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Public-Private Partnership in Korea

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1 Public-Private Partnership in Korea
11 February 2017 Hee-Dong Yoo

2 Contents Before Starting Current Status Weather Industry Promotion
Public-Private Partnership Activities Future Plan

3 00. Before Starting

4 Why PPP(Public-Private-Partnership)?
only NMHSs with PPP Much more fruitful results

5 Why PPP(Public-Private-Partnership)?
For the sustainable development Limitation of conventional public service driven by NMHSs Prevention of Natural Disasters 1 Forecast accuracy is increasing little by little. Need various services rather than forecast accuracy such as smart warning system Improvement of Life Quality 2 For new services regarding meteorological information Produce new higher value added businesses from PPP not just NMHSs New technologies regarding 4th industrial revolution 3 Combine our service with new technologies such as IoT, Big Data, Cloulding, Mobile. Contribution to the economic growth from PPP

6 01. Current Status

7 The Status of Weather Industry in Korea (2011~2015)
Current Status of Korea ㅇ Korea’s weather industry has begun in the 1990s on a small-scale. As of 2015, the number of weather enterprises reached 309, recording US$ 0.12B in total revenue. ㅇ The number of businesses and the industry size have more than doubled in recent five years. ⇒ Indicating a rapid increase in the weather service industry in Korea The Status of Weather Industry in Korea (2011~2015) Category of Revenue (Unit: million US $) 2015 372 157 322 337 369 136 139 135 84 127EA 165EA 200EA 309EA (No. of businesses) 2011 2012 2013 2014 Scale of weather industry market Revenue in the weather industry 138 244EA Met. Service Met. equipment 88% 12% ㅇ However, 80% of the revenue is heavily dependent on meteorological equipment market. → R&D investment for the new service development is not enough.

8 02. Weather Industry Promotion

9 Public - Private Partnership of KMA
2015 Provided more business opportunities to the private sector by granting the authority to forecast weather to private businesses which meet the requirements. Present Enactment of Specific Law for the Weather Industry Promotion Weather Industry Promotion Act to provide institutional support to promote the weather industry (only specific (solo) Act for weather industry promotion 2005 2009 Offers stronger policy support for private businesses to help them strengthen their capacity, develop services and support start-ups. Establishment of Dedicated Affiliation of KMA for the Meteorological Industry Korea Meteorological Industry Promotion Agency (KMIPA), the Private-Public Partnership of KMA was first developed. Number three, it is the advanced meteorological information sharing system with disaster prevention authorities. KMA established a cloud-based information sharing system in order to assist the disaster prevention related decision-making process of the national or regional authorities. This system enables more than 20,000 officers working at around 500 relevant organizations to be able to see the same information of observation and forecast for as KMA forecasters do for analyzing the weather.

10 Weather Industry Promotion Act
O Objective : To establish a foundation for the development of the weather industry and improvement of its competitiveness to grow the weather industry O Enacted : June 9, 2009 O Main provisions - Establishment of plans to promote the weather industry - Classification and management of the weather industry - Assistance for the weather industry such as for R&D and meteorological equipment - Survey on the weather industry; promotion of the distribution and use of meteorological information - Weather-related licenses and qualification certificates - Roles and responsibilities of KMIPA Secondly, KMA has developed various forecast delivery ways for the public. The digital forecast is mainly delivered to the public through the internet and smart phone and, for public's better understanding, KMA provide additional forecast explanation produced by forecasters through its meteorological broadcasting web page, "Weather-On".

11 03. Public-Private Partnership Activities

12 Roles & Responsibilities in PPP
ㅇ R&R Category Nation (KMA) Private sector Remarks Public forecast service Weather forecast service for the public Produces weather forecast Customized forecast - Several customized forecast services for the specific customers (APP, etc.) Warnings Disaster-related warnings Not available Observations Surface, marine, satellite observations - Provides information to the private sector via KMIPA Observation infrastructure not available Industry support Implements weather industry support policy via KMIPA Public-Private communication Holds regular meetings Attend meetings O KMIPA plays a role of mediator and facilitator between KMA and private businesses.

