


3 Background Born Genoa, Italy Idea – sail west to get to India
By 1485 he begins to seek funding for his trip Portugal, Genoa, Venice, England unsuccessful Finally by 1492 King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain agree to fund

4 The Voyage Set off Aug. 3rd 1492 Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria
Land sighted - 2 AM October 12th 1492 Columbus calls the island San Salvador


6 First Encounters Meet Natives who called themselves the Taino
The first two days relations were good “They are friendly and well-dispositioned people who bear no arms They traded and gave everything they had with good will.” -Christopher Columbus

7 But 2 days later he writes . . .
“It would be unnecessary to build (a fort) here because these people are so simple in deeds of arms If Your Highness order either to bring all of them to Castille or to hold them as captivos (slaves) on their own land it could easily be done, because . . . . . . with about fifty men you could control and subjugate them all, making them do whatever you want”




11 Colonization and Conquest
Priest Bartolomé de Las Casas recorded the tragedies Disease spreads rampantly Natives being: murdered, raped, enslaved, fed to dogs, burned alive

12 What should be Columbus’ Legacy?
Hero? Washington, DC: Union Station Waterfront Park -Boston

13 Villain?

14 Popular children’s song about Columbus
CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS Christopher Columbus, with three ships and crew, Discovered America in fourteen ninety two. Ferdinand and Isabella, the rulers of Spain Financed the journey...with hope of wealth and fame. CHORUS Christopher Columbus, admiral of the sea. Sailed west to the Indies...made a great discovery. A new continent which came to be This land of America, land of America, Home for you and me! With compass to guide them, they sailed Westerly. Courageous men ventured into unknown seas. Thirty-three days they traveled...imagine their joy A watchful sailor shouted, ‘there's land ahoy!' CHORUS (repeat twice)

15 Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue
(to the tune of "Old MacDonald Had a Farm") Columbus sailed the ocean blue in Columbus sailed the ocean blue in With three tall ships, 120 men, sailing on, sailing on, sailing on, on, on, on -- Columbus sailed the ocean blue in He proved the earth was round, not flat, in He proved the earth was round, not flat, in With three tall ships, 120 men, sailing on, sailing on, sailing on, on, on, on -- He proved the earth was round, not flat in 1492.



18 Washington Irving myth-filled 1828 biography of Columbus
No ship in the 15th century could carry enough food and fresh water for such a journey. Most European sailors and navigators concluded, correctly, that sailors undertaking a westward voyage from Europe to Asia non-stop would die of thirst or starvation long before reaching their destination

19 Some Things You May Not Know About Columbus and His Day
1. Columbus was not the first to discover the New World. 2. Columbus coined the term "Indian."

20 3. Christopher Columbus wasn't actually named Christopher Columbus.
Christopher Columbus, an Italian mariner and navigator, was actually named Cristoforo Colombo. Americans refer to him as Columbus, the Spanish call him Cristobal Colon, and in Portugal he is referred to as Cristovio Colombo.

21 4. The District of Columbia is named after Christopher Columbus.
In 1800, the city of Washington was officially named the District of Columbia after Columbus and became the capital of the United States. In 1892, a statue of Columbus was raised at the beginning of Columbus Avenue in New York City.

22 5. Columbus did not set out to prove the Earth was round.
6. If Columbus hadn't been Italian, Americans might not have a Columbus Day. Out of pride for their native son, the Italian population of New York City organized the first celebration of the discovery of America, Oct. 12, The next year, more Italian organizations in other cities held banquets, parades and dances on that date. In 1869, when Italians of San Francisco celebrated Oct. 12, they called it Columbus Day.

23 Not everyone thinks Columbus is a hero.
Many revisionist historians believe his discoveries marked the beginning of the destruction of Native American peoples and culture. In recent years, many people who view Columbus Day as a celebration of conquest and genocide have rejected this holiday and replaced it with Indigenous Peoples Day.

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