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Unit 1 Essential Questions

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1 Unit 1 Essential Questions
Describe each section of your health triangle and give examples for each. Give one example of a negative influence on your health and describe how to avoid it. Describe Health Promotion and give one example of an agency that promotes health. Apply 3 Health skills to your life (How do you use them?)

2 Unit 1 Vocabulary Word, definition, picture
Wellness Chronic Disease Heredity Environment Culture Media Risk Behaviors Cumulative Risks Prevention Abstinence Health Disparities Health Literacy Advocacy

3 Chapter 1 Notes Lesson 1, 2, 3, 4

4 Think/ Pair/ Share Describe a “Healthy” person. What do they look like? What do they act like?

5 Chapter 1 Lesson 1: Your total Health
What is HEALTH? A combination of physical, mental/ emotional, and social well-being Health Triangle- It is important to create a balance of your physical, mental/ emotional, and social health. Someone may be physically fit but unhappy emotionally.

6 Chapter 1 Lesson 1: Your total Health
Physical Health is: All about how your body functions Someone who is physically healthy… Gets 6-8 hours of sleep Eats Nutritious Meals Exercises Avoids Drugs/ Alcohol Has good personal Hygiene (bathe, brush your teeth, etc.)

7 Chapter 1 Lesson 1: Your total Health
Mental/Emotional Health is: Involves your feelings and expressing them appropriately, how you feel about yourself and how you cope with the demands/ problems of life. Someone who is mental/ emotionally healthy… Makes thoughtful decisions Can cope with stress Has good self-esteem Takes responsibility for their actions Expresses emotions in appropriate ways Has a sense of control over their lives Is optimistic about their life, sets goals Spiritually Healthy- Having a feeling of purpose and a sense of values. A spiritually healthy person does not have to necessarily be religious.

8 Chapter 1 Lesson 1: Your total Health
Social Health is: Getting along with and having interactions with other people, building relationships with friends, family, community A socially healthy person: Makes new friends, Communicates well with others Shows respect and cares for self and others Seeks help when needed

9 Think/Pair/ Share Who or What influences your health (think of all of the aspects- physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual) Who or what makes decisions about your health or influences you to make decisions about your health? Explain how.

10 Chapter 1 Lesson 2: What affects your health?
There are many influences on your health. Some are positive and some are negative. Some are controllable and some are out of your control.

11 Influences On Your Health

12 Influences On Your Health
Heredity Environment Attitude Behavior Health Knowledge Media & Technology TV, Internet, Magazines, Cell Phones What you Know about health Your Choices The way you view situations Your surroundings Physical Neighborhood, Safety, pollution Social The people In your life, peers, family Culture Customs, Beliefs, Traditions Biological Traits

13 Reflection Questions Why is it important to understand the influences on your total health? Describe one way you take care of each of your aspects of health.

14 Assignment Take out a piece of paper and copy the chart on the next page. Fill out the chart and turn it in for credit.

15 Influences on my health
Example Positive affect on my health Negative affect on my health Culture Media/Technology Environment Attitude Behaviors Heredity

16 Think/ Pair/ Share What behaviors do you engage in that are risky to your health?

17 Chapter 1 Lesson 3 Health Risks and Behavior
Knowing your risks will help you avoid them! Chapter 1 Lesson 3 Health Risks and Behavior Risk behaviors –actions that can potentially threaten your health or the health of others RISKS lead to CONSEQUENCES SHORT-TERM Immediately affect health LONG-TERM Affect health over time Chronic Disease- ongoing condition or illness EXAMPLE: Gossiping about a friend Fight with friend Friendship Over EXAMPLE: No exercise over summer Feel Sluggish/ depressed Weigh gain

18 Chapter 1 Lesson 3: Health Risks and Behavior
Cumulative risks Build up over time Eating fast food once in a while= low risk Eating fast food everyday = cumulative risk OR Increase when several risks are taken at one time Cell phone + driving = risk Cell phone + driving + speeding = cumulative risk Chapter 1 Lesson 3: Health Risks and Behavior

