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Natural Selection and Evidence of Evolution

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1 Natural Selection and Evidence of Evolution
REVIEW Station activity or scavenger hunt

2 Question # 1 MATCHING: A. Thomas Malthus B. Charles Lyell C. Alfred Wallace Who came up with the same idea of Natural Selection as Darwin and prompted Darwin to publish his book ?

3 Question # 2 MATCHING: A. Thomas Malthus B. Charles Lyell C. Alfred Wallace Who was the geologist that recognized the Earth is extremely old and changes slowly over time through the rock cycle?

4 Question # 3 MATCHING: A. Thomas Malthus B. Charles Lyell C. Alfred Wallace Who explored population growth in humans and the potential effects of the lack of resources available?

5 Question # 4 Which is NOT an example of Selective Breeding?
Different breeds of cows for milk and beef productions. Various Breeds of dogs Antibiotic Resistance found in bacteria Various flavors that exist in different types of corn crops raised on farms

6 Question # 5 The 1st step of Natural Selection is Inherited Variation
Overproduction Adaptation Successful reproduction Struggle to survive

7 Question # 6 The 2nd step of Natural Selection is Inherited Variation
Overproduction Adaptation Successful reproduction Struggle to survive

8 Question # 7 The 3rd step of Natural Selection is Inherited Variation
Overproduction Adaptation Successful reproduction Struggle to survive

9 Question # 8 The 4th step of Natural Selection is Inherited Variation
Overproduction Adaptation Successful reproduction Struggle to survive

10 Question # 9 The 5th step of Natural Selection is Inherited Variation
Overproduction Adaptation Successful reproduction Struggle to survive

11 Question # 10 What is the 1st step of speciation? Divergence
Separation Adaptation

12 Question # 11 What is the 2nd step of speciation? Divergence
Separation Adaptation

13 Question # 12 What is the 3rd step of speciation? Divergence
Separation Adaptation

14 Question # 13 Which is an example of speciation? Tuskless elephants
Light and dark variations of peppered moths Darwin’s finches Breeds of dogs

15 Question # 14 Which of the following is NOT considered an isolating mechanism that helps to keep a gene pool of a population separate from other species? a. Mating rituals to attract a mate b. Producing more young than will reach adulthood c. Breeding seasons at different times of the year d. Sterile hybrids created from two species breeding

16 Question # 15 Which is the youngest layer? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E

17 Question # 16 Which is older? a. D b. E

18 Question # 17 Which is older B or E? a. B b. E

19 Question # 18 Besides trilobites which other fossil would make a good index fossil? a. b. c.

20 Question # 19 If a half-life of the substance is 100 years, what % of the material is still radioactive after 200 years? 25 50 12.5 6.25

21 Question #20 If 6.25% of the material is still radioactive, how old is the substance being measured if each half-life is 100 years? 100 200 300 400

22 Question # 21 The wings in the dragon fly and butterfly used for flying are: Homologous Vestigial Neither

23 Question # 22 The flightless wings on the kiwi and lousefly are considered: Homologous Vestigial Neither

24 Question # 23 The fins on a shark and dolphin used for swimming are considered: Homologous Vestigial Neither

25 Question # 24 All are features we have in early embryo development that we lose in later stages of development except: Bony tails Gill slits/pouches Fine hairs Three chambered heart

26 ANSWERS C B A E D 11. C 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. A 16. D 17. B 18. B

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