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WELCOME TO PSY2004 Human Development with Dr. Machovec “Dr. Mac”

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1 WELCOME TO PSY2004 Human Development with Dr. Machovec “Dr. Mac”

2 How to find the course syllabus
Go to the Lake Sumter College website Click FACULTY AND STAFF Click VIEW WEBSITES Click PSYCHOLOGY Click MACHOVEC Click DOWNLOADS, to SYLLABUS OPEN, then PRINT it

3 LEARNING OUTCOMES Describe and discuss how psychology uses scientific methods Realize and further develop respect and understanding for individual differences, critical thinking, and the complexity of human behavior Describe and discuss concepts and research data of cognitive, physical, and social development

4 What’s in a name? Human Development or Developmental Psychology
Is this course Human Development or Developmental Psychology Life Span Psychology?

5 Developmental psychology vs life span psychology
formerly ended with middle childhood or adolescence Life span psychology covers conception to aging and death, the whole life cycle

6 Experiencing the Lifespan
Chapter 1 The People and The Field

7 Psychology: Definition?
… the scientific study of behavior and mental processes

8 “Normal” and normative
Normative and non-normative … predictable vs unpredictable developmental events “Normal” and norms … means of grouped research data; deviations are not normal

9 Developmental Contexts
Cohort (your birth group) Socioeconomic Status (SES) Education, income, lifestyle Culture Gender

10 “New” Life Stages Young-old (60s-70s) Old-old (80s +)

11 Comparative National Culture
Individualistic United States Canada England Collectivist China Russia North Korea

12 Nature and Nurture Nature is heredity Nurture is the environment

13 Personality Theory Types and traits
Oldest (e.g., Hippocrates, 300 BCE) Psychoanalysis/psychodynamic Freud (later, Erikson, Bowlby) Behaviorism Watson (later, Pavlov, Skinner) Humanistic Maslow, Rogers

14 Personality dynamics Temperament … emotional responsivity
Person-environment fit … how well the environment accommodates individual differences

15 Developmental Theories
Cognitive (Jean Piaget) Psychosexual (Sigmund Freud) Psychosocial (Erik Erikson) Systems (Urie Bronfenbrenner) Needs (Abraham Maslow) Moral development (Lawrence Kohlberg)

16 Piaget’s Cognitive Stages
1. Sensorimotor (birth to age 2) 2. Preoperational (age 2-7) 3. 4.

17 Freud’s Psychosexual Stages
1. Oral (1st year) 2. Anal (age 2-3) 3. 4. 5.

18 Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages
1. Trust vs mistrust (1st year) 2. Autonomy vs shame/doubt (age 1-2) 3. Initiative vs guilt (age 3-6)

19 Bronfenbrenner’s Systems Theory
The child is in the center force fields that shape behavior and personality such as: Family (parents, siblings, relatives) Friends Teachers and neighbors Neighborhood and community City, state, region, nation

20 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
1. Survival (birth-infancy) 2. Safety (infancy) 3. Support (childhood) 4. 5.

21 Kohlberg’s levels of Moral Development
1. Pre-conventional (childhood) 2. Conventional (teens) 3. Post-conventional (adulthood)

22 Research Methodology QUANTITATIVE High N: large samples, grouped data QUALITATIVE N = 1, in-depth case study CROSS SECTIONAL vs LONGITUDINAL TWIN STUDIES

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