19 Chapter 1 Lesson 3: Health Risks and Behavior
6 Risk behaviors that lead to the most common causes of death include: Tobacco Use Unhealthy Diet Lack of Physical Activity Alcohol and Drug Abuse Risky Sexual behavior Behaviors contributing to unintentional injuries

20 Chapter 1 Lesson 3: Health Risks and Behavior
Top leading causes of death among teenagers ages 15-20: Motor Vehicle Accidents Suicide Homicide Malignant Neoplasms (cancers) Heart Disease Congenital Anomalies (birth defects) Influenza Diabetes Respiratory Disease Cerebro-vascular

21 Chapter 1 Lesson 3: Health Risks and Behavior
Top leading causes of death in the US (all ages) Heart Disease Cancer Chronic Respiratory Disease Unintentional Injuries Cerebro-vascular (Stroke) Alzheimer's Diabetes Influenza Nephritis (kidney disease) Suicide

22 Chapter 1 Lesson 3: Health Risks and Behavior
Top leading causes of death among teenagers ages 15-24: Chapter 1 Lesson 3: Health Risks and Behavior

23 Chapter 1 Lesson 3: Health Risks and Behavior
Avoid Risky behavior PREVENTION- take steps to keep risk from happening!!!! (check-ups) Abstinence-to avoid a high risk behaviors (drugs, sex) Choose healthy lifestyle factors: 8 hours of sleep Eat a healthy breakfast Eat a variety of nutritious foods throughout the day Maintain a healthy weight Avoid drugs/ alcohol use Avoid tobacco Exercise

24 Assignment Complete the Health Risk Assessment to Assess your own health and the risks you engage in. Turn in your graph and paragraph reflection.

25 Think/ Pair/ Share What organizations, people, and agencies promote health? (example: your doctor, The Red Cross)

26 Chapter 1 Lesson 4: Promoting Health and Wellness
Healthy People 2020 (Nationwide health promotion and disease prevention plan to serve as a guide for everyone’s health in the US) Goals: Promote the best possible health in order to end preventable death, illness, injury, and disability Eliminate Health disparities (differences in health outcomes) Make wellness a way of life and enhance quality of life for individuals and communities Promote healthy places and environments

27 Chapter 1 Lesson 4: Promoting Health and Wellness
Health Disparities What does the graph tell you? What do you think are the reasons for the disparities? What is the solution?

28 Chapter 1 Lesson 4: Promoting Health and Wellness
What does the graph tell you? What do you think are the reasons for the disparities? What is the solution?

29 Chapter 1 Lesson 4: Promoting Health and Wellness
What is Health Education/Promotion? Education, Outreach, Policy, Research Why is health promotion important in protecting and preserving our overall health?

30 Chapter 1 Lesson 4: Promoting Health and Wellness
Health Literacy: understanding basic health information and services and use these resources to promote one’s health. Knowing where to find health info, know if it is correct, assess the risks and benefits of treatment, figure out how much medicine to take, understand test results A Health-literate person is… Problem solver Responsible Self-directed learner Effective communicator

31 Reflection Questions How can you reduce your risk when it comes to unhealthy behaviors? Why is Health Education Important?

32 Assignment Complete the Health Promotion Organization Project Worksheet and Create a flyer for your organization. Work in groups of 3. You will be assigned a certain organization and need to bring information on the organization to complete the project.

33 Health Promotion Organization
1. Research and get to know your assigned health agency/ organization 2. Give a short description of your agency. What do they do? Who do they help? What are they promoting? What services do they provide? What are their goals/ mission? 3. Who is their target audience? 4. How does this organization relate to or help your health (or the health of your family/ community members) 5. How do they support the Healthy People 2020 goals? 6. What is their contact info?

34 Advertisement Imagine you work for this agency and create an advertisement for the organization. Include the following elements: Description List of services Mission statement (paraphrased if needed) Contact information/ location 2 pictures/ images/ or drawings

35 List of Organizations 1. The Red Cross 2. Project Sister
3. The American Lung Association 4. TRUTH Campaign 5. The American Heart Association 6. The World Health Organization 7. American Academy of Pediatrics 8. Pacer (Anti bullying) 9. The CDC 10. Stomp out bullying 11. AFSP (Suicide Prevention) 12. Healthy Chino 13. NAMI

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