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Delivering transport and growth

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1 Delivering transport and growth
James White TravelWatch SouthWest 7 October 2017 The West of England Combined Authority (WECA) covers Bath & North East Somerset, Bristol and South Gloucestershire.
WECA also supports the Local Enterprise Partnership and Joint Committee, which includes North Somerset.

2 Where we are West of England Combined Authority covers Bath and North East Somerset, Bristol & South Gloucestershire The LEP also incorporates North Somerset and Business Population of 1,131,300 90% of residents work within the area

3 6th/8 City-region LEP areas
Key facts and figures 43.6% degree level 36.8% West of England England 13.5% Business Birth Rate 2014 6th/8 City-region LEP areas 26th/39 LEP areas Aerospace – 9 out of 12 of the largest aerospace companies

4 Key challenges “Our vision is to be a beacon of growth and innovation; a place where everyone has the opportunity to reach their potential and where prosperity delivers for everybody.” Productivity is leveling off Skill shortages constrain growth across key sectors Region’s transport system is under strain Housing delivery and affordability is a critical issue Broadband speed and connectivity is variable Future growth must be more environmentally sustainable Pockets of deprivation

5 Congestion

6 Key transport challenges
The scale of the challenge NOW Congestion costs £300m Peak time average speed mph (23.7mph nationally) 300 deaths per year in Bristol attributable to poor air quality (1 death per 1,500 population, compared with 1 death per 2,200 nationally) 29% of C02 emissions are from transport (24% nationally) 64% travel to work by car (highest of all core city regions) 8.8% of journeys by public transport (lowest of all core city regions) 2026 Congestion costs £500m Delays up 17% 2036 Congestion costs £800m Delays up 40% Vehicle trips up 26% Time spent queuing up 74% Journey time up 9% C02 emissions up 22%

7 Where there has been investment in buses, rail and cycling we are experiencing unprecedented levels of growth. We need to build on this. Cycling growing by 10% per year Due to Cycling City, Local Sustainable Transport Fund, Cycling Ambition Fund and Travel Access Fund. Bus passengers up by 7% in 2015/16, while nationally numbers fell by 0.6% and by 1.5% in other Core City regions. Due to Greater Bristol Bus Network investment, First Bus fares policy review, residents’ parking scheme rollout. Rail passengers up by 56% since 2008 and by 122% on the Severn Beach Line. Second highest growth in UK, from 0.5m to 1.4m passengers a year. Due to service improvements and enhanced stations and publicity.

8 Transport devolution powers
Joint Local Transport Plan Concessionary travel Supported bus services Real Time Information Community Transport Key Route Network Clean Air Zones Bus franchising £30m West of England Investment Fund per year

9 Growth now Cribbs Patchway New Neighbourhood 5,700 homes North Yate
Somerdale (Keynsham) 700 homes Weston-super-Mare 11,000 homes Somer Valley Enterprise Zone 2,000 jobs

10 Growth to 2036 - Joint Spatial Plan
By 2036: 105,000 new homes 82,500 jobs

11 Key Principles Quick, frequent, reliable
Segregated routes - `think tram, do bus’ Connected to key destinations Smart and integrated ticketing Distinctive, high quality vehicles High quality interchange facilities e.g. bus stops, footpath links, cycle storage etc. Opportunity for feeder (`complementary’) bus services to also benefit from core routes. Where possible, good parallel walking and cycling facilities.

12 Routes

13 Tickets to be bought before boarding
iPoints Online Smartcards Mobile apps Local shop Use your existing elderly / disabled pass

14 MetroWest

15 Revised scheme costs Network Rail GRIP 3 (Outline design) completed.
Scheme cost now £145m to £175m for 2 trains per hour service. £58m funding available so scheme is currently unaffordable and unlikely to attract sufficient additional funding.


17 Developing the Transport Vision
Support Economic Growth Reduce Carbon Emissions Quality of Life & Environment Safety, Health & Security Promote Accessibility Twenty year strategy to address current challenges and accommodate future growth Importance and wider benefits of our strategic network Closely linked to the Emerging Spatial Strategy Working with Highways England as study partner Scale of Ambition Evolving transport technology

18 Transport Vision

19 Public Transport Park & Ride MetroBus Mass Transit

20 Costs Outturn cost Behaviour Change £0.65 billion
Strategic Cycle Routes £0.4 billion Bus Network £0.35 billion MetroBus £0.63 billion Mass Transit £2.6 billion + Park & Ride £0.2 billion Rail £1.0 billion Road Network £3.1 billion Total £8.9 billion +

21 By 2036 Improve connectivity in the region to increase access to jobs, reduce congestion and promote sustainable transport choices.

22 Questions?

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