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Warm Up You will be given 5 minutes to answer the following:

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up You will be given 5 minutes to answer the following:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up You will be given 5 minutes to answer the following:
Why were Europeans looking for a trade route to Asia? How come some countries had a difficult time getting to Asia? Can you name one explorer that traveled for Portugal? After 5 minutes, you will “turn and talk” to discuss your answers

2 Academic Vocabulary Word of the Day!!
Cumulative: Who can define this word for us? Who can use this word in a sentence?

3 Objective- SWBAT identify who Christopher Columbus was, and how he was able to finance his first journey west.


5 What do you already know about Christopher Columbus
What do you already know about Christopher Columbus? What did you learn from the poem? What are you still looking to learn about him? (Turn and talk)

6 Columbus Bio Born in Genoa in 1451, a sailor for Portugal, sailed as North as the Artic circle, and as south as Africa’s gold coast.

7 Question….. We’ve discussed a variety of explorers so far; does anyone know what is special about Columbus’ plans for expedition? (Turn and talk)

8 Columbus wanted to sail west!!!

9 There was a lot of controversy during this time period surrounding whether the Earth was round or flat, and Europeans were still unsure of the Earth’s size. Columbus followed the belief of Plotmey, a Greek astronomer, and believed that Asia was 2,760 miles from Portugal, a distance that was underestimated by both Plotmey, and Columbus. What did this lead to?

10 Guided Practice You will be given a reading titled “Columbus and Queen Isabella” (PAGE 38). Together as a class we will read aloud the first two paragraphs and answer the following questions: 1. Which country decided to pay for Columbus’ journey? 2. In the 1400’s what was the Spanish monarch’s devoted to? 3. Which country was Spain jealous of? Why were they jealous?

11 Independent Practice Complete the last paragraph of the reading independently and answer the following: 1.What were the names of the King and Queen of Spain? 2. What religion was important to the King and Queen 3. Name two reasons they decided to fund Columbus’ journey.

12 Group Work Each group will be asked to pretend that they are Christopher Columbus, approaching the Spanish monarch on financing his expedition West. You must try and convince the Monarch to give you the money you need. Take what we’ve learned from class today, and write a mini-proposal. You will then read- aloud your proposal, and the teacher will decide if you deserve to get the money!

13 Homework Summarize todays lesson in a 3-5-sentence paragraph.

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