13 Promote Weather Industry
1. Start-up Support New businesses in climate change and start-up support Discovers new ideas for climate change-related business and form a supporting team Holds a camp for youth start-ups in the climate and weather industry Shares experience of CEOs from successful startup businesses 2. Corporate Support Operates weather company growth support center Provides customized program by growth stage for participating companies during their start-up, management, education, finance, technological development, design, marketing and support after graduation Provides comprehensive business consulting service

14 Promote Weather Industry
3. Financial Support Financial support for meteorological enterprises & excellent companies in weather management Lowering interest rates on business loan 4. Weather and Climate Industry Exhibition Held by : Korea Meteorological Administration Hosted by : Korea Meteorological Industry Promotion Agency Composition : meteorological exhibition, meteorological industrial technology seminar, climate consultation

15 04. Future Plans

16 Domestic and International Cooperation
Domestic future plan 2020 Targets Increase the revenue of revenue in the weather industry US$ 0.12B to 0.18B 1 Improvement of category structure 2 Met. Equipment vs. Met Service 88:12 to 50:50 Future Plan for International Coopertation Support a solution for PPP – Three Elements One Package 1 ① Equipment ② Software : i) simple monitoring ii) DB iii) Advanced Forecasting System iv) NWP system ③ Telecommunication Infrastructure

17 Beyond WMO affairs The rate of world economic growth (World Economic Forum, 2015) over 5% (before 2008 (Sub Prime)) about 2% (after 2008~2015) Centennial slump, Secular stagnation PPP is a new power pulling the economic growth If we pull the rate of economic growth about 2% → 2.5%. Great contribution to the our lives in the world. Overcome economical crisis with the PPP Each member country has its own role for the PPP, whatever it’s economic condition RAII can be the leading Region not only for the WMO affairs, but for the mankind.

18 Thank You

19 Climatological Environment in Korea
Geographical environment and complex topography → Distinct seasons and big regional differences in weather 2-3 typhoons directly affect the Peninsula Relatively big change in climate A small territory, but with a variety of severe weather [Over the last decade] ㅇCaused yearly $ 1.7 billion in property damage and $ 2.7 billion in disaster recovery ㅇCauses : Heavy rain: 59%, Typhoons: 27%, Heavy Snow:12%, Winds & waves: 2% ㅇ Recently, damages caused by Asian Dust, heat wave, cold wave, fog and drought have a growing impact on people and industries, creating new social issues ⇒ Rapidly increasing demands for Met Services from the nation and the public

20 ㅇ Korea’s weather services have been rapidly grown and expanded since 1945.
Weather information has become widely used in various areas; the public's demands for customized service have been growing, requiring more cooperation with public sector. ㅇ Korea has successfully established advanced meteorological services for the short period of time. ㅇ Korea have experienced trials and errors but learned lessons and know-hows. ㅇ Korea can serve as a role model for countries trying to advance their services 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 1945 2010 Launched COMS satellite 2008 Digital Forecast 2005 Established KMIPA 1999 Introduced Supercomputer 1995 Established COMIS 1961 Enacted the Weather Service Act 1991 NWP 1956 Joined WMO 1949 Established Central Meteorological Office 1988 Installed AWS

21 Basic Plan for the promotion of weather industry (2016-2020)
Purpose To improve the capability of weather businesses to increase the value of the weather industry VISION 4 Strategies with 12 tasks Demand generation in Met. service Support system for weather businesses Commercialization of R&D 1. Improve competitiveness of private weather services 2. Promote the weather management 3. Increase the value of Met. information 1. Support weather –related startups 2. Increase support for the growth of weather businesses 3. Help make entry into overseas market 1. Train professionals 2. Establish cooperation system for the weather industry 3. Improve business-friendly system 1. Establish a foundation to commercialize R&D technologies 2. Activate technology trading 3. Support market-oriented R&D Expansion of weather industry infrastructure

22 2020 Targets 01 02 03 04 For shared growth
ㅇ To date, public and private cooperation has been led by the public sector. → Now we need to pursue growth where both public and private sectors can enjoy together. 2020 Targets Generate demands for weather service 01 Increase the revenue in the weather industry from KRW 140B to 200B Increase the revenue in the weather services from KRW 4.4B to 10B Establish support system for weather businesses 02 Expand support for startups from 9 to 20 startups Increase the export sales of weather businesses from KRW 8.4B to 20B 03 Expand R&D in the weather industry Boost R&D investment in the weather industry from KRW 70B to 30B Train workforce in the weather industry 04 Increase the number of holders of weather- related license and qualification certificate from 280 to 500

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