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International Statistical System:

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Presentation on theme: "International Statistical System:"— Presentation transcript:

1 International Statistical System:
Increased accountability

2 Levels of accountability
Member States: setting standards, providing technical assistance & helping to mobilise resources International community: obtaining & disseminating comparable statistics relevant for policy-making The public: assuring the quality of disseminated statistics Each other: collaboration & coordination of activities

3 UN Statistical Commission (UNSC)
Member states elected by ECOSOC Objectives relating to the ISS: development of central statistical services of UN Secretariat coordination of statistical work of specialized agencies achieving an integrated system for the collection, processing and dissemination of international statistics

4 Coordinating Committee for Statistical Activities (CCSA)
Heads of Statistical Services of interested international and regional organizations Objectives: promoting coordination, integration and complementarity among statistical programmes of members. ‘Reports’ to the Chief Executives Board & UNSC

5 Constraining Issues ‘voluntary’ nature of participation
Informalisation of arrangements Lack of demand for a global system (until MDGs) CCSA response to (b) Consider issues for decision-making & Accountability of members for their implementation Establishing minimum standards for international official statistics - Principles Implementing a technical work-programme – Quality Seminar, MDGI methodology

6 Principles Quality, Accessibility & Confidentiality of statistics
Transperancy, professional integrity and independence Operational activities Governance & internal coordination Cooperation between agencies

7 MDG Process Catalyst for working in an ‘almost integrated’ manner
Recognition of common challenges on data-related activities & so need for joint solutions Creation of a technical reference group (MDGI Experts Group), useful for CCSA policy recommendations

8 Action Plan: Action 6 Principles - important but early days.
CCSA: increased & effective coordination of agency activities, active promotion of joint programmes – very promising International spending - a challenge

9 Some constraints Statistical needs for policy of individual organisations Internal coordination within IOs Equitable participation at UNSC

10 International Statistical System – A Proposal

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