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Presented by Kristina Luck

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1 Presented by Kristina Luck
Queen Isabella I Presented by Kristina Luck April 22, 1451 Humble- made her own clothing Nicknamed “La Catolica” Co-Ruler of Castile and Aragon with her husband Ferdinand

2 Familia Father- Juan Of Castile Mother- Isabella of Portugal
Five Children Half Brother- (Henry IV) King of Castile when their father died in 1454

3 Accomplishments Patron of Art and Scholars
Age 30- learned to speak Latin Fought for equality and justice for the Spanish people Christopher Columbus Voyage Sponsor “Purifying” Catholic faith

4 Marriage Married Ferdinand of Aragon, King of Aragon
Henry VI did not approve marriage Secret ceremony Together Ferdinand and Isabella ruled Spain

5 Death (Isabella’s Legacy)
November 26, 1504 Great impact in Spanish history Education was very important to Isabella Isabella reformed Spain the government and brought crime to an all time low

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