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Trainers Meeting March 27, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Trainers Meeting March 27, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trainers Meeting March 27, 2015

2 Attendance Barbara Donaldson Monique Gaultier - SHSS Helena Wall
Stacey Loeppky - SHSS Julie Hesketh Erin Murphy - NHR Joan Wheatley Bissoon Carolyn McCusker -NHR Tatenda Bwawa Pam Noseworthy -NHR Brenda Sanderson - AMC Michell Thorne – NHR Arielle Goldman Smith – MB Health Terry Noort - NHR Marleen Jonker - IEHR Corinne Adams - WRHA Shannon Whaley - PMH Ann-Marie Chanel - SHSS Heather Dowling - SHSS

3 Agenda Training Environment Outage
Production Environment Outage Window MOH Training Updates to Training Materials Interface User Immunization Default Settings Chart Audits Roundtable – Resource Sharing

4 Training Environment Outage
Next week March 30, 31 the training environment will be down to allow the technical team to add the patches, hot fixes and changes that will keep the environment up-to-date with production Environment will be back up on April 1 Trainers will receive notification No data will be removed

5 Production Environment Outage Window
Regular outage window was recommended Wednesday nights after 6:00pm the production environment may not be available Notifications will not be sent as this will be a regular occurance

6 MOH Training Project Team is finishing up a presentation that can be used to train/update MOHs or other senior managers Presentation provides high level overview of Panorama and its features

7 Training Material Updates
Pluralized the information in the boxes to indicate that multiple agents can be recorded at the same time and included text to reflect this in the Points to Remember section QRC 2.2 Recording Non Provider Recorded Immunizations QRC 2.3 Recording Provider Recorded Immunizations



10 Training Material Updates (Cont…)
Corrected one of the QRCs QRC 3.6 Adding Multiple Students to a list removed the last 3 boxes (Click on the calendar, Schedule the forecaster, Click save)


12 Training Material Updates (Cont.)
Indicated in the Points to Remember that you need to add a provider to the event before you can add students QRC 3.2 Creating a Mass Imms Event QRC 3.5 Updating a Mass Imms Event QRC 3.6 Adding Multiple Students to a Mass Imms Event QRC 3.7 Adding an Individual to a Mass Imms Event



15 NEW QRCS 3.16 Attaching an Inactive Client to A Mass Immunization Event Most common reason for a client having an Inactive status is “Temporary work permit”. These clients actually are insured by MB Health but with an end date so Panorama does not recognize this correctly. We are working on a solution for this. These clients do not need to contact MB Health about their coverage. 3.17 Managing Clients Incorrectly Created Through Client Upload Clients are being inadvertently created during the Client upload process when the client name and PHIN do not match and the PHIN does not belong to anyone else in MB



18 Additional Changes To Come
New QRC or Update to Points to remember re: What to do if consent is inadvertently granted on the wrong client record. New QRC or Update to Points to Remember re: How to update/delete a special consideration New QRC or Tip Sheet on how to manage inactive clients Troubleshooting Document Update Forecaster Tip Sheet (Will expand to include definitions and indicate that inactive clients aren’t forecasted) New Inventory QRCs for physical count, returns and ASC QRC 4.6 – Adjust inventory will be revised to include adjusting in a new lot number e.g. vaccine received from another holding point

19 Interfaces and data entering
We are seeing some duplicate entries because some clerks are entering immunizations into MIMS after the PHNs are entering into Panorama Remind clerks that they do not need to enter if the PHN is entering Joan is reviewing all the duplicates in MIMS and Panorama and also all the updates made to Panorama immunizations Client registry is back up and running

20 User Immunization Default Settings
Confirm with users that defaults have been set (QRC 0.2) Set Historical Immunizations to “No” in Immunization Defaults. This will be added to QRC 0.2. (explanatory slides attached ) Project Team is reviewing the advice originally provided to clarify the implications of settings and will share the results with the trainers group May impact current settings Will take into account entry for non-public health sites, travel clinics, historical entries

21 Roundtable – Resource Sharing
Chart audits NH trainers are monitoring users Likely that we will need to track audits for privacy accountability purposes Joan will let Project Coordinators know if there are user issues that could be addressed by trainers or managers Regional resources to be placed on the Panorama website Excel Tip Sheet -Southern Excel Tip Sheet WRHA FAQs - Southern

22 Questions/Future Agenda Items
Travel nurse settings (slides attached) Notes feature – when to use this, what to include in Panorama vs EMR or paper chart Next meeting May 1, 2015 User default settings continued Notes in Panorama Chart Audits

23 Immunization Defaults: Historical Immunization Settings

24 Historical Yes vs Historical No
Historical “Yes” - the default settings will apply to the historical immunizations recorded e.g. it will appear as though the recorder was also the provider of the immunization. Historical “No” means that the provider and SDL will remain blank but it will record that the user “created” the historical immunization documentation at the bottom of the page like this:

25 Historical Immunization as “No”
Recommended basic default setting is No Immunization defaults will not be applied to historical immunization details *this will not prevent you from entering historical immunizations

26 Historical No This does not prevent the user from entering historical immunizations Historical “No” will not apply the default settings to historical immunizations Historical “No” will record that the user “created” the historical immunization documentation at the bottom of the page this:

27 Historical Yes Historical “Yes” - the default settings will be applied to the historical immunizations recorded If there is a provider select in the immunization default , it will record the Provider as the provider of the historical immunization If there is an SDL selected in the immunization default, it will record this SDL as the SDL of the historical immunization Potential Uses for Historical Yes: PHN Travel nurse documenting the immunizations that they have administered themselves via Add historical details (QRC 2.4 Clerk entering multiple historical immunizations for known provider and/or SDL where details are desired or required (QRC 2.1) e.g. flu shots given at a PCH, immunizations given by a salaried physician who does not shadow bill

28 Travel Health Defaults

29 Recommended Immunization Defaults: Travel Health
Make the following changes: Historical – Yes Provider – enter your name and select SDL – select Travel clinic Save Your settings will look like this… Panorama implications are this …. Will apply default settings to historical immunization Will record Provider as immunizer Will record correct SDL Will not auto decrement from displayed HP for Add Historical Immunizations Will allow you to enter historical immunizations

30 Documentation of Travel vaccine will look like this if lot number is available from the drop-down…
Comments are optional

31 Documentation of Travel vaccine will look like this if lot number is not available from the drop-down… Enter vaccine details here

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